Created at 02/25/2023 01:51
#c1c6bf HEX Color Nickel Plate information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c1c6bf | RGB(193, 198, 191) |
RGB values are RGB(193, 198, 191)
#c1c6bf color contain Red 75.69%, Green 77.65% and Blue 74.9%.
Color Names of #c1c6bf HEX code
Nickel Plate Color
Alternative colors of Nickel Plate #c1c6bf
Opposite Color for Nickel Plate is #c3bec5
#c1c6bf Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c1c6bf Nickel Plate
hsl(103, 6%, 76%)
hsla(103, 6%, 76%, 1)
RGB(193, 198, 191)
RGBA(193, 198, 191, 1)
Palettes for #c1c6bf color Nickel Plate:
Below examples of color palettes for #c1c6bf HEX color
darkest color is #131413 from shades and lightest color is #f9f9f9 from tints
Shades palette of #c1c6bf:
Tints palette of #c1c6bf:
Complementary palette of #c1c6bf:
Triadic palette of #c1c6bf:
Square palette of #c1c6bf:
Analogous palette of #c1c6bf:
Split-Complementary palette of #c1c6bf:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c1c6bf:
Color Nickel Plate #c1c6bf used in palettes (44)
Red Contrast, Fire Opal, Overgrown Citadel, Rakuda Brown, Yarrow, Donkey Kong, Orange Avant-Garde, Lime Candy Pearl, Sheffield, Ab Slime, Purple Rhapsody, Nickel Plate palette Bricktone, Tatami Tan, Green Moray, Nickel Plate palette Cedar Grove, Roman Purple, Independence, Nickel Plate, Lovely Harmony palette Irish Jig, Balanced Beige, Nickel Plate palette Honolulu Blue, Regal Red, Nickel Plate, Urban Bird palette Coral Tree, Deathclaw Brown, Sunny Summer, Seasoned Apple Green, Caribbean Blue, Crystal Seas, Toffee Tan, Stepping Stone, Aleutia Baked Salmon, Hidden Meadow, Eminence, Kirchner Green, Albert Green, Pirat's Wine, Grey Pink, Nickel Plate, Antoinette Pink palett November Dust Gunmetal Green, Spicy Tomato, Approval Green, Mint Morning, Hollyhock Bloom, Love Potion, Usu Pink, Mythical Blue, Nickel Plate, I Iced Mocha, October Leaves, Heart of Gold, Guo Tie Dumpling, Kings Yellow, Tapestry Teal, Neon Violet, Rose, Tamarillo, Raven Nigh Ceylon Yellow, Learning Green, Krypton Green, Verdigris, Fresh Blue of Bel Air, Midnight, Blackened Brown, Reddy Brown, Thermal, G Butter Nut, Pedestrian Lemon, Vivacious Violet, Forest Floor, Caramel Cloud, Nickel Plate, Dream Vapor, Honeysweet, Rain Water pal Jaipur, Rattan Basket, Echo Park, Aquarius Mood Indigo, Flamingo Queen, Exotic Orchid, Flirt, Raspberry Radiance, Cherrywood, Gedd Whisky Barrel, Leather Satchel, Mud Yellow, Fluorescent Red Orange, Mochito, Sports Blue, Pink Charge, Really Teal, Black Plum, Wa Hot Orange, Orange Jelly, Vegan Mastermind, Sheltered Bay, Experience, Indigo Sloth, Dried Chamomile, Lost Lake, Nickel Plate pale Ceramic Pot, Greenish Blue, Rich Blue, King's Plum Pie, Azure Dragon, Mask, Matte Grey, Victoriana palette Sedge Grasses, Bluey, Pericallis Hybrida, Spring Lobster Dye, Nocturnal Rose, Elite Teal, Urban Jungle, Dutch Jug, Winter Chime, S Dirt Yellow, Victorian Crown, Drab, Space Convoy, Kandinsky Turquoise, Purple Rain, Gooseberry, Infrared Flush, Purple Velvet, Nic Sweet Earth, Fleshtone Shade Wash, Strawberry Wine, Chubby Kiss, Red Icon, T-Rex Fossil, Kingfisher Turquoise, Pastel Purple, Bana Donkey Brown, Silence is Golden, Durotar Fire, Subtle Turquoise, Pomp and Power, Candy Drop, Blue Sash, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Zi Red Violet, Umbral Umber, Myrtle Flower, Nickel Plate palette Harley Davidson Orange, Magic Malt, Soft Bronze, Devil’s Butterfly, Salmon Eggs, Electric Yellow, Exit Light, Intergalactic Ray, V Crimson Red, Namakabe Brown, Northern Barrens Dust, Free Speech Aquamarine, Purple Pizzazz, Long Spring, Vevet Outbreak, Apple II Chinese Red, Green Woodpecker Olive, Marron Canela, Autumn Leaf, Bermuda Grey, Zeftron, Juneberry, Bunting, Whitney Oaks, Autumn G Topaz Yellow, Standing Ovation, Nickel Plate palette Tawny Brown, Butter Nut, Alien Parasite, Pixie Powder, Realm, Virtual Pink, Madonna palette Willow Tree, Sinister Minister palette Tomato Baby, Morning Dew, Nickel Plate, Dust of the Moon palette Red Alert, Smoky Forest, Mr Mustard, Allium, Blue Bottle, Sugar Pie, Nickel Plate, Mediterranean Charm palette Loquat Brown, Crayola Orange palette Piercing Red, Dallol Yellow, Duvall, Sail Maker, Angela Canyon, Club Cruise, Alchemy, Glossy Gold palette Tropic Tide, Perfect Ocean, Bootstrap Leather, Bayberry Wax, Solstice palette Northampton Trees, Lava Stone, French Pear, Distinct Purple, Nickel Plate, Secret Blush, Out of Blue palette Ruby Red, Autumn Pine Green, Myrtle Deep Green, Acadia, Stone Violet, Autumn Malt, Nickel Plate, Buttered Popcorn palette Evil Centipede, Pretty Parasol, Southwestern Clay, Caramelize, Greenish, Malibu, French Wine, Jedi Night, Deep Forest, Pine Crush, Chrysocolla Dark Green, Soot, Nickel Plate, Powdered Gold, Individual White palette Quantum of Light, Morning at Sea, Coffee Diva, Taupe Tapestry, Victory Lake, Future Vision palette Red Blooded, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Mustard Seed, Green Bottle, Pinot Noir, Atelier palette Chocolate Moment, Adventure of the Seas, Raspberry Mousse, Safflowerish Sky palette Cuban Sand, Nickel Plate, Great Joy, Eastern Wind palette Frenzy, Vivid Orange Peel, Smoky Emerald, Serrano Pepper palette Amazonian, Orangeville, Impatient Pink, Warm Onyx, Snapdragon, Nickel Plate palette Tanbark Trail, Barbie Pink, Kuwazome Red, Metallic Copper palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c1c6bf with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c1c6bf Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c1c6bf Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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