Created at 03/05/2023 18:48
#c2bbbf HEX Color Registra information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c2bbbf | RGB(194, 187, 191) |
RGB values are RGB(194, 187, 191)
#c2bbbf color contain Red 76.08%, Green 73.33% and Blue 74.9%.
Color Names of #c2bbbf HEX code
Registra Color
Alternative colors of Registra #c2bbbf
Opposite Color for Registra is #bcc2bf
#c2bbbf Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c2bbbf Registra
hsl(326, 5%, 75%)
hsla(326, 5%, 75%, 1)
RGB(194, 187, 191)
RGBA(194, 187, 191, 1)
Palettes for #c2bbbf color Registra:
Below examples of color palettes for #c2bbbf HEX color
darkest color is #131313 from shades and lightest color is #f9f8f9 from tints
Shades palette of #c2bbbf:
Tints palette of #c2bbbf:
Complementary palette of #c2bbbf:
Triadic palette of #c2bbbf:
Square palette of #c2bbbf:
Analogous palette of #c2bbbf:
Split-Complementary palette of #c2bbbf:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c2bbbf:
Color Registra #c2bbbf used in palettes (47)
Registra Pixie Green, Registra, Barrett Quince, Tactile palette Brittlebush, Hyperpop Green, Registra, Organza Peach palette Registra, Pallid Flesh palette Persian Mosaic, Liberty, Ruby Crystal, Dark Mineral, Yuma Gold, Registra, Dull Lavender, Iced Apricot palette Méi Gūi Hóng Red, Let It Ring, Streusel Cake, Electric Yellow, Jade Lime, Registra, Ice Cold Green, Napery palette Nori Seaweed Green, Dark Navy, Painite, Wasabi Peanut, Registra, Red Perfume, Cocoa Parfait palette Heirloom Tomato, Rio Red, Mountain Road, Peaches of Immortality, Fly Agaric, Chinese Black, Betel Nut Dye, Lichen, Colorado Dawn, Often Orange, Butterfly Green, Paprika, Savannah Grass, Lunar Surface, Registra, Olive Bread palette Clove Dye, Epsom, Green Dragon, English Channel, Beacon Blue, Iris Petal, Prunella, Aruba Blue, Windswept Canyon, Registra, Elfin Red Brown, Amarantha Red, Outback, Vibrant Orchid, Cape Storm, Registra, French Taupe, Tinted Rosewood, Cachet Cream palette Dried Basil, Sōdenkaracha Brown, Ferrous, Copper River, Twisted Blue, Green Balsam, Finesse, Celandine Green, Registra, White Coff Choco Chic, Gargoyle Gas, Buzzards Bay, Jadestone, Blue Tourmaline, Kōrozen, Aquamarine Ocean, Heirloom Rose, Only Natural, Regist Left on Red, Auric, Golden Yellow, Orange Delight, Dark Citron, Putting Green, In the Vines, Baby Bok Choy, Dancing Wand, Lavender Pleasant Pomegranate, Baby Burro, Caramel Brown, Celestial Alien, Maui Blue, Scooter, Velvet Rose, Honed Soapstone, Forgotten Gold Pie Safe, Amber Leaf, Tandoori Spice, French Diamond, Chakra, Far Away Grey, Anthracite Blue, Asphalt Blue, Urbane Bronze, Wenge, Myrtle Pepper, Rice Curry, Mahogany Finish, Mimolette Orange, Persimmon Orange, Zingiber, Duckling Fluff, Chlorophyll Green, Monte Fiery Red, Scorzonera Brown, Black Safflower, Dark Turquoise, Brattle Spruce, Lively Lilac, Nature Spirits, Registra, Holiday Road Peach Bloom, Golden Glitter Storm, Tutti Frutti, Jack Rabbit, Registra palette Butter Caramel, Baklava, Tuscan Herbs, Onion Seedling, April Fool's Red, Shinbashi Azure, Camouflage Green, Périgord Truffle, Camp Market Melon, Stil De Grain Yellow, Sea Sparkle, Matt Black, Night Blue, Naggaroth Night, Fairway, Crystal Gem, Bright Sepia, Clay Caramel Macchiato, Brave Orange, Amulet, Mochito, Free Speech Green, Pretty Puce, Rubine, Registra, Wallis palette Rice Curry, Mellow Coral, Whimsical Blue, Winter Lakes, Desert Rose, Copra, Elemental Grey, Dwarf Rabbit, Peppermint Pie, Marseill Farm Straw, Purplue, Currant Jam, Oxford Blue, Ai Indigo, Bijoux Green, Dover Plains, Concept Beige, Registra, French Limestone pa Kauai, Island Aqua, Distant Thunder, Spaceman, Dusty Red, Rosy Pink, Heart to Heart, Registra, Orchid Hue, Desert Sunrise, Cosmeti Usumoegi Green, Pacifica, Deep Carmine, Bijoux Green, Rainmaster, Royal Proclamation, Registra, Little Princess palette Ranch Mink, Incandescence, Into the Green, Greenish Grey palette Medal Bronze, Country Cork, Registra, China Doll palette Mossy Statue, Rockwall Vine, Smalt, Heavy Metal, Registra palette Warm Brown, Stone Mason, Estate Blue, Serene Stream, Hazy Rose palette Lion, Eccentric Magenta, York Beige, Registra, Bellini, Pebble Stone palette Indulgent Warm Earth, Comfrey, Dangerously Elegant, Clarinet, Acadia palette Plunge, Stone Creek palette Aged Olive, Ash Brown, Orangeville, Melon Red, Volcanic Glass, Chalcedony, Registra, Weekend Retreat palette Sweet Sparrow, Weissbier, Durango Blue, Pacific Sea Teal, Cub, Shining Knight palette Candy Pink, Townhouse Taupe, Registra palette Timber Wolf, Ridgecrest, Chōjicha Brown, Ibis Wing, Sun Crete, Bright Mango, Pink Parakeet, Rouge Red, Blue Ash, Bruised Bear, Vel Galley Gold, Sequesta, Carol's Purr, Pharaoh's Seas, Serrano Pepper, Registra palette Angel Shark, Grass, Cyanara, Hyperpop Green, Goody Two Shoes, Frosty Green, Coral Springs, Registra palette Mud-Dell, Fiddler, Pervenche, Registra, Wisteria Fragrance palette Salted Caramel, Goldsmith, Quiet Green, Registra, Venetian Yellow palette Arabesque, Mediterranean Swirl, Climbing Ivy, Magic Carpet, Pink Discord, Raffia Cream, Grape Illusion palette Bubonic Brown, Ionian, River Fountain, Purple Honeycreeper, Blue Tang, Soft Fuchsia, Registra, Positively Pink palette Breath of Fire, Mossy Woods, Razzberries, Dreamless Sleep, Resolute Blue palette Coral Tree, Ironstone, Grog Yellow, Madeira Brown, Coastal Fjord, Maxi Teal, Sultry Smoke, Àn Zǐ Purple, Beetroot, Calligraphy, Fo Number 8
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c2bbbf with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c2bbbf Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c2bbbf Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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