Created at 02/23/2023 20:21

#c4b49c HEX Color Windsor Greige information

RGB values are RGB(196, 180, 156)
#c4b49c color contain Red 76.86%, Green 70.59% and Blue 61.18%.

Color Names of #c4b49c HEX code

Windsor Greige, Khaki (HTML/CSS), Tan, Tranquil Sea Color

Classification of #c4b49c color

#c4b49c is Light and Warm Color
Tint of tan
#c4b49c RGB(196, 180, 156)
Opposite Color for Windsor Greige is #9cacc4

#c4b49c Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c4b49c

hsl(36, 25%, 69%)
hsla(36, 25%, 69%, 1)
RGB(196, 180, 156)
RGBA(196, 180, 156, 1)

Palettes for #c4b49c color:

Below examples of color palettes for #c4b49c HEX color

darkest color is #141210 from shades and lightest color is #f9f8f5 from tints

Shades palette of #c4b49c:
Tints palette of #c4b49c:
Complementary palette of #c4b49c:
Triadic palette of #c4b49c:
Square palette of #c4b49c:
Analogous palette of #c4b49c:
Split-Complementary palette of #c4b49c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c4b49c:

Color Windsor Greige #c4b49c used in palettes (50)

Texture binx mid-century character art colors Branding © yoga perdana yp design colors Print typography sad illustration Modern calligraphy fonts collection sans serif hex colors Dance music design gradient colors Illustration mouth texture aligator colors Pitch deck design graphic investor business presentation colors Ui xd uidesign figma design colors Coin logo branding designtokens hex colors Ui website ukraine font Loading video homepage ui palette Ui uxdesign colors app Craft beer food and bev logo apparel Digital responsive ui luxury Print bookmark Learning platform adobe photoshop academy javascript colors palette Uidesign vintage colors design palette Multicolor icon design ui colours Web design daily colors palette 581 Tucson experiment cactus typography colours Girls character design funny hex colors Stars planet summer night Typogaphy typeface brand branding colours Illustration ai design book colors palette Art design illustration architecture Design system minimal dashboard sidenav hex colors Type centered color stretched Logo ux ui design colors palette Illustration hex colors Landing page web furniture design Logo design typography font colors palette Jab ui ux design colours Ux illustration ui app colours Linework installation metal sign palette Videogames gaming illustration nintendo colors palette 2d designer design adobe photoshop colors Branding plan vector best palette Illustration tractor minimal bicycle hex colors Interfaces cinema4d 3d illustration colors Ecommerce shop ux app typography colours 2d illustration design colors palette Sunflower Full_V2 A glass of wine illustration alone cat hex colors App dailyui ui design Sunflower Full Dashboard table preferences user interface Identity custom type logo alphabet palette Package design badges branding austin Package design illustration austin branding Sunflower Full + Yellow

Image Windsor Greige #c4b49c color png