Created at 02/23/2023 15:30
#c7d4d7 HEX Color Polished Cotton information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c7d4d7 | RGB(199, 212, 215) |
RGB values are RGB(199, 212, 215)
#c7d4d7 color contain Red 78.04%, Green 83.14% and Blue 84.31%.
Color Names of #c7d4d7 HEX code
Polished Cotton Color
Alternative colors of Polished Cotton #c7d4d7
Fairfax Grey
Blue Lullaby
Blue Cypress
Bit of Heaven
Ash Tree Bark
Alice White
Alexandrian Sky
light grey
A Dime a Dozen
Opposite Color for Polished Cotton is #d7c9c6
#c7d4d7 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c7d4d7 Polished Cotton
hsl(191, 17%, 81%)
hsla(191, 17%, 81%, 1)
RGB(199, 212, 215)
RGBA(199, 212, 215, 1)
Palettes for #c7d4d7 color Polished Cotton:
Below examples of color palettes for #c7d4d7 HEX color
darkest color is #141515 from shades and lightest color is #f9fbfb from tints
Shades palette of #c7d4d7:
Tints palette of #c7d4d7:
Complementary palette of #c7d4d7:
Triadic palette of #c7d4d7:
Square palette of #c7d4d7:
Analogous palette of #c7d4d7:
Split-Complementary palette of #c7d4d7:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c7d4d7:
Suggested colors palettes for #c7d4d7 HEX:
Color Polished Cotton #c7d4d7 used in palettes (50)
p Camel Cardinal, Baroque, Sultan Gold, Wild Caribbean Green, Dark Room, Winter Shadow, Southern Blue, Migol Blue, Magenta Stream, S Corkboard, Silence is Golden, Champagne Grape, Polished Cotton, Atmospheric Pressure palette Bucking Bronco, Angel's Trumpet, Pine Leaves, Woad Indigo, Garden Glow, Pharaoh's Seas, Billabong, Ce Soir, Purplex, Kung Fu, Bala Themeda Japonica, Magenta Haze, Royal Gold, Red Perfume, Polished Cotton palette Early Spring, Savannah Grass, Coriander, Polished Cotton, Cafe Cream palette Romantic Night, False Puce, Mincemeat, Flesh Wash, Red Cabbage, Dark Tone Ink, Warm Asphalt, Spring Rain, Auburn Wave, Romantic Po Sepia Tint, Pompeian Pink, Shebang, Hawkesbury, Fern Flower, Georgian Revival Blue, Sail On, Neon Purple, Wenge Black, Hereford Co Bullfighters Red, Charcoal Plum, Plum Blue, Polished Cotton palette Cress Green, Polished Cotton palette Bird’s Eye, Gorse Yellow Orange, Skipper, Deep Wisteria, Nocturnal Flight, Restoration, Fennelly, Shagreen, Insightful Rose, Pink Spice Bazaar, Green Venom, Spearmint, Bright Greek, Grape Parfait, Broomstick, Riding Boots, Pastel Lilac, Solitary State, Tuscan Corkboard, Coconut Husk, Raw Umber, Blue Olympus, Lavender Crystal, In the Vines, Kenpō Brown, Nereus, Cotton Flannel, Frosted Fer Woodland Nymph, Groovy, Arsenic, Lamp Post, Dark Pewter, Adorable, Peaches'n'Cream, Polished Cotton, Blue Rice palette Real Red, Araigaki Orange, Scarabœus Nobilis, Storm Front, Mystic Maroon, Moonless Night, Ink Blue, Grapeshot, Buffhide, Love-Stru Mossy Rock, Fortune Red, Gold Estate, Tool Green, Durotar Fire, Moss Ring, Tropical Kelp, Sojourn Blue, Cedar Wood Finish, Brook G Grill Master, Apple Wine, Spike, Storm Front, Mauve Glow, Fuchsia Rose, Black Sand, Ruskin Room Green, Polished Cotton palette Tudor Tan, Blue Cruise, Kon, Oliva Oscuro, Greige, Misty Valley, Peppermint Twist, Coral Green, Polished Cotton palette Wageningen Green, Tournament Field, Simply Green, Cotton Indigo, Aged Wine, Purple Starburst, Stone Creek, Dreyfus, Paspalum Grass Regal Azure, San Marino, Zaffre, Smalt, Red Wine Vinegar, Shallow Water Ground palette Badlands Sunset, Rose Dawn, Desert, Pinkadelic, Green Eyes, English Forest, Squant, Chamomile Tea, Crestline, Ice Grey, Polished C Quiver, Lemon Poppy, Five Star, Blue Regatta, Plunge, Typhus Corrosion, Indigo Iron, Preserve, Alpine Air, Grey Ashlar, Waterspout Fungi, Crail, Purplex, Magnificence, Verde Tortuga, Simply Taupe, Warm Cocoon palette Caramelized Pecan, Flower Field, False Cypress, Pavlova, White Spruce palette Tapa, Purpureus, Kobicha, Ancient Olive, Picholine, Cardamom palette Army Issue, Yellow Mask, Terrain, Spartan Blue, Blue Grey, Batik Pink, Classic Brown, Hazy Mauve, Polished Cotton palette Back to School, Glazed Persimmon, Lime Shot, Green Granite, Lilac Rose, Rojo Marrón, Uguisu Brown, Chard, Ponder, Inuit Ice, Jetst Texas Sunset, Indian Peafowl, Heartless, Night Grey, Stainless Steel, Pewter Tray palette Jungle Trail, Lagoon Rock, Gulfstream, Pink Discord, Zephyr, Almond Silk, Feng Shui, Polished Cotton, Mabel palette Vestige, Empress Teal, Green Glutton, Ocean Wave, Porous Stone, Daisy Chain, Polished Cotton, Light Light Lichen palette Oro, The Fifth Sun, Belly Flop, Enigmatic, Dolomite Red, Sugar Coral, Kaitoke Green, Gobo Brown, Mysterious Mauve, Forever Green, Chat Orange, Witch Hazel, Boston Fern, Diroset, Blue Atoll, Witchcraft, Sand Pebble, Tsunami, Puce, Polished Cotton, Urban Bird pa Clove Brown, Emperor's Gold, Corralize, Fabulous Frog, Harbour Blue, Nightly Violet, Peaceful Glade, Feldspar Silver, Canary Feath Blue Oblivion, Meadow Flower, Opulent Mauve, Su-Nezumi Grey, Cucumber Cream, Polished Cotton, Butter Lettuce palette Gingko Leaf, Enigma, Royal Indigo, Egg Yolk palette Hidden Cottage, Sienna Red, Golden Leaf, Seasoned Apple Green, Trefoil, Aquitaine, Bongo Skin, Carving Party palette Emotive Ring, Loudicious Pink, Granite Dust, Polished Cotton palette European Pine, Green Lentils, Pico Void, Quantum of Light, Old World, Isabella's Aqua, Polished Cotton palette Sleeping Giant, Sand Motif, Pale Sagebrush, Sweet Lilac, Iced Avocado, Polished Cotton palette USC Cardinal, Georgia Peach, Prune Plum, Exotic Escape, Polished Cotton, Babyccino, Green Mirror, Energetic Pink palette Ginger Crunch, Blue Depression, Rigby Ridge, Nude Lips, Essential Grey, Polished Cotton, Trevi Fountain palette Tartan Red, Blue Heist, Bonsai Garden, Calm Air, Polished Cotton palette Hickory Tint, Bluejay, Scented Frill, Smashed Potatoes palette Harrison Rust, Baked Salmon, Fluffy Duckling, Drab, Sora Sky, Degas Pink, Revenant Brown, Polished Cotton palette Maximum Yellow, Lime, River Fountain, Royal Pretender, Crystal Ball, French Mauve, Polished Cotton palette Light Oak Brown, Bitter Lime, Corporate Green, Ontario Violet, Iridescent, Alligator Skin, Ajwain Green palette Rustic Brown, Mai Tai, Ninjin Orange, Blue Sail, Haddock's Sweater, Blue Jay, Beetle, Cinema Screen, Jackfruit, Light Vanilla Ice, Crimson, Fire Hydrant, Lost Canyon, Oak Brown, Latin Charm, Green Glutton, Christobel palette Tiki Hut, Riviera, Pickled Beet, Royal Silk, Polished Cotton palette Night Tan, Chili Sauce, Prism Violet, King's Plum Pie, Lacrosse, Manchester Brown, Moss Brown, Ufo, Aldabra, Soft Suede, Polished
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c7d4d7 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c7d4d7 Contrast Ratio
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#c7d4d7 Contrast Ratio
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