Created at 02/24/2023 17:02

#c90016 HEX Color Harvard Crimson information

#c90016 RGB(201, 0, 22)

RGB values are RGB(201, 0, 22)
#c90016 color contain Red 78.82%, Green 0% and Blue 8.63%.

Color Names of #c90016 HEX code

Harvard Crimson Color

Classification of #c90016 color

#c90016 is Dark and Warm Color
Tint of firebrick

Alternative colors of Harvard Crimson #c90016

Opposite Color for Harvard Crimson is #00c7b0

#c90016 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c90016 Harvard Crimson

hsl(353, 100%, 39%)
hsla(353, 100%, 39%, 1)
RGB(201, 0, 22)
RGBA(201, 0, 22, 1)

Palettes for #c90016 color:

Below examples of color palettes for #c90016 HEX color

darkest color is #140002 from shades and lightest color is #fae6e8 from tints

Shades palette of #c90016:
Tints palette of #c90016:
Complementary palette of #c90016:
Triadic palette of #c90016:
Square palette of #c90016:
Analogous palette of #c90016:
Split-Complementary palette of #c90016:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c90016:

Color Harvard Crimson #c90016 used in palettes (43)

Harvard Crimson, Gable Green, Essential Grey, Golden Hermes palette Harvard Crimson, Urban Exploration, Bakery Brown, Smoke Bush Rose, Chōjicha Brown, Mixed Veggies, Green Tea Ice Cream, Shikon, Pra Harvard Crimson, Earth Rose, Infra Red, Gull Grey, Cashmere palette Harvard Crimson, Peat Swamp Forest, Cyber Yellow, First Landing, Blue Angel, Crushed Raspberry, Nighthawks, Pale Shale, Devonshire Red Reign, Harvard Crimson, Suede, Dandy Lion, Just a Fairytale, Blueberry Glaze, Green Mesh, Tonic palette Harvard Crimson, Selective Yellow, Pirate Treasure, Turtle Lake, Alaskan Blue, Sea Fantasy, Crushed Grape, Wild Ginger, Kinky Koal Harvard Crimson, Raked Leaves, Blackcurrant Elixir, Country Charm, Rose Mallow palette Harvard Crimson, Exit Light, Sagebrush Green, Victorian Rouge, Verde Garrafa palette Harvard Crimson, Bordeaux Hint, Icy Glacier, Patient White palette Harvard Crimson, Fierce Mantis palette Harvard Crimson, Kosher Khaki, Angry Pasta, Ramsons, Espresso, By The Sea palette Harvard Crimson, Toffee Bar, Sedona Canyon, Precious Pumpkin, Orange Pepper, Chunky Bee, Miracle Bay, Breathtaking, Splash Palace, Harvard Crimson, Goulash, Yáng Chéng Orange, Green of Bhabua, Delos Blue, Toupe, Blue Bell palette Chernobog, Harvard Crimson, Rainbow Bright, Shadow Green palette Lionheart, Harvard Crimson, Lionhead, Pika Yellow, Happy Yipee, Slimy Green, Courtyard Blue, Woad Blue, Seljuk Blue, Wild Violet, Harvard Crimson, Warplock Bronze Metal, Never Cry Wolf, Tarnished Silver, Steel Blue Grey, Ancient Royal Banner, Soaring Eagle, Ev Shiraz, Harvard Crimson, Bold Brandy, Butterscotch Glaze, Haystacks, Bockwurst, Orange you Happy?, First Colors of Spring, Parrot Harvard Crimson, Nandi Bear, Spiced Up, Raven, Bright Greek, Hanada Blue, Coveted Gem palette Harvard Crimson, Chic Brick, Whiskey, Blossoming Dynasty, Pink Purple, Swamp Mausoleum, Hampton Green, Drizzle, Violeta Silvestre, Harvard Crimson, Pickle Juice, Saddle Brown, Evening Primrose, Olive Green, Spearmint, Cartwheel, Coffee Beans palette Harvard Crimson, Sea Elephant, Banh Bot Loc Dumpling, Caramelized Orange, Mandarin Rind, Joust Blue, Soulstone Blue, Cadmium Blue, Harvard Crimson, Acorn Squash, Spicy Sweetcorn, Hisui Kingfisher, Regal Rose, Monks Robe, Amish Green, Smoked Pearl, Self-Destruct Harvard Crimson, Pizza, Saffron Thread, Red-Eye, Deadly Depths, Crow Black, Treasure Seeker, Pine Cone, Black Orchid, Earl Grey, A Harvard Crimson, Redend Point, Synallactida, Tinny Tin, Heavenly Cocoa, Bursting Lemon, Whippet, Willow Tree Mouse palette Harvard Crimson, Deer Leather, Ferocious Fox, Gremolata, Deep Sapphire, Green Masquerade, Country Rubble, Silver Spoon, Canter Pea Harvard Crimson, Track and Field, Sport Green, Blue Sail, Nauseous Blue, Red Endive, Dark Onyx, Old Mauve, Dark Secret, Covered Br Harvard Crimson, Mangy Moose, French Tarragon, Spring Fever, Woven Raffia, Ivory Lashes palette Harvard Crimson, Shutterbug, Clarified Butter, Mighty Mauve, Fěn Hóng Pink, Colonial Revival Tan, Crystal Pink palette Harvard Crimson, Natural Leather, Tupelo Honey, Kashmir, Splendiferous, Hazelnut Chocolate, Awesome Violet, Mission Courtyard pale Harvard Crimson, Cretan Green, Skobeloff palette Harvard Crimson, Ocher, Orangish Brown, Painted Sea, Otter Creek, Fussy Pink palette Tango Red, Harvard Crimson, Jade Glass, Glass Sapphire, Sinatra, Chubby Kiss, Strong Tone Wash palette Harvard Crimson, Taiwan Gold, Peach Bloom, Scotch Thistle, Clarinet, Dusty Sand palette Velvet Cake, Harvard Crimson, Metro, Wild Plum, Riviera Retreat palette Harvard Crimson, Ineffable Forest, Orb of Discord, Braided Mat, VIC 20 Pink palette Harvard Crimson, Bockwurst, Traffic Light Green, Sea Salt Rivers, Sea Goddess, Billiard Ball, Pink Orthoclase, Appalachian Trail p Harvard Crimson, Suede Leather, Molasses Cookie, Fluorescent Green, Glen, Briquette Grey, Calamansi Green, Spruce Stone palette Harvard Crimson, Westcar Papyrus, Bean Shoot, Castaway Cove, Mystique Violet, Golden Ecru, Pale Wheat palette Harvard Crimson, Ramjet, Pluto, Lán Sè Blue, Foxy Fuchsia, Rubiate, Fig Balsamic, Imperial Palm palette Maroon, Harvard Crimson palette Harvard Crimson, Canopy, Blue Lust palette Harvard Crimson, Pewter Green palette Harvard Crimson, Ocean Frigate, Viola palette

Image Harvard Crimson #c90016 color png