Created at 02/21/2023 14:52

#ca9234 HEX Color Alameda Ochre information

#ca9234 RGB(202, 146, 52)

RGB values are RGB(202, 146, 52)
#ca9234 color contain Red 79.22%, Green 57.25% and Blue 20.39%.

Color Names of #ca9234 HEX code

Alameda Ochre Color

Classification of #ca9234 color

#ca9234 is Light and Warm Color

Alternative colors of Alameda Ochre #ca9234

Opposite Color for Alameda Ochre is #346bcb

#ca9234 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ca9234 Alameda Ochre

hsl(38, 59%, 50%)
hsla(38, 59%, 50%, 1)
RGB(202, 146, 52)
RGBA(202, 146, 52, 1)

Palettes for #ca9234 color Alameda Ochre:

Below examples of color palettes for #ca9234 HEX color

darkest color is #140f05 from shades and lightest color is #faf4eb from tints

Shades palette of #ca9234:
Tints palette of #ca9234:
Complementary palette of #ca9234:
Triadic palette of #ca9234:
Square palette of #ca9234:
Analogous palette of #ca9234:
Split-Complementary palette of #ca9234:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ca9234:

Color Alameda Ochre #ca9234 used in palettes (44)

Alameda Ochre, Floral Note, Pearl Yellow palette Venetian Gold, Alameda Ochre, Honey Pot, Tranquili Teal, Russian Violet, Pompadour, Slick Green, Almond Buff, Nefarious Blue, Lime Ovoid Fruit, Alameda Ochre, Patrinia Flowers, Phaser Beam, Hippie Green, Pressing my Luck, Purple Spire, Night Kite, Heavy Metal, Alameda Ochre, Warm Grey Flannel, Tahuna Sands, Loofah palette Alameda Ochre, Winning Red, Cherry Picking, Black Lacquer, Vibrant Hue, Orleans Tune, Flax Beige, Litewood palette Alameda Ochre, Fuchsia Flair, Midnight Jam, Darkest Dungeon, Chinotto, Boredom, Harmonious Rose, Ghostly Grey, Placebo, Cloud pale Mayan Gold, Alameda Ochre, Broom, Sekkasshoku Brown, Evergreen Fog, Blue Bell, Garden Room palette Karakurenai Red, Autumn Russet, Silken Chocolate, Alameda Ochre, Green Sheen, Lush Greenery, Peppy, Hoki, New Age Blue, Sicilia Bo Alameda Ochre, Scapa Flow, Tree House, Highland Green, Second Nature, Party Pig palette Alameda Ochre, Hello Yellow, Journey to the Sky, Tokyo Underground palette Crabapple, Caramel Cafe, Alameda Ochre, Shasta Lake, Delos Blue, Berry Syrup, Cyberpink, Vintage Beige palette Alameda Ochre, Weathered Pebble, Warm Spring, Medium Taupe, Zinnia Gold, Almond Wisp palette Alameda Ochre, Untamed Orange, Yellow Ochre, Banana Chalk, Sabz Green, Oceanside, Aspen Branch palette Alameda Ochre, Fire Flower, Opulent Ostrich, Blue Ash, Japanese Horseradish, Gatsby Glitter, Chlorophyll Cream palette California Poppy, Enfield Brown, Alameda Ochre, Purplish Blue, Purple Pink, Alucard's Night, Spinel Violet, Warm Grey Flannel, Bur Alameda Ochre, Kindleflame, Rust Orange, Shiny Shamrock, Cǎo Lǜ Grass, Iris Bloom, Blue Oyster Cult, Grubenwald, Curious Collectio Codman Claret, Deep Chestnut, Alameda Ochre, Watermelon Punch, Astro Arcade Green, Summer Sea, Surfer Girl, Brown Coffee, Siren, F Lifeguard, Alameda Ochre, Nurgle's Rot, Citrus Zest, Wall Street, Grape Kiss, Harold, 3am Latte palette Alameda Ochre, Kombucha, Clover Mist, Aged Moustache Grey, Slate Pink, Plum Frost, Mild Orange, Himalayan Poppy, Free Reign, Reser Alameda Ochre, Award Blue, Cyberpink, Cedar Wood Finish, Hatoba Pigeon, Shattell, Pelican Tan, Showcase Blue, Melmac Silver palett Alameda Ochre, Aquadulce, Ship Cove, Rule Breaker, Lotus Red, Alien Purple, Scorched Earth, Warm Mahogany, Zambezi, Holiday Turquo Oxblood, Woodkraft, Cargo, Alameda Ochre, Lush Hosta, Iguana Green, Azure Tide, Weldon Blue, Scaly Green, Plum Perfume, Araucana E Tall Poppy, Mojave Gold, Oak Buff, Alameda Ochre, Apple Cider, Lady Fern, Windows 95 Desktop, Mountain Lake, Mountain Bluebird, De Coco Rum, Coral Garden, Alameda Ochre, Flat Green, Mid Green, Summer Turquoise Blue, Clematis, Giant Onion, Fly Agaric, Deep Pine, Sawshark, Alameda Ochre, Burnt Coral, Happy Face, Parisian Patina, Prediction, Cab Sav, Mud Room, Ariel's Delight palette Gory Movie, Romantic Thriller, Alameda Ochre, Gardens Sericourt, Insignia Blue, Blue Expanse, Cuba Brown, Greengage, Luxe Lilac pa Burgundy, Apricot Orange, Alameda Ochre, Mystic Blue, Bonanza, Royal Orchard, Pollen Grains, Ionic Ivory palette Alameda Ochre, British Shorthair, Blue Vacation, Kimberly, Neutral Green, Sugar Rush Peach Pepper, Fountain City palette Rich Brown, Alameda Ochre, Vegeta Blue, Rose Tonic palette Tartare, Alameda Ochre, Flora, Living Stream palette Wavy Glass, Alameda Ochre, Underseas, Hadopelagic Water, Porcini, Blue Frosting palette Positive Red, Alameda Ochre, Willpower Orange, Mixed Veggies, Stamp Pad Green, Philippine Blue, Milano, Coral Cream palette Mined Coal, Beaver Kit, Alameda Ochre, Splashing Wave, Steel Blue Grey, Slate Pink, Olive Gold palette Enchanting Ginger, Alameda Ochre, Windfall, Elemental Tan, Ash Grove palette Alameda Ochre, Olive, Red Elegance, Malachite Green, Firm Green, Evening Pink palette Spice of Life, Alameda Ochre, Red Orange Juice, Juniper, Fischer Blue, Love Priestess, Strawberry palette Burning Bush, Tedious Red, Dried Tomatoes, Alameda Ochre, Straw, Palmetto, Wakame Green, Patrician Purple, Allium, Bistre, Sunligh Alameda Ochre, Lottery Winnings, Mineral Deposit, Rolling Waves, Light Limpid Light palette Tabasco, Suede Leather, Alameda Ochre, Kiwi Green palette Desert Soil, Alameda Ochre, Veranda Green, Oregano, Spring Garden, Vegan Mastermind, Deep Sea Dream palette Copper, Alameda Ochre, Costume Blue, Sienna Buff, Leaf Print, Filtered Light, Essex Blue palette Alameda Ochre, Apple Cider, Planter, Skyan palette Danger, Knit Cardigan, Sabo Garden, Rookwood Amber, Alameda Ochre, Minion Yellow, Flax Smoke, Reflecting Pond, Overgrown Trees, Fa Amarantha Red, Alameda Ochre, Seaweed, Purple Pizzazz, Rose Brocade, Eternal Flame, Dark Elf, Damson Mauve, Milton, Apple II Beige

Color Contrast

Color pairings #ca9234 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Alameda Ochre #ca9234 color png