Created at 02/24/2023 10:20
#ca994e HEX Color Gingerbread House information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#ca994e | RGB(202, 153, 78) |
RGB values are RGB(202, 153, 78)
#ca994e color contain Red 79.22%, Green 60% and Blue 30.59%.
Color Names of #ca994e HEX code
Gingerbread House Color
Alternative colors of Gingerbread House #ca994e
Opposite Color for Gingerbread House is #4e80ca
#ca994e Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ca994e Gingerbread House
hsl(36, 54%, 55%)
hsla(36, 54%, 55%, 1)
RGB(202, 153, 78)
RGBA(202, 153, 78, 1)
Palettes for #ca994e color Gingerbread House:
Below examples of color palettes for #ca994e HEX color
darkest color is #140f08 from shades and lightest color is #faf5ed from tints
Shades palette of #ca994e:
Tints palette of #ca994e:
Complementary palette of #ca994e:
Triadic palette of #ca994e:
Square palette of #ca994e:
Analogous palette of #ca994e:
Split-Complementary palette of #ca994e:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ca994e:
Color Gingerbread House #ca994e used in palettes (50)
Deer Tracks, Gingerbread House, Chakra, Feasty Fuchsia, Aloof Lama palette Wood Chi, Gingerbread House, Aqua Revival, Parachuting, Arresting Auburn, Ore Mountains Green, Clean Green palette Gingerbread House, Red Endive, Crystal Clear palette Gingerbread House, Bold Eagle, Great Void, Tarmac, Kundalini Bliss palette Gladiator Leather, Gingerbread House, Majorca Blue, Grape Haze, Blue Chaise, Baroness Mauve, Dreamless Sleep, Willow Wood, Light F Rose Taupe, Desert Red, Essential Brown, Verdant, Castellina, Gingerbread House, Glitter Yellow, Bat-Signal, Indian Green, Radioac Gingerbread House, Cinnamon Cherry, Vanilla Milkshake palette Show Stopper, Gingerbread House, Citrus Sugar, Persian Mosaic, Hoarfrost palette Trinket Box, Gingerbread House, Perplexed, Venetian Yellow palette Gingerbread House, Seal Pup, Bagpiper, Boiling Mud, Ryegrass palette Gingerbread House, Brownish Orange, Sausalito Ridge palette French Bistre, Fortune Red, Gingerbread House, Weapon Bronze, Habanero, Dry Seedlings, Selenium, San Marino, Drunk-Tank Pink, Llil Meander, Gingerbread House, Pastel Red, Cliff Blue, Posy Purple, Strawberry Frosting, Kirsch Red, Carnation Pink, Sparkling Champa Motherland, Gingerbread House, Brown Bag, Fresh Granny Smith, Phosphorescent Blue, Flirt, Vantablack, Cordwood, Cilantro Cream, Pa Dazzling Red, Gingerbread House, Tia Maria, Ephemera, Pink Hibiscus, June Bug, Cinnamon Roast, New Foliage, Martini East, Peachy P Gingerbread House, Stranglethorn Ochre, Humpback Whale, Bright Sea Green palette Lolita, Ridgeline, Gingerbread House, Jungle Palm, Burning Coals, Cabernet, Aged Wine, Rich Olive, Purple Berry, Pastel Purple, Ga Burnt Terra, Beagle Brown, Gingerbread House, French Mirage Blue, Saturated Sky, Valentine, Rapture Rose, Dark Pink, Pitcher, Tahi Caffeine, Fire Chalk, Gingerbread House, Forest Edge, Green Globe, Pacific Coast, Bolero, Batman's NES Cape, Screed Grey, Lieberma Suzumecha Brown, Gingerbread House, Egyptian Green, Courtyard Blue, Jay Bird palette Crust, Bandicoot, Sedona at Sunset, Gingerbread House, Vintage Coral, Lost Golfer, Pool Blue, Turtle Warrior, Charming Nature, Dar Bugle Boy, Gingerbread House, Sweet & Sour, Greek Flag Blue palette Bean Pot, Gingerbread House, Mauvewood, Incubus, Green Bottle, Plum Smoke, Chenin, Puce, Marsh Fern palette Ginger Dough, Gingerbread House, Golden Cricket, Filthy Brown, Orange Soda, Vaporwave, Carmine Rose, Unicorn Dust, Calthan Brown, Magic Lamp, Gingerbread House, Uri Yellow, Diroset, Bright Cyan, Bainganī, Avocado Stone, Silver Grey, Sky of Ocean, Seagrass, Tim Moroccan Ruby, Gingerbread House, Greenfinch, Oregon, Purple Kasbah, Smoky Mountain, Radome Tan palette Red Pentacle, San Antonio Sage, Gingerbread House, Pyrite, Dark Sage, Man Friday, Orion Blue palette Cigar, Gingerbread House, Lemon Pie, Metal Flake, Aquatic Cool, Amethyst Orchid, Kingfisher Daisy, Cacao, By The Sea, Passive Pink Cheeky Chestnut, Luau Green, Gingerbread House, Golden Cricket, Shady Neon Blue, Frosted Blueberries, First Love, Boerewors, Troll Mischief Maker, Gingerbread House, Aniseed, Taffeta Sheen, Jellybean Pink, Winter Coat, Rigby Ridge, Tarragon Tease palette Rebel Red, Crimson Red, Tattered Teddy, Gingerbread House, Borage, Vanadyl Blue, Infectious Love, Darkout, Forest Fruit Red, Flowi Chuckles, Gingerbread House, Candle Yellow, Tangerine Haze, Juniper Ash, Turquesa, Lavender Mosaic, Rich Texture, Camelot, Olympic Black Headed Gull, Ginger Pie, Dull Brown, Pretty Parasol, Gingerbread House, Python Yellow, Abomination, Rita Repulsa, Cyan Cobal Gingerbread, Gingerbread House, Green Eggs and Ham, Chilli Black Red, Blarney Stone, Willow Hedge, Heart of Palm, Wishful Green, P Gingerbread House, Oriental Herbs, Verditer, San Miguel Blue, Coelin Blue, Aquarelle, Heritage Taffeta, Night Flight, Old Tudor, M Shōjōhi Red, Earthy Ocher, Gingerbread House, Korichnewyi Brown, Holy Grail, Larkspur Blue, Blue Heath Butterfly, Naggaroth Night, Flame Scarlet, Bodhi Tree, Marsh Grass, Gingerbread House, Oregon Trail, Rhinestone, Baker Rose palette Gingerbread House, Pink Fire, Minor Blue, Poetic Light, Aquarelle Purple palette Gingerbread House, Radiant Sunrise, Memphis Green, Tricorn Black, Soft Olive, Meadow Lane palette Birdseye, Gingerbread House, Spruced Up, Suede Vest, Celeste Blue, Soft Bromeliad, Astilbe, Sango Pink palette Shadow, Gingerbread House, Selective Yellow, Charybdis, Witch Wart, Blue Surf, Jack Rabbit, Tulle Soft Blue palette Clay Court, Reef Gold, Gingerbread House, Apple II Chocolate, Windsor Greige, Familiar Beige, Milky Yellow palette Gingerbread House Gingerbread House, Goblin Green, Köfte Brown, Blue Veil palette Gingerbread House, Aqua Cyan, Turkish Sea, Rain Boots, Pinkish Tan, Anti Rainbow Grey palette Gingerbread House, Crispy Chicken Skin palette Rum Spice, Creed, Gingerbread House, Candle Yellow, Figue Pulp, Thundercat palette Withered Rose, Sullen Gold, Gingerbread House, Coral Pink, Dark Ivy, Sunday Gloves, Nice White, Green Iced Tea palette Carmel Mission, Lotus, Wild Poppy, Gingerbread House, Dynasty Green, Sunshone Plum, Medium Scarlet palette Orange Lily, Gingerbread House, Red Peppercorn, Zinc palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #ca994e with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#ca994e Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#ca994e Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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