Created at 02/23/2023 03:32
#cb5251 HEX Color Chinese Dragon information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#cb5251 | RGB(203, 82, 81) |
RGB values are RGB(203, 82, 81)
#cb5251 color contain Red 79.61%, Green 32.16% and Blue 31.76%.
Color Names of #cb5251 HEX code
Chinese Dragon Color
Alternative colors of Chinese Dragon #cb5251
Opposite Color for Chinese Dragon is #52cbcb
#cb5251 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #cb5251 Chinese Dragon
hsl(0, 54%, 56%)
hsla(0, 54%, 56%, 1)
RGB(203, 82, 81)
RGBA(203, 82, 81, 1)
Palettes for #cb5251 color Chinese Dragon:
Below examples of color palettes for #cb5251 HEX color
darkest color is #140808 from shades and lightest color is #faeeee from tints
Shades palette of #cb5251:
Tints palette of #cb5251:
Complementary palette of #cb5251:
Triadic palette of #cb5251:
Square palette of #cb5251:
Analogous palette of #cb5251:
Split-Complementary palette of #cb5251:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #cb5251:
Suggested colors palettes for #cb5251 HEX:
Colors palette with color #cb5251 #1:
Colors palette with color #cb5251 #2:
Colors palette with color #cb5251 #3:
Colors palette with color #cb5251 #4:
Colors palette with color #cb5251 #5:
Color Chinese Dragon #cb5251 used in palettes (50)
Raging Raisin, Cave Painting, Light Khaki, Modern Mocha, Chinese Dragon, Flesh Wash, Tomato Concassé, Lemon Chrome, Nyctophobia Bl Whero Red, Bern Red, Chinese Dragon, Dechant Pear Yellow, Metallic Gold, Pineapple Salmon, Bimini Blue, Aswad Black palette Au Chico, Chinese Dragon, Innuendo palette Chinese Dragon, Tamago Orange, Red Cedar, Amish Green, Lover's Tryst, Tapioca, Lighthouse palette Bold Brandy, There's No Place Like Home, Wilmington Tan, Chinese Dragon, Juicy Passionfruit, Honey Teriyaki, Pinkish Orange, Las P Chinese Dragon, Dewberry, Mourning Dove, Scotch Mist, Bleach White, Neutral White palette Chinese Dragon, Ineffable Green, Used Oil, Pumpkin Green Black, Mountain Mint palette Chinese Dragon, Sail to the Sea palette Strawberry Cough, Chinese Dragon, Soil Of Avagddu, Intimate Journal palette Chinese Dragon, Tuscana Blue, Silverplate palette Cadillac Coupe, Chinese Dragon, Battle Cat, Dark Truffle, Zinc, Cozy Wool, Relaxation Green, Lilac Flare palette Burnt Caramel, Chinese Dragon, Caramel, Vibrant Mint, Dangerously Elegant, Blue Catch, Mauve Memento, Blackn't, Flora Green, Brims Chinese Dragon, Outgoing Orange, Azure Blue, Tropical Skies, Faded Pink, Sekichiku Pink, Apatite Crystal Green, I Miss You palette Wooden Nutmeg, Chinese Dragon, Tonkatsu, Lush Honeycomb, Hawaiian Pineapple, Seasoned Apple Green, Light Green, Hibiscus Punch, Be Grubby Red, Epidote Olvene Ore, Tint of Earth, Chinese Dragon, Russet Orange, Ocean Green, Cook's Bay, Downwell, Chimney Sweep, Ti Brake Light Trails, Timber Trail, Cellar Door, Chinese Dragon, Retro Vibe, Yellow Polka Dot, Joust Blue, Mamba, Aurora Brown, Moun Chinese Dragon, Yellow Sunshine, Spring Forward, Teen Queen, Reliquial Rose, Medium Black, Chive, Thorny Branch, Threshold Taupe, Caribbean Coral, Chinese Dragon, Tangerine Bliss, Dithered Amber, Kermit Green, Monarchist, Wet Suit, Rosewood Brown, War God, Utt Motto, Canyon Verde, Perfect Penny, Chinese Dragon, Longmeadow, Cavolo Nero, Apple II Magenta, Purple Door palette Chinese Dragon, Crystal Teal, Blackberry Black, Pango Black, Sunset Beige, Land Before Time, Vaporwave Pool, Frosty Pine, Duchess Matte Brown, Tigereye, Chinese Dragon, Red Icon palette Chinese Dragon, Medium Aquamarine, Midnight Grey, Pacific Depths, Barney, Rose Dust, Waxwing palette Movie Star, Enchanted Wood, Ragin' Cajun, Chinese Dragon, Martian, Melbourne, Parisian Green, Antique Moss, Bright Navy Blue, Aged Aura Orange, Red Bell Pepper, Chinese Dragon, Candle Yellow, Arctic Lichen Green, Infinity and Beyond, Elder Creek palette Chinese Dragon, Peacock Feather, Pimento Grain Brown, Harmonious, Vanilla Custard, Mauve Wisp palette Tangle, Chinese Dragon, Ochre Maroon, Paradise Island, Prediction, Fright Night, Pewter Green, Saira Red palette Hypnotic Red, Sandy Ridge, Chinese Dragon, Guava Jam, Stomy Shower, Inner Space, Hailstorm Grey, Mesquite Powder palette Rikyūshira Brown, Chinese Dragon, Dry Peach, Status Bronze, Nugget Gold, Citron Goby, Sea Garden, Lupine Blue, Abyssal Depths pale Scarlet Splendour, Maple Syrup, Chinese Dragon, Yellow Polka Dot, Green Lantern, Bright Aqua, Deep Shale, NYPD, Old Prune, Thraka Brick Paver, Martian Ironearth, Chinese Dragon, A Hint of Incremental Blue, Venice Blue, Lustrian Undergrowth, Violet Posy palette Tidal Thicket, Tropical Wood, Bran, Football, Warm Leather, Chinese Dragon, Desert Dessert, Aragonite Blue, Medium Blue, Coarse Wo Luau Green, Chinese Dragon, Copper, Primrose Path, Pale Lime Green, Cypress Bark Red, Australian Jade, Lavender Honor palette Medieval Cobblestone, Chinese Dragon, Nanohanacha Gold, Muted Lavender, Virtual Pink, Medium Violet Red, Toledo, Red Blood, Passio Resort Tan, My Pink, Chinese Dragon, Grassy Ochre, Sea Kale, Marsh Mix, Carriage, Ash Pink, Lavender Frost palette Rockin Red, Lazy Shell Red, Chinese Dragon, Woodland Nymph, Bright Light Green, Amaranth Purple, Abyssal Anchorfish Blue, Coffee B Swamp, Chinese Dragon, Full Of Life, Hot Purple, Holly Leaf, Biking Red, Siberian Green, Over the Taupe, Neptune Green, Ghost Writ abc8dme6688 Ironside Grey, Chinese Dragon, Peach Fury, Mirage Lake, Atmosphere, Fuchsia Pheromone, Parlour Red, Potting Soil, Court Green, Nat Metal Fringe, Chinese Dragon, Petro Blue palette Chic Brick, Chinese Dragon, Water Carrier, Oswego Tea, Gossamer Pink, Ballerina Gown palette Chinese Dragon, Blue Blood, Basalt Black, Deep Exquisite, Tuscan Russet, Fun Yellow, Repose Grey palette Chinese Dragon, Blue Dart, Nightfall palette Chinese Dragon, Ballerina Tutu, Very Berry, Lively Ivy palette South Rim Trail, Chinese Dragon, Census, Ancient Shelter, Black Licorice, Tropical Night Blue, Corn Husk Green palette Alluvial Inca, Chinese Dragon, Obligation, Barista, Hiker's Delight palette Chinese Dragon, Kalliene Yellow, Radioactive Green, Macau, Pacific Navy, Zuni, Vivid Viola, Blue Diamond palette Chinese Dragon, High Strung, Protein High, Washed Black palette Howling Coyote, Chinese Dragon palette Chinese Dragon, Madonna Blue, Moelleux Au Chocolat, Unplugged, Cello, Black Sand palette Carriage Stone, Sequoia Grove, Chinese Dragon, Crustose Lichen, Green Priestess, Han Purple, Wolverine palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #cb5251 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#cb5251 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#cb5251 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |