Created at 02/21/2023 12:06
#cc363c HEX Color Bento Box information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#cc363c | RGB(204, 54, 60) |
RGB values are RGB(204, 54, 60)
#cc363c color contain Red 80%, Green 21.18% and Blue 23.53%.
Color Names of #cc363c HEX code
Bento Box Color
Alternative colors of Bento Box #cc363c
Opposite Color for Bento Box is #37cdc8
#cc363c Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #cc363c Bento Box
hsl(358, 60%, 51%)
hsla(358, 60%, 51%, 1)
RGB(204, 54, 60)
RGBA(204, 54, 60, 1)
Palettes for #cc363c color Bento Box:
Below examples of color palettes for #cc363c HEX color
darkest color is #140506 from shades and lightest color is #faebec from tints
Shades palette of #cc363c:
Tints palette of #cc363c:
Complementary palette of #cc363c:
Triadic palette of #cc363c:
Square palette of #cc363c:
Analogous palette of #cc363c:
Split-Complementary palette of #cc363c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #cc363c:
Color Bento Box #cc363c used in palettes (50)
Bento Box Grill Master, Bento Box, Blue Charcoal, Nesting Dove palette Bento Box, Spice Market, Pink Orthoclase, Elderberry White palette Bento Box, Wet Cement, Molten Bronze, Willowherb, Hindu Lotus palette Bento Box, Macaw, Panorama Blue, Salmon Beauty palette Bento Box, Carmine, Vibrant, Pannikin, Cloud Blue, Only Olive, Cavern Pink, Fairy Pink palette Bento Box, Crushed Cinnamon, Common Chestnut, Niblet Green, Link Green, Teal, Flashy Sapphire, Adamantine Blue, CGA Pink, Midnight Bento Box, Grey Tote, Raspberry Truffle, Spicy Hue, Putrid Green, Cucumber Bomber, Blue Ballet, Sausalito Port, Rose Wine, Berry C Bento Box, Burnt Toffee, Texas Hills, Terracotta, Intense Yellow, Coral Trails, Exit Light, Flag Green, Granny Smith, Free Speech Bento Box, Spiced Up Orange, Kimono Violet, Dark Spell, Bay Water, Menthol Kiss, Santolina Blooms, Abilene Lace, Echo, St. Petersb Bento Box, Take Five, Heavenly White palette Bento Box, Rapeseed Blossom, Stone Craft palette Bento Box, Primal Rage, Threatening Red, Assassin's Red, Oxblood, Oakwood Brown, Hanuman Green, Winter Evening, Macquarie, Victori Bento Box, Jupiter Brown, Fox, Ripe Pear, Windsurf Blue, Epimetheus, Vivacious, Tetsu Green, Dying Light, Beer Glazed Bacon, Fairw Bento Box, Key to the City, Potter's Clay, Chinese Orange, Black Cat, Aubergine Mauve, Nottingham Forest, City Rain, Blithe Blue, Bento Box, Northern Barrens Dust, Artificial Turf, Purple Orchid, Faded Red, Old Copper palette Bento Box, Honeycomb Yellow, Burnt Bagel, Waxy Corn, Soaked in Sun, Coelin Blue, Nuthatch Back, Blackadder, Rocky Ridge, Barking P Bento Box, Tangled Twine, Optimist Gold, Outer Reef, Deep Daijin Blue, Jedi Night, Antique Hot Pink, Dhūsar Grey, Purple Springs, Polished Apple, Bento Box, Sunrose Yellow, Screen Gem, Club Mauve, Pure Hedonist, Navy, Bull Kelp, Elegant Ivory palette Bento Box, Earthenware, Juicy Fig, Peony Pink, Buff Yellow, Banana Pepper, Mountain Lake Azure, Nebula Outpost, Retro Pink, Love R Bento Box, Basketball, Parisian Green, Fiddle-Leaf Fig, Night Out, Clear Brook, Chimney Sweep, Deep Sea Dream, Monastery Mantle, B Bento Box, Red Dead Redemption, Dove Grey, Baharroth Blue, Azul Turquesa, Classic Waltz, Deep Sea Green, Gypsy Jewels, Wingsuit Wi Bento Box, Rust Brown, Landmark, Grass Daisy, Lemon Poppy, California, Moosewood, Mystical Mist palette Bento Box, Chocolate Milk, French Fry, Caviar Black, Blithe Blue, Pinky Swear palette Bento Box, Sierra Foothills, Gilded Leaves, Fuego, Dangerously Elegant, Blues, Feverish, Nutmeg Wood Finish, Seamount, Ball Gown, Bento Box, Tabasco, Dried Tomatoes, Gold Rush, Brassy, Alverda, Cranberry Sauce, Ground Coffee, Mountain Sage, Sandwisp, Trail Dus Bento Box, Red Hot, Mogwa-Cheong Yellow, Delightful Camouflage, True Navy, Fortress, Autumn Air, Fiji Sands, Ghost, Blushing Apric Bento Box, Husk, Summer Sunset, Toucan, Indonesian Jungle, Blue Racer, Maritime Soft Blue, Raspberry Rose, Mardi Gras, Industrial Bento Box, Hawaiian Pineapple, Aged Moustache Grey, Seljuk Blue, Turkish Boy, Aeronautic, Black Marlin, Groundcover, Pacific Bliss Bento Box, Artemis, Lobby Lilac, Cabana Bay palette Bento Box, Dried Goldenrod, Blue Sonki, Tempo, Blue Edge, Warpfiend Grey, Cashmere Rose, York Bisque, Urnebes Beige, Yogurt palett Red Blooded, Bento Box, Fitness Blue, Pucker Up, Spicy Pink, Inner Sanctum palette Bento Box, Ironside Grey, Alter Ego, Broadway, Sea Frost palette Bento Box, Fresh Lettuce, Little Touch palette Bento Box, White Lily palette Bento Box, Mountain Meadow, Sayward Pine, Lazy Afternoon, Cold Waterlogged Lab Coat, Morning Zen, Starlight, Milkweed palette Bento Box, Pecan Veneer, Mandarin Red, Grasping Grass, Captive, Cobalt Night, Redneck palette Bento Box, Highlands Twilight, Bramble Bush, Woolen Vest, That's Atomic, Maple Sugar, Death Valley Beige, Sleepless Blue palette Bento Box, Summer in the City, Worn Wooden, Flight Time, Mystified palette Bento Box, Arcade Fire, It's My Party, Splash Palace, Salmon Sand, Bamboo, Fine Alabaster, Minimal Rose palette Bento Box, Fresh Salmon, Fruit Yellow, Charming Nature, Freshwater Marsh, Dark Secret, Forester, Cashmere palette Bento Box, Cave of the Winds, Russian Uniform, Jacaranda Light palette Bento Box, Secret Path, Nightly Blade, Sphinx, Shaggy Barked, Iced Aqua, Turnstone, Pink Zest palette Bento Box, Peachy Scene, Mochaccino, Appetizing Asparagus, Ottawa Falls palette tdtccasa Bento Box, Old Mandarin, Armored Steel, Zahri Pink, Pine Needle, Maple Sugar, Mermaid Tears, Light Green Alabaster palette Bento Box, Balsam Branch, Raisin, Skydiver, Early September, Lemon Soap palette Bento Box, Heidelberg Red, Toasted, Sea Life, PCB Green, Tornado Wind palette Bento Box, Rivergrass, Spirit Mountain, Pandora, Deep Pacific, Hidden Depths, Ficus, Melting Violet palette Bento Box, Madder Red, In for a Penny, Carrot Lava, Heat Wave palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #cc363c with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#cc363c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#cc363c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |