Created at 02/27/2023 17:54

#ccd6b0 HEX Color Chinese Leaf information

#ccd6b0 RGB(204, 214, 176)

RGB values are RGB(204, 214, 176)
#ccd6b0 color contain Red 80%, Green 83.92% and Blue 69.02%.

Color Names of #ccd6b0 HEX code

Chinese Leaf Color

Classification of #ccd6b0 color

#ccd6b0 is Light and Neutral Color
Opposite Color for Chinese Leaf is #b9aed5

#ccd6b0 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ccd6b0 Chinese Leaf

hsl(76, 32%, 76%)
hsla(76, 32%, 76%, 1)
RGB(204, 214, 176)
RGBA(204, 214, 176, 1)

Palettes for #ccd6b0 color Chinese Leaf:

Below examples of color palettes for #ccd6b0 HEX color

darkest color is #141512 from shades and lightest color is #fafbf7 from tints

Shades palette of #ccd6b0:
Tints palette of #ccd6b0:
Complementary palette of #ccd6b0:
Triadic palette of #ccd6b0:
Square palette of #ccd6b0:
Analogous palette of #ccd6b0:
Split-Complementary palette of #ccd6b0:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ccd6b0:

Color Chinese Leaf #ccd6b0 used in palettes (43)

Epicurean Orange, India Green, Mint, Hanada Blue, Chinese Leaf palette Reptile Green, Pale Blackish Purple, Chinese Leaf, Scandinavian Sky palette Stroopwafel, Stage Gold, Prairie Sun, Armor, Ephren Blue, Pool Water, Paper Hearts, Noble Black, Paradise Palms, Zin Cluster, Grey Mossy Green, Concord Jam, Purple Mauve, Chinese Leaf palette Mossy Oak, Chocolate Moment, Night Sky, Yacht Club, Marshy Habitat, Tiffany Rose, Chinese Leaf palette Gibraltar Grey, Peaceful Purple, Lavender Quartz, Nile River, Wild Thistle palette Leather, Golden Palm, Veranda, Bismarck, Serrano Pepper, Buzzard, Grapeshot, Persian Violet, Blossom Yellow, Chinese Leaf, Mission Terrazzo Brown, Rookwood Brown, Grainfield, Rain Slicker, Zamesi Desert, Hammock, Purple Sapphire, Chinese Leaf palette Milvus Milvus Orange, Apricot Sorbet, Crystal Ball, Pale Robin Egg Blue, Cold Turquoise palette Coriander Ochre, Banner Gold, Sunflower Yellow, Smooch Rouge, Chinese Leaf palette Bilious Green, Blue Green, Into the Blue, Hidden Passage, Eclectic Purple, Metal Chi, Fresh Tone, Chinese Leaf, Frosted Iris palet Coral Burst, Sage Leaves, Octagon Ocean, Reservoir, C64 Blue, Chinese Leaf, Sleepy Hollow, Featherstone palette Gecko, Pirate Treasure, Marseilles, Chewing Gum Pink, Chinese Leaf, Snowcap palette Buffalo Trail, Dandelion Wish, Soft Tone Ink, Celine, Tulipwood, Deep into the Wood, Red Hot Jazz, Fern Grotto, Chinese Leaf, Ciel Randall, Dry Dock, Sweet Sparrow, Orangeade palette Eastlake Lavender, Terra Cotta Urn, Whiskey Sour, Golden Rain Yellow, Octarine, Kālā Black, Duskwood, Office Blue Green, Brown Pep Rustica, Hot Cocoa, Decorous Amber, Bright Bubble, North Sea, Tapestry Teal, Panorama, Pitch Black, Chinese Leaf, Soap Pink, Light Sofisticata, Samphire Green, Safe Harbour, Palace Purple, Earth Black, Poetry Plum, Botticelli, Dapper Dingo, Chinese Leaf, Flax B Tirol, Burnt Toffee, Dandelion Wish, Tangerine Flake, Hammam Blue, Shoe Wax, Baby Bok Choy, Arizona, Pastel Grey Green, Chinese Le Decorous Amber, Sepia Yellow, Deep Coral, Cute Crab, American Yellow, Bowen Blue, Aqua Clear, Arts & Crafts Gold, Chinese Leaf, Ch Glowing Brake Disc, Golden Chandelier, Spinning Blue, Galleon Blue, Ironbreaker, Cherry Pink, Puritan Grey, Chinese Leaf, Banana M Halloween Punch, Cool Camel, Rustic City, Barbarian Flesh, Intoxication, Baltic Green, Baby Whale, Duck Hunt, Jet, Monkey Madness, Timber Trail, Pollen Storm, Whisky Sour, Ultimate Orange, Distant Blue, Parma Mauve, Okroshka, Wild Currant, Mintage, Mocha Foam, Fossil Green, Rich Gold, Yellow Tulip, Broccoli, Night Rendezvous, Little Theater, Magical Merlin, Easter Purple, Who-Dun-It, Winn Bronzed Brass, Limed Oak, Muskelmannbraun, Golden Beryl Yellow, Salvation palette Grey Tote, Hollow Knight, Aqua Smoke, Chinese Leaf palette Duckling Fluff, Decadence, Rose Chintz, Row House, Chinese Leaf palette Huáng Dì Yellow, Pine Needle, Chatroom, Light Year, Chinese Leaf palette Oil Yellow, Sea Current, Chinese Blue, Pallasite Blue, Laurel Green palette Phellodendron Amurense, Wild Currant, Chinese Leaf palette Lapwing Grey Green, Miami Coral palette Skrag Brown, Hibiscus Delight, Verdigris Roundhead, Little Theater, Artful Pink, Grape Wine, Lichen Green palette Cork Brown, Arnica, Sea Pink, Emanation palette Fresh Cut Grass, Thatch Green, Techno Pink, Chinese Leaf, Brazilian Sand palette Crimson Red, Burning Fireflies, Industrial Black, Padded Leaf, Keystone Grey palette Oatmeal Biscuit, Oregon Hazel, Exclusive Green, Early Harvest, Common Chalcedony, Basket Beige, Forest Sand, Chinese Leaf palette Spicy and Oriental, Blinking Blue, Detailed Devil, American Milking Devon, Wewak palette Clove Brown, Ginger Rose, Mustard Flower, Bath Turquoise, Philippine Brown, Green Olive Pit, Ether, Chinese Leaf palette Blue Nude, Chinese Leaf palette Be Daring, Nuclear Blast, Purple Cheeks, Rosy, Chinese Leaf, Bridal Bouquet palette Pinata, Jasmine Green, Northgate Green, Chinese Leaf palette Greenery, Fruitless Fig Tree, Always Indigo, Cuba Brown, Morning Dew palette String Deep, Tanned Wood, Crocodile Eye, Chilli Cashew, Primal Blue, Chinese Leaf palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #ccd6b0 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Chinese Leaf #ccd6b0 color png