Created at 02/23/2023 22:48
#cdd5d3 HEX Color Pacific Mist information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#cdd5d3 | RGB(205, 213, 211) |
RGB values are RGB(205, 213, 211)
#cdd5d3 color contain Red 80.39%, Green 83.53% and Blue 82.75%.
Color Names of #cdd5d3 HEX code
Pacific Mist Color
Alternative colors of Pacific Mist #cdd5d3
Bluish Lilac Purple
Blue Flower
Ancestral Water
American Silver
Aluminum Foil
Alice White
light grey
Alexandrian Sky
A Dime a Dozen
400XT Film
Opposite Color for Pacific Mist is #d5cdcf
#cdd5d3 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #cdd5d3 Pacific Mist
hsl(165, 9%, 82%)
hsla(165, 9%, 82%, 1)
RGB(205, 213, 211)
RGBA(205, 213, 211, 1)
Palettes for #cdd5d3 color Pacific Mist:
Below examples of color palettes for #cdd5d3 HEX color
darkest color is #141515 from shades and lightest color is #fafbfb from tints
Shades palette of #cdd5d3:
Tints palette of #cdd5d3:
Complementary palette of #cdd5d3:
Triadic palette of #cdd5d3:
Square palette of #cdd5d3:
Analogous palette of #cdd5d3:
Split-Complementary palette of #cdd5d3:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #cdd5d3:
Color Pacific Mist #cdd5d3 used in palettes (39)
House Flame Scarlet, Mossy Shade, Motherland, Old Gold, Beige Red, Garuda Gold, Spectral Green, Tranquili Teal, Thumper, Polar Mist, Sal Lead Cast, Currant Violet, Alluring Blue, Pacific Mist, Pomodoro e Mozzarella palette Sycamore Tan, Bubble Turquoise, Wiped Out, Cab Sav, Stone Hearth, Purple Ash, Darling Lilac, Pacific Mist, Pale Gingersnap, Columb Whiskey, Wisteria-Wise, Manila, Pacific Mist, Heavenly Pink palette Stylish Red, Tiger Cat, Salmon Salt, Red Perfume, Pink Abalone, Spicy Hummus, Pacific Mist palette Off Black, Pacific Mist, Belyi White palette Mudbrick, Centaur, Blarney, Cool Black, Dramatist, Rainy Day, Pacific Mist, Endive palette Clove, Artesian Water, Valley View, Frosty Nightfall, Pacific Mist palette Eco Green, Firebug, Gateway Grey, Pylon, Pacific Mist, Light Slipper Satin, Mushroom White palette Red Orange Juice, Pacific Mist palette Mandarin Essence, Industrial Turquoise, Will, Glazed Granite, Charcoal Smudge, Rare Happening, Pacific Mist palette Wild Stallion, El Caramelo, Underpass Shrine, Patrinia Flowers, Capsella, Quarry Quartz, Grayve-Yard, Rambling Rose, Rock'n'Rose p Dijonnaise, Golden Oak, Slate Green, Blue Mana, Interactive Cream, Desert Mirage, Tiny Ghost Town, Pacific Mist, Iced Apricot, Dus Birch Leaf Green, Lasting Lime, Old Pink, Estate Blue, Atlantic Deep, Kenpō Brown, Grey of Darkness, Golden Elm, Pacific Mist pale Wild West, Brown Cerberus, Morning Marmalade, Majorca Blue, Sacrifice, Bowerbird Blue, Blue Ribbon, Wood Bark, Lacquered Licorice, Tabasco, Arnica, Electric Leaf, Morro Bay, Tree Green, Stage Mauve, Sterling Blue palette Pink Damask, Oriental Herbs, Ube, Claret, Cold Sea Currents, Chrysanthemum Leaf palette Bird Of Paradise, Perfectly Purple Place, Lunar Green, Muddled Basil, Dark LUA Console, Safari, Golden Plumeria, Desert Morning, P Steeple Grey, Pale Khaki, Hot Caramel, Dixie, Mustard Flower, Deep Saffron, Tlāloc Blue, Morado Purple, Stegadon Scale Green, Moha Sappanwood, Flame Scarlet, Center Ridge, Red Stage, Frond, Taurus Forest Fern, On the Moor, Aladdin's Feather, Radish, Gypsy Jewel Rembrandt Ruby, Apricot Red, Autumn Orange, June Bud, Chinese Ink, Wet Concrete, Onion, Cochineal Red, Hatoba Pigeon, Tranquil Gre Bancroft Village, Tea Leaf Brown, Thousand Years Green, Fern Gully, Lucky Dog, Crystal River, Pacific Mist, Duck's Egg Blue, Engli Darkness, Soul Quenching, Eggshell Blue, Surrey Cream, Sugar Pool, Pacific Mist palette Palm, Moss Covered, Acid Drop, Precious Oxley, Grape Grey, Opera, Polished Mahogany, Ombre Blue, Hostaleaf, Tulle Grey, Salty Seed Pesto Green, Amber Brew, Bittersweet, Regal Gown, Bird Blue Grey, Deco Grey, Fantasy Grey, Hidcote, Retro Mint, Aged Beige, Pacifi Red Ribbon, Brown Rum, Sago Garden, Lilliputian Lime, Forgotten Purple, Wild Mulberry, Dragon Fruit, Bison, Rookwood Sash Green, S Brown Eyes, Pochard Duck Head, Fluorescent Green, Enchanted Eve, Illicit Pink, Ruby Shade, Bodacious, Bargeboard Brown, Muted Lime Flint, Drum Solo, Hobgoblin, Les Cavaliers Beach, Angel Heart, Loulou, Limoges, Keystone Grey, Pacific Mist, Old Fashioned Pink, S Molten Caramel, Chocolate Covered, Fluorescent Red, Citrus Hill, Pekin Chicken, Pacific Mist, Light Angora Blue, Oyster Cracker pa Positively Palm, Golden Sprinkles, Gothic Revival Green, Fresh Herbs, Bright Lavender, Kilim Beige palette Dry Dock, Emerald Coast, Inland, Kismet, Pacific Mist, Bubblegum Pink, Whisper Green palette Nectarina, Anarchist, Filmy Green palette Roti, Herald's Trumpet, Creamy Orange Blush, Dwarf Rabbit, Baby Motive, Pacific Mist palette Bleeding Crimson, Violet Vibes, Deep Pond, Cedar Wood Finish, Shadow of the Colossus, Tahoe Blue, Rozowy Pink palette Wethers Field, Tempo Teal, Fjord Blue, Coffee Beans, Vintage Taupe, No Way Rosé palette Southern Barrens Mud, Pyramid Gold, Crunchy Carrot, Devon Rex, Totally Broccoli, Heather Grey, Meridian Star, Grand Soiree palette Galena, Shoreline Green, Les Cavaliers Beach, Stone Walkway palette Hubert
Color Contrast
Color pairings #cdd5d3 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#cdd5d3 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#cdd5d3 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |