Created at 02/19/2023 01:00

#ceaefa HEX Color Teasel Dipsacus information

#ceaefa RGB(206, 174, 250)

RGB values are RGB(206, 174, 250)
#ceaefa color contain Red 80.78%, Green 68.24% and Blue 98.04%.

Color Names of #ceaefa HEX code

Teasel Dipsacus, pale violet Color

Classification of #ceaefa color

#ceaefa is Light and Cool Color
Shade of plum
Opposite Color for Teasel Dipsacus is #dafaae

#ceaefa Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ceaefa Teasel Dipsacus

hsl(265, 88%, 83%)
hsla(265, 88%, 83%, 1)
RGB(206, 174, 250)
RGBA(206, 174, 250, 1)

Palettes for #ceaefa color Teasel Dipsacus:

Below examples of color palettes for #ceaefa HEX color

darkest color is #151119 from shades and lightest color is #faf7ff from tints

Shades palette of #ceaefa:
Tints palette of #ceaefa:
Complementary palette of #ceaefa:
Triadic palette of #ceaefa:
Square palette of #ceaefa:
Analogous palette of #ceaefa:
Split-Complementary palette of #ceaefa:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ceaefa:

Color Teasel Dipsacus #ceaefa used in palettes (41)

Teasel Dipsacus Living Coral, Casa Verde, Salt Spray, Prom, Cheesy Grin, Teasel Dipsacus, Honey N Cream, Ice Dagger palette Country Tweed, Dead Lake, Garish Blue, Sea Serpent's Tears, Chick Flick, Whiplash, Calypso Berry, Embarrassed, Munch On Melon, Tet Watercolour Blue, Teasel Dipsacus, Victorian Lace palette Boundless, Teasel Dipsacus palette Peninsula, Keese Blue, Teasel Dipsacus, Pink Marble palette Northern Light Grey, Teasel Dipsacus palette Elephant, Overgrown, Modal, Dancing Sea, Teasel Dipsacus, Pianissimo palette Mint Sprig, Back In Black, Dancing Dogs, Walrus, Teasel Dipsacus palette Taisha Red, Chinese Orange, Pouring Copper, Admiral Blue, International Klein Blue, Port Wine Stain, Red Endive, I Pink I Can, Hau Ribbon Red, Plum Raisin, Rock Star Pink, Glass Violet, Teasel Dipsacus palette Rat Brown, Acid Candy, Mosaic Tile, Bright Pink, Lights Out, Blue Beyond, Mountain Falls, Angora Blue palette Dusky Orchid, Medium Taupe, Postmodern Mauve, Ecru, Sun Touched, Applesauce, Teasel Dipsacus palette Midnight Mosaic, Noble Grey, Great White, Orange Shimmer, Changeling Pink palette Golden Slumber, Cadillac, Flowing Breeze palette Limed Ash, Young Plum, Monstera Deliciosa, Magenta Red Lips palette Hemp, Dry Starfish, Queen Lioness, Poppy Surprise, Night Rendezvous, Dachshund, Black Mana, Mauvey Nude, Fragrant Satchel, Salmon Red Contrast, Purple Plum, Basque Green, Italian Basil, Dusty Yellow, Phelps Putty, Ridge Light, Cream Blush, Teasel Dipsacus, Win Copper Rose, Camel Fur, Dark Jade, Purple Ink, Chocolate Rush, Wandering Willow, Strawberry Smoothie palette Caramel Brown, Pyrite Gold, Carrot Lava, Agate Violet, Latin Charm, Great Void, Heavy Khaki, Mint Macaron palette Barn Door, Sugared Almond, Kvass, Golden Glitter Storm, Dragonlord Purple, Persian Rose, Dusky Alpine Blue, Soft Straw, Teasel Dip Caramelized, Ruddy Oak, Maritime Blue, Camarone, Black Dragon's Cauldron, Pitapat palette Wild Cattail, Foxy, Native Berry, Do Not Disturb, Parisian Green, Screen Glow, Norwegian Blue, Kimono Violet, Jet Ski, Damson, Cyp Old Willow Leaf, Toasty, Dancing Sea, Snowstorm Space Shuttle, Rock Blue, Sunlight, Mesa Rose, Teasel Dipsacus, Wayward Wind palet Centra, Cobre, Simply Green, Blue Cola, Urban Green palette Tomato Baby, Mario, Charcoal Grey, Yellow Sand, Praise of Shadow, Hiking Boots, Muddy Mauve, Teasel Dipsacus palette Temptatious Tangerine, Sativa, Feminism, Woohringa, Violet Bouquet, Luminescent Pink, Always Rosey, Teasel Dipsacus palette Revolver, Owl Manner Malt, Just Rosey, Relaxed Khaki, Pink Abalone, Light Slipper Satin, Teasel Dipsacus palette Mink, Brown Branch, Practical Beige, Flowerpot, Teasel Dipsacus palette Swamp, Purple Gumball palette String Deep, Morocco, Delft, Olive Brown, Monument Green, Whirlpool palette Opulent Ostrich, Choral Singer, Frosted Pomegranate palette Ganache, Anthracite Grey, House Stark Grey, Fresh Basil, Midnight Spruce, Wine Yellow palette Honey Haven, Mossy Green, Cherries Jubilee palette Tweed, Deep Purple, Teasel Dipsacus, Shimmering Sky palette California Dreamin', Collectible, Reptilian Green, Middle-Earth, Amelia, Ostrich Egg palette Jordy Blue, Bloomsberry palette Stock Horse, Spruced Up, Spring, Canyon Blue, Horizon, Grape Wine, Aspen Mist, Teasel Dipsacus palette Indian Sunset, Green Fluorite, Nostalgic, Kentucky Bluegrass, Amalfi, Charm palette Tonicha, Split Pea Soup, Sunflower Island, Ripe Green, Pea Soup, Island Moment, Napa Winery, Polvo de Oro palette Ferra, Tango Pink, Tarragon, Majorca Blue, Fairy Tale Blue, Tarragon Tease, Coral Serenade palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #ceaefa with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Teasel Dipsacus #ceaefa color png