Created at 02/24/2023 05:55
#d50c15 HEX Color Dragons Lair information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#d50c15 | RGB(213, 12, 21) |
RGB values are RGB(213, 12, 21)
#d50c15 color contain Red 83.53%, Green 4.71% and Blue 8.24%.
Color Names of #d50c15 HEX code
Dragons Lair Color
Alternative colors of Dragons Lair #d50c15
Opposite Color for Dragons Lair is #0cd4ca
#d50c15 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #d50c15 Dragons Lair
hsl(357, 89%, 44%)
hsla(357, 89%, 44%, 1)
RGB(213, 12, 21)
RGBA(213, 12, 21, 1)
Palettes for #d50c15 color Dragons Lair:
Below examples of color palettes for #d50c15 HEX color
darkest color is #150102 from shades and lightest color is #fbe7e8 from tints
Shades palette of #d50c15:
Tints palette of #d50c15:
Complementary palette of #d50c15:
Triadic palette of #d50c15:
Square palette of #d50c15:
Analogous palette of #d50c15:
Split-Complementary palette of #d50c15:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #d50c15:
Suggested colors palettes for #d50c15 HEX:
Color Dragons Lair #d50c15 used in palettes (50)
Dragons Lair, Folk Song, Jocular Green, White Peach, Bean White palette Dragons Lair, Country Blue, Whitewashed Fence palette Dragons Lair, Lifeguard, Lucea, Hint of Pink palette Dragons Lair, Siniy Blue, Hyssop, Kendall Rose, Lightest Sky palette Dragons Lair, Spiced Purple, Iced Lavender palette Dragons Lair, Cadmium Red, Bristle Grass, Cowboy Hat, Medieval Gold, Bread Crust, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Alexandria, Boboli Ga Dragons Lair, Old Cheddar, Tranquil Pond, White Luxury palette Dragons Lair, Arcade Glow, Irish Cream, Ranch Acres palette Dragons Lair, Flaming Hot Flamingoes palette Movie Star, Dragons Lair, Hope Chest, Cinnamon Stick, Lurid Pink, Fiesta Rojo, Pink Yarrow, Green Daze, Champagne Beige, Faith pal Dragons Lair, Mustard Sauce, Splendor Gold, Aqua Waters, Deep Sea Dolphin, Muddled Basil, Revered, Lilac Bloom, Liquid Gold, Sun D Dragons Lair, Coquelicot, Brown Thrush, Henna Shade, Nouveau Copper, Tango, Sage Leaves, Garden Club, Steel Wool, Bengal Blue, Fel Dragons Lair, Wood Chi, Turtle Creek, Candid Blue, Gondolier, Lightish Red, Japanese Sable, Grey Asparagus, Wild Thing, Bamboo For Dragons Lair, Baked Sienna, Carlisle, Wailing Woods, Juniper Berry Blue, Albuquerque, Big Band, Quiet Teal, Rum Custard, Desert Me Dragons Lair, Arizona Clay, Maui Mai Tai, Ungor Flesh, Clarified Butter, Anime, Olive Green, Green Elliott, Nightshade Berries, Ke Dragons Lair, Brazil Nut, Purple Heart, Saxon Blue, Excelsior, Hanover, Lilac Ash, Rosecco palette Dragons Lair, Wood Stain Brown, Smoke Bush Rose, Wave of Grain, Sullen Gold, Limeño Limón, Aqualogic, Empire Violet, Bloodstain, C Dragons Lair, Ecstasy, Samoan Sun, Electric Green, Early Spring Night, Blue Pencil, Hyssop, Old Lavender, British Mauve, Ancient P Dragons Lair, Coconut Husk, Steampunk Gold, Turkish Blue, Glimpse into Space, Subterranean, Droëwors, Abbey Road, Slippery Moss, P Milano Red, Dragons Lair, Rambling Green, Azul, Rose Rush, Alaskan Moss, Nordland Blue, Bauhaus Buff, Bored Accent Green, Whirlwin Dragons Lair, Pumpkin Spice, Center Stage, Girls Night Out, Silken Pine, Briar, Banana Ice Cream palette Halloween Punch, Dragons Lair, Welcome Home, Sapphired, Bluetiful, Amarklor Violet, Poise, Baby Berries, Mintos, Shimmering Blush, Dragons Lair, Bruschetta, Peachy Scene, Matcha Powder, Artificial Turf, Green Elliott, Field Blue, Prune Plum, Night Shift, Thulit Dragons Lair, Gauntlet Grey, Kā Fēi Sè Brown, All's Ace, Zambia, Pink Pride, Peaches of Immortality, Corduroy, Dead Forest, Chestn Dragons Lair, Crooked River, Unfired Clay, Aspen Gold, Great Fennel Flower, Swollen Sky, Patch of Land, Grass Root, Flirty Pink pa Dragons Lair, Bitter Orange, Puma, Chubby Kiss, Nightlife, Grasslands, Dutchess Dawn, Xoxo, Geyser Steam palette Borscht, Dragons Lair, Rocket Science, Noble Crown, Hay Wain, Yellow, Old Green, Hidden Meadow, Hulk, Blue Grey, Tempo Teal, Tomat Dragons Lair, Tatami Tan, Sun, Shrimp Cocktail, Golden Sand, Lime Yellow, Dioptase Green, Deep Sea, Secret Garden, Heliotrope, Mid Dragons Lair, Honeycomb Yellow, Emerald Wave, Algal Fuel, Hong Kong Skyline, Grand Rapids, Sparkling Cove, Maritime Outpost, Tiān Dragons Lair, Spanish Gold, Yakitori, Sun Song, Stone Craft, Blue Radiance, Seachange, Dark Fern, Pinecone Path palette Dragons Lair, Sawshark, Papaya, Wild Boar, Carolina Parakeet, Hiker's Delight palette Dragons Lair, Belgian Sweet, Galia Melon, Sunshade, Witch Hazel, Purple Mountains Majesty, Amaranth Purple, Pulp, Vino Tinto, Old Dragons Lair, Butterscotch Ripple, China Blue, Well Blue, Vegan Green, Worn Khaki, Sugar Pie, Silky Green, Willow Tree Mouse, Ephe Dragons Lair, Plain Old Brown, Nightshadow Blue palette Dragons Lair, Cyber Yellow, Venetian, Konjō Blue, Crowning, Seasonal Beige, Misty Coast, Olive Creed palette Dragons Lair, Jacaranda Pink, Blood Burst, Little Mermaid, Grape, Prussian Plum, Trapunto palette Dragons Lair, Pirate Gold, Last Sunlight, Salted Caramel Popcorn, Green Symphony, Medieval, Raspberry Glaze, Crewel Tan palette Dragons Lair, Cajun Spice, Blue Ashes, Maiden Pink, Rich Maroon, Mud Pink palette Dragons Lair, Ai Indigo, Quail Hollow, Vintage Plum, Berry Bright palette Dragons Lair, Outback Brown, Galaxy Blue, Ansel, Visiona Red, Night Kite palette Dragons Lair, Smoked Salmon, Windows 95 Desktop, Eggplant Ash, Tuffet, Blue Hyacinth, Inner Touch, Morning Glory palette Dragons Lair, Fire Dragon Bright, Coffee Bean, Edamame palette Dragons Lair, Superman Red, Chutney, Chaste Blossoms, Popstar, Medium Gunship Grey, Sandstone Palette, Cameo Cream palette Dragons Lair, Exuberance, Pointed Cabbage Green, Silicate Green, Electric Slide palette Dragons Lair, Eclectic Plum, Constant Coral, Barbarossa, Crispy Gold, Brilliant Rose, Atlantic Charter, Raindance palette Dragons Lair, Kindling, Graphite Grey Green, Trinket Box, Atlas Cedar Green, Pharmacy Green, Waxwing, Galway palette Dragons Lair, Tōmorokoshi Yellow, Poplar Forest, True Blue, Royal Lilac, Sunset Red, Illicit Darkness, Espalier, Tree Lined, Brown Dragons Lair, Verdant, Butterscotch Ripple, Taiga, Dusk Green, Growth, Iris Orchid palette Dragons Lair, Eagle Ridge, Liquorice, Quaver palette Dragons Lair, Pedestrian Green, Hilltop, Disappearing Purple, Zucchini Cream, Ufo, Grain of Rice, Diamond Soft Blue palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #d50c15 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#d50c15 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#d50c15 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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