Created at 02/22/2023 22:50

#dad9d4 HEX Color First Star information

#dad9d4 RGB(218, 217, 212)

RGB values are RGB(218, 217, 212)
#dad9d4 color contain Red 85.49%, Green 85.1% and Blue 83.14%.

Color Names of #dad9d4 HEX code

First Star Color

Classification of #dad9d4 color

#dad9d4 is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of gainsboro
Opposite Color for First Star is #d3d4d9

#dad9d4 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #dad9d4 First Star

hsl(50, 7%, 84%)
hsla(50, 7%, 84%, 1)
RGB(218, 217, 212)
RGBA(218, 217, 212, 1)

Palettes for #dad9d4 color First Star:

Below examples of color palettes for #dad9d4 HEX color

darkest color is #161615 from shades and lightest color is #fbfbfb from tints

Shades palette of #dad9d4:
Tints palette of #dad9d4:
Complementary palette of #dad9d4:
Triadic palette of #dad9d4:
Square palette of #dad9d4:
Analogous palette of #dad9d4:
Split-Complementary palette of #dad9d4:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #dad9d4:

Color First Star #dad9d4 used in palettes (36)

First Star Rally Green, Aegean Blue, Elderberry, Cutlery Polish, First Star palette Red Tone Ink, Queen Palm, Southern Barrens Mud, Sohi Orange, The Fifth Sun, Tropical Turquoise, Cape Cod Bay, Starry Sky Blue, Bat Alarm, Painted Skies, Old Gold, Pepper Grass, Nuclear Waste, Nouveau Rose, Hairy Brown, Sultana, Cotton Denim, Custard, Pressed Ro Caravel Brown, Georgia Peach, Frankenstein, First Star palette King Crimson, First Star palette Pool Bar, First Star, Moth Mist palette Chicory Green, Apple Wine, Hickory Tint, Oregon Hazel, Koromiko, Sheet Blue, Christmas Blue, Riviera Sea, Vampiric Council, Rich P Hip Waders, Pompeian Pink, Bavarian Gentian, Green Velvet, Glamorgan Sausage, First Star, Candle in the Wind palette Cinnamon Diamonds, Summer Fig, Tangerine Tango, Green Garlands, Forbidden Fruit, Purple Blanket, Winter Savanna, First Star palett Drab, Soothsayer, Head Over Heels, Ruthless Empress, Artiste, Cherryade, Raven's Banquet, Blackberry, Healing Retreat, Ash Blue, V Breath of Fire, Wilderness, Water Persimmon, Ryza Dust, Mantis, Periscope, Ibis Rose, First Star palette Moroccan Ruby, Golden Lock, Freesia, Citrine, Finlandia, Prime Merchandise, Szöllősi Grape, Army Green, Baroness, Resplendent, Rec Outback, Sell Gold, Banana Peel, Sea, Marine Ink, Aubergine Perl, Quiet Abyss, Black Mana, Grey Heather, Lorian, Mary Poppins, Cam Midnight Brown, Night Rose, Hot Toddy, 24 Carrot, Wheel of Dharma, Bermudagrass, Philips Green, Buccaneer Blue, Blooming Wisteria, Thor's Thunder, Robo Master, Allegory, First Day of Summer, Antoinette Pink palette Texas Boots, Glazed Pot, Wiener Dog, Eden Prairie, Spiced Pumpkin, Disembark, Tree Peony, Hidden Depths, Compatible Cream, Pale Wo Baked Bean, Red Damask, Gold Fusion, Mineral Brown, Sea Kelp, Carnation Rose, First Star, Plaza Pink palette Fuzzy Duckling, Grape Grey, Aswad Black, Teal Dark Blue, Vermicelle palette Wheat Tortilla, Eyelash Viper, Worn Denim, Clock Chimes Thirteen, Cruel Sea, Rosewood, Wren, Mulberry Mauve Black, Summer Hill, Ho Dull Brown, Duck Butter, LED Green, Dramatic Blue, Deep Teal, Peppercorn palette Mango Squash, Tealish, Shady Blue, Real Mccoy, Fever Dream, Harbour Fog palette Clary, Chinese Black, Delicioso, Deep Space, Woodland, Alpine Morning Blue, Caramel Cream, Sunny Burrata, First Star palette Gristmill, Soft Fig, Philippine Yellow, Mango Green, Climate Control, Parma Mauve, Crocus, Quest Grey, Akaroa, Silverado Trail, Fi Green Illude, Elf Green, Tamarillo, Zen palette Red Pegasus, Split Rail, Root Beer Float, Gold Varnish Brown, Chocobo Feather, Lush Garden, Halt Red, Calamansi Green palette Safari Trail, Loden Blanket, Cognac Brown, Canary Diamond palette Tango Red, Shadow Cliff, Candelabra palette Marshal Blue, Evening Mauve palette Gladiator Grey, Robinhood, Vivid Violet, Crazy Ex, Tropical Siesta, Biloba Flower palette Sunset Boulevard, Simply Peachy, Coolbox Ice Turquoise, Moonshadow, Malevolent Mauve, Bursting Lemon palette Air Force Blue, Cembra Blossom, Useful Beige, Frozen Veins palette Untamed Orange, Men's Night, Innocent Pink, Haitian Flower, Platoon Green, Sunset Cruise, Parchment palette Smashed Grape, Medium Taupe, Sonoma Chardonnay, Celadon Tint, First Star, Olm Pink palette Bullfrog, Deep Sea Diver, Light Zen, First Star palette Sage Blossom Blue, Opulent Green, Gordons Green, Earth Black, Wild Chocolate, Peach Juice, First Star palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #dad9d4 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image First Star #dad9d4 color png