Created at 02/17/2023 22:31
#dd0000 HEX Color Red Pegasus information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#dd0000 | RGB(221, 0, 0) |
RGB values are RGB(221, 0, 0)
#dd0000 color contain Red 86.67%, Green 0% and Blue 0%.
Color Names of #dd0000 HEX code
Red Pegasus, Blood Red, червоний Color
Alternative colors of Red Pegasus #dd0000
Opposite Color for Red Pegasus is #00dbdb
#dd0000 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #dd0000 Red Pegasus
hsl(0, 100%, 43%)
hsla(0, 100%, 43%, 1)
RGB(221, 0, 0)
RGBA(221, 0, 0, 1)
Palettes for #dd0000 color Red Pegasus:
Below examples of color palettes for #dd0000 HEX color
darkest color is #160000 from shades and lightest color is #fce6e6 from tints
Shades palette of #dd0000:
Tints palette of #dd0000:
Complementary palette of #dd0000:
Triadic palette of #dd0000:
Square palette of #dd0000:
Analogous palette of #dd0000:
Split-Complementary palette of #dd0000:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #dd0000:
Suggested colors palettes for #dd0000 HEX:
Colors palette with color #dd0000 #1:
Colors palette with color #dd0000 #2:
Colors palette with color #dd0000 #3:
Colors palette with color #dd0000 #4:
Colors palette with color #dd0000 #5:
Color Red Pegasus #dd0000 used in palettes (50)
Germany flag colors Blood Red Palette Reds ... Dark Red to White gradient pt. 3 Helvetia Red, Red Pegasus, Rare Find, Bold Eagle, Integrity palette Red Bay, Red Pegasus, Wild Party, Ecru Olive, Pink Papaya, Brusque Brown, Scotch Bonnet, Metallic Seaweed, Uniform Green, Chivalro Zangief's Chest, Red Pegasus, Wild Strawberry, Meadow Glen, Necklace Pearl palette Red Pegasus, Cowboy, Aquatint palette Red Pegasus, Lavender Pink palette Red Pegasus, Cloudburst, Mushroom Forest, Vintage Gold, Chilean Fire, Yule Tree, Onsen, Pass Time Blue, Noble Black, Skilandis, Kn Red Pegasus, Oilseed Crops, Navy Dark Blue, Majestic Magic, Milk Thistle, Lunar Rays, Screech Owl, Unicorn Silver palette Red Pegasus, Vicious Violet, Zahri Pink, Satoimo Brown, Tropical Wood Brown, Trail Print palette Red Pegasus, Eastlake Lavender, Citrus Notes, Bonfire Night, Celestial Green, Deep Blue Sea, Dancing in the Spring, Sandhill Crane Red Pegasus, Sour Green, Seiji Green, Posy Purple, When Red Met Blue, Raspberry Parfait, Smoke Bush, Deep South palette Red Pegasus, Taste of Summer, Dry Seedlings, Emperors Children, Wine Grape, Pictorial Carmine, Retro Pink Pop, Brown Derby, Heavy Red Pegasus, Rusty Sword, Camel Red, Han Blue, Dusky Flesh, Dusky Mood, Stretch of Water, Metal Gear, Virginia Blue, Orchid White, Valentine Red, Red Pegasus, Amazon Green, Lemon Glacier, Fluorite Green, Grasshopper, Prunella, Match Head, Currant Violet, Lake V Red Pegasus, Mysterious Moss, Presidio Peach, Miami Coral, The Grape War of 97', Pencil Point, Imperial Palm, White Kitten, Cotton Red Pegasus, Mango, Chlorophyll, Watermelon Juice, Wild Berry, Passive Pink, Baywater Blue palette Red Pegasus, Even Evan, Secret Meadow, Victorian Greenhouse, Night Shadz, Vine Leaf Green, Baked Potato, Old Celadon, Demeter, Lon Movie Star, Red Pegasus, Cloudburst, Aged Beech, Self Powered, Plum Highness, Grenadine, Dark Puce, Bogong Moth, Pewter Tankard, P Red Pegasus, Wool Tweed, Welcome Home, Wèi Lán Azure, Pitch Mary Brown, Druid Green, Classic Olive, Coveted Blue, Queer Blue, Cold Red Pegasus, Leather Work, Blue Angels Yellow, Catalina Green, Adriatic Sea, Wild Strawberry, Funkie Friday, Crowd Pleaser, Wet As Red Pegasus, Sabiseiji Grey, Greenish Teal, Astrogranite, Periscope, Black Kite, Eclectic Purple, Grauzone palette Whero Red, Bloodmyst Isle, Red Pegasus, Chamois Leather, Posy Purple, Victoria, Delta Green, Parma Violet, Ancient Pewter, Krieg K Red Pegasus, Quartersawn Oak, Gilded Gold, Rosemarried, Marshland, Cinnamon Cherry, Titmouse Grey, Slow Perch, Berries n Cream pal Red Pegasus, Concord, Clay Marble, Faint Green, Blue Torus, Wetlands Swamp, Kuwazome Red, Canyon Falls, Cornwall Slate, Spiced Bra Red Wine, Red Pegasus, Orange Rust, Monarch Orange, Rich Gardenia, Leopard, Winter Lakes, Cyan Blue palette Red Pegasus, Earthly Delight, Apricot Glazed Chicken, Golden Gun, Gangsters Gold, Sleepy Hollows, Alien Abduction, Ancient Murasak Red Pegasus, Roasted Squash, Aggressive Salmon, Fence Green, Burnt Crimson, Gretchin Green, Tom Thumb, Plantation Shutters, Galler Red Pegasus, Roman Brick, Barnyard Grass, Corsican Blue, Dreamless Sleep, Apple Blossom palette Brick Paver, Red Pegasus, Centaur, Zingiber, Violet Pink, Amphibian, Deep Pine palette Red Pegasus, Bran, Mayan Treasure, Bright Idea, Miami Marmalade, Blue Jeans, French Raspberry, Blue Charcoal, Crystal Ball, Ombre Heart Throb, Cochineal Red/Rouge, Red Pegasus, Cruel Sea, Terrace Brown, Castor Grey, Milk Thistle, Puce, Lovely Lilac palette Red Pegasus, Bonnie's Bench, I'm a Local, Mandarin Peel, Aztec Turquoise, Blue Angel, Kinky Koala, Morning at Sea, Dechala Lilac, Red Pegasus, Fresh Apple, Bergamot, Blue Edge palette Red Pegasus, Victorian Mauve palette Red Pegasus, Clear Brook, Bougainvillea, Arid Landscape, Ice Shard Soft Blue, Sugar Dust, Spring Fog palette Red Pegasus, Westcar Papyrus, California Gold Rush, Bouquet, Razzberry Fizz palette Red Pegasus, Mushroom Brown, Shadow, Spiced Red, Juicy Passionfruit, Sausalito Port, Lickedy Lick palette Red Pegasus, Potato Chip, Paddy Field, Rare Grey, Big Band, Warm Neutral, Gold Tint, Simply Violet palette Red Pegasus, Sullen Gold, Eternal Flame, Schiaparelli Pink, Dried Plantain, Illusive Dream, Primrose White palette Red Pegasus, Golden Yellow, Magnificence, Dynamic Black palette Red Pegasus, Wild Wilderness, Grasshopper Wing, Golden Rain Yellow, Pine Garland, Fuchsia Pheromone palette Red Pegasus, Brown Branch, Waikiki, Pictorial Carmine, Brown Stone, Noble Knight, Witness palette Red Pegasus, Turmeric Red, Orion Grey, Rookwood Medium Brown, Leek palette Red Pegasus, Wonton Dumpling, Goldfish, Mountain Lake Azure, Green Tea, Celeste, Light Porcelain palette Red Pegasus, Loden Blanket, Vesper, Spooky Graveyard, Sedia, Gris Náutico palette Red Pegasus, Blue Heist, Irogon Blue, Instigate, Gold Hearted, Lambs Wool, Fresh Linen palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #dd0000 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#dd0000 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#dd0000 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |