Created at 02/25/2023 22:05
#ddd8c6 HEX Color Salisbury Stone information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#ddd8c6 | RGB(221, 216, 198) |
RGB values are RGB(221, 216, 198)
#ddd8c6 color contain Red 86.67%, Green 84.71% and Blue 77.65%.
Color Names of #ddd8c6 HEX code
Salisbury Stone Color
Alternative colors of Salisbury Stone #ddd8c6
Alpaca Blanket
Almond Beige
Albescent White
Alabaster White
Airy Green
Adobe White
Adobe Sand
400XT Film
light grey
Opposite Color for Salisbury Stone is #c6cbdd
#ddd8c6 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ddd8c6 Salisbury Stone
hsl(47, 25%, 82%)
hsla(47, 25%, 82%, 1)
RGB(221, 216, 198)
RGBA(221, 216, 198, 1)
Palettes for #ddd8c6 color Salisbury Stone:
Below examples of color palettes for #ddd8c6 HEX color
darkest color is #161614 from shades and lightest color is #fcfbf9 from tints
Shades palette of #ddd8c6:
Tints palette of #ddd8c6:
Complementary palette of #ddd8c6:
Triadic palette of #ddd8c6:
Square palette of #ddd8c6:
Analogous palette of #ddd8c6:
Split-Complementary palette of #ddd8c6:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ddd8c6:
Suggested colors palettes for #ddd8c6 HEX:
Color Salisbury Stone #ddd8c6 used in palettes (43)
Emerald Dream, Salisbury Stone, Pippin palette Tuscan, Salisbury Stone palette Sedona at Sunset, Quilt Gold, Ellis Mist, Graceland Grass, Still, Endless Slumber, Salisbury Stone, Pinball, Primrose White palett Hemoglobin Red, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Admiralty, Clematis Blue, Cafe Creme, Irish Folklore, Salisbury Stone, Delicate Lilac Crys Tangara, Bamboo Yellow, Fabric of Love, Pure Hedonist, Salisbury Stone palette Red Gravel, Maple Red, Vegas Gold, Quagmire Green, Uplifting Yellow, Smashing Pumpkins, International Klein Blue, First Plum, Fore Medium Carmine, Dynamic Yellow, Endo, Blue Jacket, Berry Mix, Chinese Violet, 1989 Miami Hotline, Phthalo Green, Barley Field, Sal Dune Drift, Vintage Pottery, On the Moor, North Sea, Raspberry Pudding, Majolica Blue, Hills of Ireland, Salisbury Stone palette Vagabond, Gypsy Canvas, Brown Sugar Glaze, Sporty Blue, Larkspur Bouquet, Green Beret, Storm Dust, Drift on the Sea, Denim Light p Doe, Lakeshore, Sea of Galilee, Hippie Blue, Washed Black, God of Nights, Foliage Green, Singing in the Rain, Lucius Lilac, Hirosh Slippery Stone, Hokey Pokey, Countryside, Private Tone, Dogwood Rose, Warm Air of Debonair, Marble Garden, Grand Plum, Banksia, Co Jarrah, Seasoned Apple Green, Garden Violets, Port Wine Red, Grenache, Royalty Loyalty, Lilac Rose, Underground Stream, Warm Taupe Harissa Red, Crackled Leather, Burmese Gold, Mulberry Thorn, Golden Nugget, Monkey King, Leprechaun, Spruce Tree Flower, God of Ni Dropped Brick, Cocoa Powder, Saddlebag, Café Au Lait, Heart of Gold, Puffins Bill, Japanese Violet, Milk Thistle, Powdered Brick, Rookwood Amber, Victorian Crown, Bluestone Path, Charred Brown, Country Squire, Illusive Green, Sky, Persicus, Cosmetic Peach, Sal Aztec Temple, Falling Leaves, Highlighter Orange, Petrol Green, Watermelon Candy, Black Kite, Jewel, Ziggurat, Field Khaki, Mornin Prismarine, Nero, Alaskan Moss, Iron Fixture, Faded Flaxflower palette Pure Passion, Moray, Lichen Moss, Funky Frog, Zircon Blue, Corsican Blue, Luscious, Arame Seaweed Green, Rusted Crimson, Dark Navy Fruit Salad, Green Garter, Garnet Rose, Out of Fashion, Mineral Brown, Satin Soil, Perky Yellow, Celadon, Monet, Salisbury Stone, Grey Brown, Mustard Brown, Bowerbird Blue, Grape Candy, Feverish Passion, Hyper Pink, Paparazzi palette Abandoned Playground, Pale Oyster, Peanut Butter Chicken, Blue Chaise, Poster Blue, Ramsons, Applause Please, Autumn Grey, Turkish Permanent Geranium Lake, Tapenade, Wiggle, Medieval Forest, Seachange, Glass Sea, Mademoiselle Pink, Carnaby Tan, UP Maroon, Sundr Red Blooded, Shady Oak, Grainfield, Mown Grass, Zomp, Philips Green, Mediterranean Cove, Red Rock, Valentine's Day, Venetian Wall, Mayan Treasure, Pattypan, Evening Star, Hypnotic, Honed Steel, D. Darx Blue, Coastal Plain, Antigua Sand, Regal, Peach Parfait, Sa Clay Marble, Muted Purple, Inside, Intermediate Blue, Grey Olive, Antique Wicker Basket, Elusive Mauve palette Saffron Sunset, Green, Pink Quince, Blackberry Pie, French Lilac Blue, Yellow Tail, Salisbury Stone palette Cumin Ochre, Golden Crest, Avocado Peel, Languid Blue, Ice Cube, Salisbury Stone palette Flush Mahogany, Tempest, Smoky Quartz, On the Nile, Aroma Garden palette Apple Polish, Matrix, Warm Spice, Best of the Bunch, Primary Blue, Burnt Bamboo, Heart to Heart palette Brown Mustard, Endless Possibilities, Bosphorus, Sapphired, Into the Green, Montage, Oyster Grey, No Way Rosé palette Fuzzy Wuzzy, Hawaiian Passion, Denver River, Tezcatlipōca Blue, Protégé Bronze, Jugendstil Green, Minified Blue, Salisbury Stone p Amber Leaf, Cricket Green, Battle Blue, Dirty Purple, Volcanic Island, Cantaloupe palette Deli Yellow, Night in Manchester, Quiet Cove, I Pink I Can, Eclectic Purple, Perennial Phlox, Cheesy Grin, Plasma Trail palette Regal Rose, English Violet, Jazz Age Blues, Mexican Chocolate, Silver Screen palette Antique Honey, Bee Cluster, Lingonberry Punch, Pinky Pickle, Bleeding Heart, Midnight Moss, Blue Sou'wester, Noblesse, Her Highnes Colorado Trail, Katydid, Stormy Horizon, Blue Bolt palette Antique Treasure, Flat Earth, Freshly Roasted Coffee palette Artful Red, S'mores, Trumpet Flower, Rivergrass, Phantom, Trustee, Country Sky, Bering Sea, Warm Granite, Foothill Drive, Apricott Baneblade Brown, Brown Thrush, Rowdy Orange, Calmness, Black Sheep, Gothic Grape, Opera Glasses, Tarragon Tease, Pretty Lady, Cupo Persimmon Red, Poisonous Ice Cream, Enviable, Goblin Warboss, Blue Kelp, Coquina, Soaring Eagle, Ash Grove, Green Epiphany, Give M Sappanwood Perfume, Gyoza Dumpling, Tropical Tide, Adventure of the Seas, Fennel Flower, Mulberry, Red Wine Vinegar, Amethyst Phlo 789winxnet Sunset Cloud, Billiard Room, English Manor, Piercing Pink, Possessed Purple, Secret Story, Insignia Blue, Wet Suit, Obsidian, Wate
Color Contrast
Color pairings #ddd8c6 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#ddd8c6 Contrast Ratio
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#ddd8c6 Contrast Ratio
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