Created at 03/04/2023 03:32
#ecdbd6 HEX Color Light Pianissimo information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#ecdbd6 | RGB(236, 219, 214) |
RGB values are RGB(236, 219, 214)
#ecdbd6 color contain Red 92.55%, Green 85.88% and Blue 83.92%.
Color Names of #ecdbd6 HEX code
Light Pianissimo Color
Alternative colors of Light Pianissimo #ecdbd6
Cottingley Fairies
Cliff Swallow
Berry Frost
American Yorkshire
Almost Mauve
Alluring White
Abilene Lace
Abalone Shell
A Smell of Bakery
Opposite Color for Light Pianissimo is #d5e6ec
#ecdbd6 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ecdbd6 Light Pianissimo
hsl(14, 37%, 88%)
hsla(14, 37%, 88%, 1)
RGB(236, 219, 214)
RGBA(236, 219, 214, 1)
Palettes for #ecdbd6 color Light Pianissimo:
Below examples of color palettes for #ecdbd6 HEX color
darkest color is #181615 from shades and lightest color is #fdfbfb from tints
Shades palette of #ecdbd6:
Tints palette of #ecdbd6:
Complementary palette of #ecdbd6:
Triadic palette of #ecdbd6:
Square palette of #ecdbd6:
Analogous palette of #ecdbd6:
Split-Complementary palette of #ecdbd6:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ecdbd6:
Color Light Pianissimo #ecdbd6 used in palettes (50)
Burnt Olive, Texas Sweet Tea, Light Pianissimo palette Rave Red, Coconut, Springtide Melodies, Dark Room, Bluish Purple, Frost Gum, Purple Thorn, Lazy Caterpillar, Granny Apple, Whisper Lemon Essence, Light Pianissimo palette Kitsurubami Brown, Pirate Treasure, Hudson Bee, Prominent Blue, Deep Sanction, Kirchner Green, Sandy Hair, Light Pianissimo palett Wageningen Green, Bluish Purple, Overdue Blue, Texas Sage, Misted Aqua, Light Pianissimo palette Light Pianissimo, Mountain Heather palette Plover Grey, Burnt Ochre, Desert Dessert, Faded Sunlight, Bright Saffron, Club Moss, Prairie Denim, Bluebonnet Frost, First Landin San Francisco Mauve, Light Pianissimo, Bay Scallop palette Tulip Tree, Pumpkin Vapour, Magic Blade, Green, Empress, Midnight Sky, Whale Grey, Cloudy Today, Cuttlefish, Germania, Petit Four, Landmark, Wintergreen, Santorini, Blue Lust, Artistic License, Soft Steel, Honey Bear, Breathtaking Evening, Spun Wool, Light Tact Dried Basil, Fruitless Fig Tree, Old Mill, Romulus palette Mount Tam, Outdoor Cafe, Big Stone Beach, Coco Rum, Yellow Lupine, Credo, Toy Submarine Blue, Nocturne Red, Blood Organ, Medici Bl Salsa, Medieval Cobblestone, Saffron Strands, Irradiated Green, Cypress Garden, Pacific Blues, Kyoto House, Dusty Jade Green, Cane Terracotta Red Brown, Spanish Yellow, Sea Lion, Tufts Blue, Scooter, Mexican Sand, Sculptor Clay, Daffodil Yellow, Time Travel, Sa Gold Deposit, Bitter, Marina, Protoss Pylon, Magnetic Grey, Polo Blue, Skyline Steel palette Meander, Cinnamon Sand, Bugman's Glow, Maizena, Inspiration Peak, Blue Marguerite, Fireworks, Mulch, Winter Sky, Tranquil Pool, El Cardamom Green, Decor Yellow, Shandy, Beating Around the Bush, Kendal Green, Algae, Extravehicular Activity, Requiem, Nobel, Nepal Baikō Brown, Golden Brown, Sunny Festival, Peahen, Sea Sparkle, Raspberry Romantic, Mardi Gras, Perennial Green, Olive Soap, Wonde Mango Brown, Animated Coral, Vermilion Bird, Hot Sand, Sabiseiji Grey, Anemone, Subterranean River, Candied Blueberry, Rainstorm, Snap Pea Green, Maximum Blue, Ateneo Blue, Skipper Blue, Dolphin Grey, Light Water Wash, Tuft Bush palette Viva Gold, Obstinate Orange, Moutarde de Bénichon, Magic Mountain, Nīlā Blue, Silver Surfer, Lavender Crystal, Kimberly, Sparkling Glazed Carrot, Range Land, Irish Green, Chromophobia Green, Carbon Fiber, Evening Mauve, Angry Ocean, Shallow Water Ground, Windso Campground, Midnight in Tokyo, Radishical, Midnight, Morocco Brown, Rigby Ridge, Cashmere palette Bamboo Yellow, Yam, Nuclear Mango, Stonewash, Glazed Granite, Grape Ivy, Violet Beauty, Juicy Mango, Calico Rose palette Hot Cinnamon, Cembra Blossom, Devlan Mud, Dusty Lavender, Evocative Blue palette Winter Pea Green, So Sour, Prediction, Sudden Sapphire palette Apeland, Glazed Pecan, Teal Trinket, Scuba, Silken Raspberry, Green Oblivion, Cocobolo, Tame Thyme, Morris Leaf, Mandys Pink, Lime Happy Trails, Herbal Green, Hacienda, Sunset Strip, Hancock, Soda Pop, Aluminum Sky, Marseilles, Chinchilla Chenille, Pine Strain, Noble Cause, French Lime, Arrowhead Lake, Splashy, Purple Tanzanite, Orient Pink, Bruised Burgundy, Maidenhair Fern, Bowling Green Carriage Door, Aegean Sky, Mexican Standoff, Goldfinger, Florida Keys, Baroness Mauve, Mandy, Sea Hazel, Melted Ice Cream, Cold Li Spaceman, True Blue, Lost in Heaven, Wine Stroll, Hitsujiyama Pink, Bright Rose, Liquorice Green, Jet Fuel, Green Meets Blue, Sand Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Strawberry Cough, Midsummer Gold, Altdorf Guard Blue, Little Bear, Beau Monde, Authentic Tan, Distressed Pizazz, Guppie Green, Quiet Grey, Sand Dance, Tropical Blue, Otto Ice, Light Pianissimo, Sugar Coated palette Chocolate Pudding, Spartacus, Tiě Hēi Metal, Meadow Blossom Blue, Open Sesame, Jam Session, Light Pianissimo palette Gold Tweed, Muted Purple, Bright Bluebonnet, Eaves, Wild Primrose, Gris Náutico, Shimmering Pool, Light Pianissimo palette Eshin Grey, Raffia Cream, Sundress, Buff Orange palette Resort Tan, Birdseye, Celadon Green palette Willow Grey, Azurean, Night Fog, Barren, Steamed Chai, Shy Blunt, Lemon Bubble, Light Pianissimo palette Red Wine, Mongoose, Firm Green, High Point, Peach Blush palette Timeless Taupe, Gosling, Korichnewyi Brown, Blazing Orange, Plumville, Nordic Noir, Garden View, Lavender Princess palette Hierba Santa, Antique Grey, Zǎo Hóng Maroon, Dark Tavern, French Parsley, Warm Oats, Delicate Lilac Crystal palette Rum Punch, Tiger Cat, Grauzone palette Caramelized Orange, Noxious, Shaker Blue, Alexis Blue, Light Pianissimo palette Barrel, Martian Ironcrust, Apple Jack, Tangent Periwinkle, Cleopatra, Powder Room, Vampire Love Story, Heather, Turkish Teal, Acto Sandal, Sphagnum Moss, First Colors of Spring, Mosaic Blue, Greyish Purple, Cast Iron palette Cherry Tart, Wet Cement, Lilac Blue palette Aumbry, Taupe Grey palette Palak Paneer, Byzantine, Cherry Paddle Pop, Swirl, Arid Landscape palette Lichtenstein Yellow, Tall Waves, Elite Green, Impression of Obscurity, Bygone, Krypton, Gentle Rain, Alpine Expedition, Seaside Vi Earthworm, Bright Zenith, Darth Vader, Green Agate, Jordy Blue, Emanation, Naturel, Reef Green, Silent River, Lamina, Angel in Blu
Color Contrast
Color pairings #ecdbd6 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#ecdbd6 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#ecdbd6 Contrast Ratio
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