Created at 09/01/2024 17:15

Timeless Taupe, Gosling, Korichnewyi Brown, Blazing Orange, Plumville, Nordic Noir, Garden View, Lavender Princess palette

Timeless Taupe
Korichnewyi Brown
Blazing Orange
Nordic Noir
Garden View
Lavender Princess
Light Pianissimo
Cute Little Pink
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Blazing Orange #ffa64f and Nordic Noir #003344. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Timeless Taupe, Gosling, Korichnewyi Brown, Blazing Orange, Plumville, Nordic Noir, Garden View, Lavender Princess palette has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #908379, RGB: (144, 131, 121); HEX: #857668, RGB: (133, 118, 104); HEX: #8d4512, RGB: (141, 69, 18)
HEX: #ffa64f, RGB: (255, 166, 79); HEX: #9e8185, RGB: (158, 129, 133); HEX: #003344, RGB: (0, 51, 68)
HEX: #89b89a, RGB: (137, 184, 154); HEX: #e9d2ef, RGB: (233, 210, 239); HEX: #ecdbd6, RGB: (236, 219, 214)
HEX: #f4e2e1, RGB: (244, 226, 225)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Tint of Grey, Shade of saddlebrown, Shade of sandybrown, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of thistle, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Timeless Taupe, Gosling, Korichnewyi Brown, Blazing Orange, Plumville, Nordic Noir, Garden View, Lavender Princess palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#908379 RGB(144, 131, 121)Timeless Taupe
#857668 RGB(133, 118, 104)Gosling
#8d4512 RGB(141, 69, 18)Korichnewyi Brown
#ffa64f RGB(255, 166, 79)Blazing Orange
#9e8185 RGB(158, 129, 133)Plumville
#003344 RGB(0, 51, 68)Nordic Noir
#89b89a RGB(137, 184, 154)Garden View
#e9d2ef RGB(233, 210, 239)Lavender Princess
#ecdbd6 RGB(236, 219, 214)Light Pianissimo
#f4e2e1 RGB(244, 226, 225)Cute Little Pink

Color Palette Contrast

22 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Timeless Taupe, Gosling, Korichnewyi Brown, Blazing Orange, Plumville, Nordic Noir, Garden View, Lavender Princess palette png