Created at 02/25/2023 08:15

#ee0022 HEX Color Bethlehem Red information

#ee0022 RGB(238, 0, 34)

RGB values are RGB(238, 0, 34)
#ee0022 color contain Red 93.33%, Green 0% and Blue 13.33%.

Color Names of #ee0022 HEX code

Bethlehem Red Color

Classification of #ee0022 color

#ee0022 is Light and Warm Color
Tint of Red

Alternative colors of Bethlehem Red #ee0022

Opposite Color for Bethlehem Red is #00f0cc

#ee0022 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ee0022 Bethlehem Red

hsl(351, 100%, 47%)
hsla(351, 100%, 47%, 1)
RGB(238, 0, 34)
RGBA(238, 0, 34, 1)

Palettes for #ee0022 color Bethlehem Red:

Below examples of color palettes for #ee0022 HEX color

darkest color is #180003 from shades and lightest color is #fde6e9 from tints

Shades palette of #ee0022:
Tints palette of #ee0022:
Complementary palette of #ee0022:
Triadic palette of #ee0022:
Square palette of #ee0022:
Analogous palette of #ee0022:
Split-Complementary palette of #ee0022:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ee0022:

Color Bethlehem Red #ee0022 used in palettes (45)

Bethlehem Red, Doombull Brown, Winner's Circle, Candlelight Peach, Citrus Rind palette Bethlehem Red, Denali Green, Donegal Tweed, Carpet Moss, Earthen Cheer, Welsh Onion, Fresh Eggplant, Wild Truffle, Chocolate Pretz Bethlehem Red, Tiě Hēi Metal palette Bethlehem Red, Wild Chestnut, Rum Punch, Lion King, Oranzhewyi Orange, Kinetic Teal, New Age Blue, Deep Sky Blue, Chicory Coffee, Bethlehem Red, Bubonic Brown, Pink as Hell palette Silken Ruby, Bethlehem Red, Satin Sheen Gold, Navy Green, Amazing Boulder palette Bethlehem Red, Rich and Rare, Saga Blue, Nautical Creatures, Vermeer Blue, Sea Capture, Dried Lavender Flowers, Violet Haze, Ruthl Bethlehem Red, Dry Sage, Dim Grey, Froth, Aqua Squeeze palette Bethlehem Red Bethlehem Red, Greenbrier, Modal Blue, Jordan Jazz, Chive palette Left on Red, Bethlehem Red, Outdoor Cafe, English Bartlett, Chocolate Bells, Champagne Grape, Victorian Garden, Nervous Neon Pink, Bethlehem Red, Purple Squid, Copper Canyon, Pearl Blue, Liebermann Green, Lockhart, Glisten Yellow palette Bethlehem Red, Gold Tips, Honey Pink, Reed Yellow palette Bethlehem Red, Roasted Pecan palette Bethlehem Red, Fire Lord, Aquarius Reef Base, Greedo Green, Slate Blue, Jacuzzi, Liberal Lilac, Earth Red, Desire, Bastille, Natur Bethlehem Red, Cobblestone Path, Lover's Leap, Evening Star, Teal Blue, Singapore Orchid, Briar Rose palette Bethlehem Red, Battle Dress, Luscious Lemongrass, Perfect Ocean, Raspberry Parfait, Calypso Coral, Parisian Night, Oil Rush, Stone Bethlehem Red, Vineyard, YInMn Blue, Functional Grey, Mellow Buff, Fabulous Forties, Spotted Snake Eel, Yellowstone Park, Yellow E Bethlehem Red, Barro Verde, Sequoia, Holland Red, Intoxicate, Lakeville, Tech Wave, Aquamarine Ocean, July, Baker-Miller Pink, All Bethlehem Red, Rubber, Olivia, Pinard Yellow, Dying Moss, Hoeth Blue, Fuchsia Flock, Creamy Coral, Fresco Blue, Green Papaya, Wasa Bethlehem Red, Cadian Fleshtone, Wavy Glass, Etruscan, Cut the Mustard, Crimson Boy, Blue Bottle, Chateau Brown, Moosewood, Pewter Prairie Sand, Bethlehem Red, Mermaid's Kiss, Bluesy Note, Gulfstream, Poster Green, Seagrass Green, Almost Plum, Tuscan Wall, Dawn Bethlehem Red, Sockeye, Turtle Bay, Primal Blue, Purple Magic, Bright Indigo, Heliotrope, Sensuous Grey, Frog Green, Whiskey and W Bethlehem Red, Yellow of Izamal, Aged Teak, Pelican Tan, Rose Soiree, Shady Pink palette Bethlehem Red, Dry Dock, Morocco, Nature's Masterpiece, Danger Ridge, Cloudless Day, Knightley Straw, Lichen Gold, Ellen, Spearmin Bethlehem Red, Canyon Rose, Sunflower Mango, Olive Drab, Sail On, Pheromone Purple, Lickedy Lick, Garden Shadow palette Chernobog, Bethlehem Red, Caramel Cafe, Poisoning Green, Bimini Blue, Alucard's Night palette Cornell Red, Bethlehem Red, McKenzie, Lightish Purple, Thousand Years Green palette Bethlehem Red, Moselle Green, Twinberry, Root Beer, Light Pale Lilac, Chrome Green palette Bethlehem Red, Confederate, Egyptian Teal, Brown Mouse, Monet Moonrise palette Bethlehem Red, Mountain Ridge, Mouse Tail, Off Green palette Bethlehem Red, Texas Hills, Lady Fern, Plummy, Harold palette Wistful Longing, Ferocious, Bethlehem Red, Jungle Expedition, Aegean Blue, White Raisin, Autonomous palette Bethlehem Red, Blazing Autumn, Reseda Green palette Bethlehem Red, Bottle Green palette Bethlehem Red, Pepper Sprout, Sardinia Beaches, Madagascar Pink, Tumblin' Tumbleweed palette Bethlehem Red, Lonely Road, Falling Leaves, Crop Circle, Chinois Green, San Francisco Pink, Huntington Garden, Gentle Doe palette Number #167 Bethlehem Red, Crocodile, Bravado Red, Sohi Red, Deep Fried Sun Rays palette Bethlehem Red, Russet Red, Kathmandu, Warrant, Tau Light Ochre, Conifer Green palette Bethlehem Red, Pigeon Pink, Auburn Glaze, Blackberry Burgundy palette Relief, Bethlehem Red, Sly Fox, Neutrino Blue, Brink Pink, Rain Boots, Holiday, Proper Grey palette Bethlehem Red, Truepenny, Lime Candy Pearl, Pinky Pickle, Woodland Sage, Silver Bullet palette Bethlehem Red, Patches, Apple-A-Day, Mover & Shaker, On the Rocks, Wishy-Washy Blue palette Rust, Bethlehem Red, Hotter Butter, Obsidian Shell, Zorba, Moorland, Desert Dune palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #ee0022 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Bethlehem Red #ee0022 color png