Created at 02/23/2023 03:42

#f0d7d7 HEX Color Light Petite Pink information

#f0d7d7 RGB(240, 215, 215)

RGB values are RGB(240, 215, 215)
#f0d7d7 color contain Red 94.12%, Green 84.31% and Blue 84.31%.

Color Names of #f0d7d7 HEX code

Light Petite Pink Color

Classification of #f0d7d7 color

#f0d7d7 is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of mistyrose
Opposite Color for Light Petite Pink is #d6f0f0

#f0d7d7 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #f0d7d7 Light Petite Pink

hsl(0, 45%, 89%)
hsla(0, 45%, 89%, 1)
RGB(240, 215, 215)
RGBA(240, 215, 215, 1)

Palettes for #f0d7d7 color Light Petite Pink:

Below examples of color palettes for #f0d7d7 HEX color

darkest color is #181515 from shades and lightest color is #fefbfb from tints

Shades palette of #f0d7d7:
Tints palette of #f0d7d7:
Complementary palette of #f0d7d7:
Triadic palette of #f0d7d7:
Square palette of #f0d7d7:
Analogous palette of #f0d7d7:
Split-Complementary palette of #f0d7d7:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #f0d7d7:

Color Light Petite Pink #f0d7d7 used in palettes (37)

Brass Button, Radioactive, Award Night, Blue Yonder, Light Petite Pink palette Grey Brown, Chinchilla Chenille, Shy Mint, Light Petite Pink, Dear Reader palette Schist, Gold Varnish Brown, Blue Jasmine, Blue Glaze, Dark Elf, Vintage Merlot, Dried Grass, Laylock, Syrian Violet, Spellbound, I Palomino Pony, Calico Cat, Groovy Lemon Pie, German Mustard, Machu Picchu Gardens, Nuclear Waste, Yíng Guāng Sè Green, Mega Magent Vampire Bite, Bronzed, Pani Puri, Salmon Pink, Light Petite Pink palette Pango Black, Light Petite Pink palette Insignia Blue, Vulcanized, Light Petite Pink palette Cheese Please, Concealed Green, Light Petite Pink palette Whale Skin, Royal Banner, Volcanic Island, Caboose, Drenched Rain, Light Petite Pink palette Rare Rhubarb, Gazelle, Desert Coral, Prison Jumpsuit, Old Bamboo, Lima, Clooney, Wine Not, She Loves Pink, Mountain Falls palette Cadmium Red, Cocoa Shell, Shadows, Lily Pond Blue, Light Shōtoku Purple, Bright Pink, Revered, Sleepy Owlet, Harmonious Rose, Viri Emerald, Deadly Depths, Olive Bark, Sheringa Rose, Tower Grey, Fossilized, Bedtime Story, Ripe Pineapple palette Caramel Candy, Zest, Mango Margarita, Zunda Green, Sea Lettuce, Shadow Blue, Rackley, Cool Blue, Noble Black, Marine, Lazy Day, So French Bistre, Earthly Delight, Laurel Garland, Teal Bayou, Customs Green, New Bulgarian Rose, Amethyst Grey palette Amazon Stone, Trim, French Beige, Manticore Wing, Pauley, Blue Oblivion, Toadstool Soup, Pimento Grain Brown, Silver Sands, Bare B Green Ochre, Dyer's Woad, Fuchsia Pink, Rosily, Rain Storm, Cummings Oak, Easy Green, Chelsea Mauve, Buckskin, Winter Willow Green Tanager, Arts and Crafts, Pesto Paste, Ocean Mirage, Chert, Sandalwood, Montecito, Tiffany Light, Paper Daisy palette Fudge Bar, Butterscotch, Heart Gold, Paint the Sky, Spinning Blue, Juniper Berries, Poise, Zin Cluster, Riding Boots, Wasabi Peanu Ginnezumi, Tulip Tree, Siren of Nature, Dubarry, Badab Black Wash, Timothy Grass, Elemental Grey, Akaroa, Tobermory, Queen Anne Li Citrus Sugar, Fried Egg, Petit Four, Aerial View, Sweet Juliet palette Sycamore Tan, Antique Chest, Treasure Casket, Red Potato, Happy Yipee, Bush, Cloak and Dagger, Jordan Jazz, Mallard Blue, Pale Whe Victorian Crown, Catalina Coast, Pagoda, Windy City, Mindful Grey, Tusk, Light Orchid Haze, Light Soft Kind palette Karak Stone, Hot Brown, Dell, Winter Mood palette 100 Mph, Vinho do Porto, Honey Maple, Satin Sheen Gold, Christmas Orange, Witch Hazel, Golden Banner, Cumberland Grey, Venetian Wa Grecian Gold, Maximum Blue Green, Metallic Blue, Diffused Orchid, Overdue Blue, Photon Barrier palette Dried Saffron, Kombucha, Chasm Green, Magentarama, Arapawa, Persimmon Fade, Peachy Sand palette Gentleman's Whiskey, Slice of Watermelon, Dune Grass, Astilbe, Titan White, Restful White palette Green Dragon, Blackadder, Violet Aura, Neutral Green palette Imperial Red, Mountain Elk, Gold Estate, Summer Sunset, Crash Dummy, Darkest Navy, Light Petite Pink palette Cut the Mustard, Old Whiskey, Ripe Pumpkin, Adirondack Blue, Viola Grey, Prune Purple palette Pumpkin, Egyptian Blue, Coffee House palette Toy Mauve, Lords of the Night, God’s Own Junkyard Pink, Grey Web palette Tudor Tan, Mustard Gold, Felicia, Balsam Branch, Pastel Lilac, Early September, Glacier Point palette Pieces of Eight, Lonely Chocolate, Midnight in the Tropics, Berry Riche, Short Phase, Tahoe Snow palette Annatto, Mineral Umber, Durian Yellow, Blueberry Dream, Chinese Safflower, Pinkinity, Suntan palette Bluebrite, Atomic, Bachelor Blue, Water Slide palette Goldenrod Field, Orchid, Imperial Purple, Winter Chime, Muslin Tint, Cream Silk, Light Petite Pink palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #f0d7d7 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Light Petite Pink #f0d7d7 color png