Created at 02/21/2023 10:50
#f1d7e4 HEX Color Candy Tuft information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#f1d7e4 | RGB(241, 215, 228) |
RGB values are RGB(241, 215, 228)
#f1d7e4 color contain Red 94.51%, Green 84.31% and Blue 89.41%.
Color Names of #f1d7e4 HEX code
Candy Tuft Color
Alternative colors of Candy Tuft #f1d7e4
Opposite Color for Candy Tuft is #d5f0e3
#f1d7e4 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #f1d7e4 Candy Tuft
hsl(330, 48%, 89%)
hsla(330, 48%, 89%, 1)
RGB(241, 215, 228)
RGBA(241, 215, 228, 1)
Palettes for #f1d7e4 color Candy Tuft:
Below examples of color palettes for #f1d7e4 HEX color
darkest color is #181517 from shades and lightest color is #fefbfc from tints
Shades palette of #f1d7e4:
Tints palette of #f1d7e4:
Complementary palette of #f1d7e4:
Triadic palette of #f1d7e4:
Square palette of #f1d7e4:
Analogous palette of #f1d7e4:
Split-Complementary palette of #f1d7e4:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #f1d7e4:
Suggested colors palettes for #f1d7e4 HEX:
Color Candy Tuft #f1d7e4 used in palettes (50)
Candy Tuft Stacked Stone, Chocolate Delight, Gamboge, Wintergreen Shadow, Medium Turquoise, Shades of Rhodonite, SQL Injection Purple, Ruriko Airbrushed Copper, Mango Squash, Olympian Blue, Madison, Bicycle Yellow, Candy Tuft palette Rocky Mountain, Exploring Khaki, Lemon Lime Mojito, Bilious Green, Slimer Green, Oyster Bay, Customs Green, Tabriz Teal, Blue Nigh Splish Splash, Maximum Blue Purple, Squid Pink, Candy Tuft palette Salsa Picante, Dusty Canyon, Chocolate Ripple, Warm Cognac, Misted Yellow, Red Panda, Orange you Happy?, Barcelona Orange, Pale Al Fire, Lone Star, Orange Ochre, Wasabi Green, Dark Lime, Crisp Lettuce, Splendiferous, Century's Last Sunset, Hot Flamingo, Liaison Dancing Crocodiles, Red Beech, Candy Tuft palette Parauri Brown, Berry Light, Winding Path, Candy Tuft palette Marsh Creek, Full Moon Grey, Candy Tuft, Soft Muslin palette Delicious Mandarin, Art House Pink, Destiny, Candy Tuft palette Olive, Parma Mauve, Smoky Salmon, Wind Chimes, Pastel Yellow, Hazelnut Cream, Candy Tuft, Shell White palette Woolen Mittens, Silent Tide, Co Pilot, Infectious Love, Ravenclaw, Royal Maroon, Gold Grillz, Grape Oil Green, Soft Shoe palette Poppy Pods, Epidote Olvene Ore, Porchetta Crust, Alpha Blue, Cleo's Bath, Cold Grey, Sea Dew palette Bindi Red, Wet Pottery Clay, Sun Song, Chocolate Pancakes, Wonderland, Tender Shoots, Greeny Glaze, Heath Spotted Orchid, Verdun G Granite Green, Flesh Wash, Mantella Frog, Ripe Cherry, Professor Plum, Palm Leaf, Pit Stop, Gloomy Blue, Grass Cloth, Vidalia, Bra Red Team Spirit, Historic Town, Black Iris, Captain Blue, Linear, Rusted Crimson, Lilac Grey, Astra, Garden Seat palette Orange Spice, Citrus Delight, Revival, Juneberry, Pink Parakeet, Nora's Forest, Dark Side, Blue Bell, Vintage Charm, Cerebellum Gr Candy Apple Red, Dent Corn, Pelagic, Thames Dusk, Faded Flaxflower, Florida Grey, Smooth Satin, Green Alabaster, Piano Grey Rose, Blood Kiss, Bancroft Village, Glass Jar Blue, Ebicha Brown, Darkroom, Stone Cairn, Germania, Blush, Savile Row, Pale Tendril, Isla Blood Moon, Firenze, Kingdom Gold, Lothern Blue, Wild Ginger, Space Cadet, German Liquorice, Cuba Brown, Whale Watching, Norway, F Red Shade Wash, Mocha Mousse, Laredo Road, Galley Gold, Pumpkin Toast, Moray Eel, Siniy Blue, Soulstone Blue, Auricula Purple, The Chestnut Plum, Spicy Red, Condiment, Sea Buckthorn, Chinois Green, Cavern Echo, Light White Box, Spilt Milk, Dream Blue, Cactus Wa Stoplight, Polished Gold, Bright Halo, Yellow Tan, Edamame palette Capocollo, Cliff Brown, Purple Premiere, Savannah Sun palette Texas Boots, Graceful Gazelle, Botanical Garden, Empress, Ponceau, Bubble Shell, Cocoa Parfait palette Pond Green, Sea Fern, Pont Moss, Galena, Storm Blue, Flowering Chestnut, Space Grey, Shaku-Do Copper, Lilac Intuition, Chenille, Y Bicyclette, Tanbark Trail, Radicchio, Girls Night Out, Sinister Minister, Eagle Rock, Cedar Glen, Carton, Lilac Time, Sugar Tooth, Molasses Cookie, Jargon Jade, Presumption, Sunset Purple, Tuna, Pewter Ring, Graceful Green, Moonshine, Sail to the Sea palette Rust, Café, Rich Brocade, Secrecy, Turbulence, Comforting Grey palette Keystone, Flower Pot, Summerset, Jokaero Orange, Siyâh Black, Poppy's Whiskers palette Golden Week, Synergy, Bold Eagle, Smoked Tan, Olive Sprig, Limestone, Vanilla Ice Smoke, Candy Tuft palette Brass Button, Pompeian Pink, Christmas Orange, Dried Mustard, Blue Mediterranean, Jacuzzi, Roller Coaster Chariot, Violet Majesty, Tau Sept Ochre, Red Cray, Sand Yellow, Ice Blue Grey, Blue Paradise, Apple II Green, Wine Cellar, Nadia, Pinque palette Grey Porcelain, California Roll, Caramel Apple, Primavera, Summer Night, Bicycle Yellow, Bee's Knees palette Orient Yellow, Kickstart Purple, Pure Blue, Moonlight Jade palette Korichnewyi Brown, Dusky Cyclamen, Sandrock, Clear Pond, Trade Winds, Pale Cloud palette Desert Yellow, Arcade Glow, Navy Purple, Crushed Violets, Corfu Sky, Olive Martini palette Gumdrop Green, Neo Tokyo Grey palette Antique, Prairie Grove, Eva Green, Mediterranean Swirl, Queer Purple, Dark Space, Wild Clary, Golden Hominy palette New Brick, Splendor Gold, Lake Thun palette Benihi Red, Clean Pool, Oceanic Motion, Foggy Blue palette Abandoned Mansion, Feasty Fuchsia, Blood Organ, Analytical Grey, Lemon Delicious, Discreet Orange, Crystal Bay palette Beaver, Citrus Notes, Magentle palette Fresh Sawdust, Forest Tent, Blarney, The Fang Grey, Dave's Den, Equatorial, Take Five palette Medium Wood, Dynamite, Future, Vibrant Purple, Charred Brown, Ambassador Blue, Ochre Revival, Posies palette Vigilant, Chilli Cashew, Pochard Duck Head, Talipot Palm, Islamic Green, Bluish Green, Liseran Purple, Peach Parfait palette Fall in Season, Midnight Badger, Canadian Lake palette Red Power, Camel, Carambar, Abyssal Depths, Soulful Music, Wisteria Light Soft Blue, Spanish Villa, Buckwheat Flour palette Blissful Orange, Azurite Water Green, Fresh Soft Blue, Angel Falls, Frosty Pine palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #f1d7e4 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#f1d7e4 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#f1d7e4 Contrast Ratio
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