Created at 02/28/2023 22:17

#f2e0d4 HEX Color Pink Scallop information

#f2e0d4 RGB(242, 224, 212)

RGB values are RGB(242, 224, 212)
#f2e0d4 color contain Red 94.9%, Green 87.84% and Blue 83.14%.

Color Names of #f2e0d4 HEX code

Pink Scallop Color

Classification of #f2e0d4 color

#f2e0d4 is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of linen
Opposite Color for Pink Scallop is #d4e6f2

#f2e0d4 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #f2e0d4 Pink Scallop

hsl(24, 54%, 89%)
hsla(24, 54%, 89%, 1)
RGB(242, 224, 212)
RGBA(242, 224, 212, 1)

Palettes for #f2e0d4 color Pink Scallop:

Below examples of color palettes for #f2e0d4 HEX color

darkest color is #181615 from shades and lightest color is #fefcfb from tints

Shades palette of #f2e0d4:
Tints palette of #f2e0d4:
Complementary palette of #f2e0d4:
Triadic palette of #f2e0d4:
Square palette of #f2e0d4:
Analogous palette of #f2e0d4:
Split-Complementary palette of #f2e0d4:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #f2e0d4:

Suggested colors palettes for #f2e0d4 HEX:

Colors palette with color #f2e0d4 #1:
Colors palette with color #f2e0d4 #2:
Colors palette with color #f2e0d4 #3:
Colors palette with color #f2e0d4 #4:
Colors palette with color #f2e0d4 #5:

Color Pink Scallop #f2e0d4 used in palettes (50)

Choco Chic, Cookie Crust, Copen Blue, Fantasy Console Sky, Opulent Mauve, Peat Brown, Toasted Wheat, Moorland Heather, Sugar Tooth Sparkling Champagne, Light Sandbank, Diluted Red, Pink Scallop, Nina palette Fresh Auburn, Potato Chip, Practice Green, Disc Jockey, Feather Falls, Echo One, Timid Sea, Lapis Lazuli Blue, Pisces Vivid Amethy Candlewick, Pink Scallop palette Pepper Spice, Golden Egg, Red Terra, Yukon Gold, The Fifth Sun, Hidden Valley, Miami Jade, Picture Book Green, Blackcurrant, Kōrai Pharlap, Marsh Grass, Green Caterpillar, Charmed Chalice, Tempting Pink, Water Sprout, Snuff, Pink Scallop palette Toasted Nutmeg, Move Mint, Pink Peacock, Harbour Mist, Pink Scallop palette Major Tom, Briquette Grey, Meditation, Frosty Glade, Duchess Rose, Bōsōzoku Pink, Pink Scallop palette Alpine, Seed Pod, Brown Fox, Antique Windmill, Sea Drive, Alesan, Frost, Persian Melon, Pink Scallop palette Tree Poppy, Agave Frond, Arbol De Tamarindo, Wisp of Mauve, Pale Violet, Pink Scallop palette Pelati, White Oak, Cyan Cornflower Blue, Brunette, Sky Watch, Disco Ball, White Cedar, Morning Bread palette Nandi Bear, Overcast Brick, Turmeric Brown, Dragon Fire, Sea Current, Maiden Pink, Lovebirds, Mangosteen, Volcanic Brick, Delicate Natural Copper, Soft Bronze, Endless Summer, Heritage Taffeta, Bole, Stratus, Cold Blue, Shrimp, Victoriana, Smell the Mint, Break Lizard, Sleepy Hollows, Chetwode Blue, Suddenly Sapphire, So Merlot, Black Sheep, Dorado, Wispy Mint, Violet Fields, Cotton Seed, Cookie Crust, Magic Sage, Mountain Bluebird, Purple Pleasures, Undercool, Coral Cove, Urban Raincoat, Crème Brûlée, Shattered Sky It Works, Direct Green, Bay View, Wool Violet, Brusque Pink, Sambucus, Druid Green, Rainmaker, Tol Barad Green, Homestead Brown, G Disc Jockey, Grey Dusk, Spanish Violet, Sassafras, Coffee House, Whirligig Geyser, Illuminating Experience palette Willow Tree, Vivid Yellow, Wild Beet Leaf, Shutter Blue, Riverway, Sicilia Bougainvillea, Swallow Blue, Dark as Night, Moscow Mule Rumba Orange, Limeño Limón, Gargantua, Field Maple, Pelorus, Dark Rift, Spruce Shade, Tuscany, California Coral, Purple Poodle, Ha Piment Piquant, Corn Poppy Cherry, Forest Ridge, Slate Brown, Denim Tradition, Calamansi Green, Grape Smoke, Mead palette Macaroon, Shade of Amber, Magic Mountain, Castelvetrano Olive, Galactic Highway, Dancing Wand, Maverick, Light Opale, Bleached Bei Silver Maple Green, Bank Vault, Reclaimed Wood, Surprise Amber, Bedtime Story, Canyon Echo palette Blood Donor, Tealish, Lavender Violet, Amulet Gem, Salsa Diane, Bay Isle Pointe, Andiron, War God, Applause Please, Pale Pastel, D Reign of Tomatoes, Trinket Box, Mint, Delusional Dragonfly, Shadow Planet, Green Glutton, Ashwood palette Sierra Foothills, Chicory Green, Manz, Wageningen Green, Chesty Bond, Willow Wood, Melody Purple, Ice Dagger palette Shaded Fern, Brown Branch, Quince, Gazebo Green, Algiers Blue, Magic Magenta, Scarab, Fulgurite Copper, Brown Bread, Pale Lime Yel Wicker Basket, Albeit, Bluster Blue, Painted Leather, Lively Lilac, California Coral, Aged Beige, Limesicle palette Landmark Brown, Hunter's Orange, Boredom Buster, Virgo Green Goddess, Deep Daitoku Purple, Peaty Brown, Brik Dough, Madrid Beige, Demonic, Mustard Gold, Autumn Maple, Ice Temple, Pink Tulip, Dragon's Blood, Old Copper, Drake Tooth, Anti Rainbow Grey, Greek Isl Doe, Wattle, Finger Banana, Water Cooler, Violet Vibes, Endless Galaxy, Coated, Rain Cloud, Ochre Yellow, Life Lesson, Light Beige Cypress Green, Sunset Cloud, Lemon Zest, Dark Mountain Meadow, Cranberry Blue, Red Red Wine, Magic Potion, Bronze Icon, Linden Spe Quagmire Green, Mykonos, Bunni Brown palette Lucky Penny Socialist, Brass Buttons, Chicory Coffee, Bali Batik, Wizard Grey, Fleur de Sel palette Pollen Storm, Fading Love, California Sunset palette German Camouflage Beige, Olive Wood, Kazakhstan Yellow, Simply Peachy, Warm Spring palette Aztec Turquoise, Rhythm & Blues, Blue Blue, Active Turquoise, Fiery Brown, Coastal Sand, Water Nymph, Darling Lilac palette Friar Grey, Shadows, Garden Greenery, Blue Violet, Tree House, Garnet, Minuet, Fruit Shake palette Wilmington, Sea Nettle, Italian Plum, Cedar Green palette Scarlet, Birch Strain, Ocean in a Bowl, Midnight Grey, Radiant Lilac palette Lavish Gold, Tomato Concassé, Rita Repulsa, Stormy Grey, Old Salem palette High Strung, Petrol Green, Booger Buster, Festive Fennec, Straw Yellow, First Waltz palette Parisian Patina, Chocolate Escape, Slate Stone, Campfire Ash palette Tropical Rain, Magenta Haze, Iron Fixture, Keystone Grey, Lavender Sachet, Wickerware palette Star and Crescent Red, Coated, Asparagus Sprig, Tropical Freeze palette Desaturated Cyan, Tropical Tide, Torrid Turquoise, Aloeswood, Minotaur Red, Cannon Grey, Buff palette Love Scepter, Morning's Egg, Georgian Pink, Beach Foam, Magic Moments palette Red Chipotle, Snot Green, Daemonette Hide, Pink Scallop, Satin Weave palette Warlock Red, Cassandra's Curse, Sun Ray, Gold, Plumage, Bison Hide palette Ferris Wheel, Cucumber palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #f2e0d4 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Pink Scallop #f2e0d4 color png

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