Created at 02/21/2023 13:14
#f2e1dd HEX Color Bare Pink information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#f2e1dd | RGB(242, 225, 221) |
RGB values are RGB(242, 225, 221)
#f2e1dd color contain Red 94.9%, Green 88.24% and Blue 86.67%.
Color Names of #f2e1dd HEX code
Bare Pink Color
Alternative colors of Bare Pink #f2e1dd
Opposite Color for Bare Pink is #deeff2
#f2e1dd Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #f2e1dd Bare Pink
hsl(11, 45%, 91%)
hsla(11, 45%, 91%, 1)
RGB(242, 225, 221)
RGBA(242, 225, 221, 1)
Palettes for #f2e1dd color Bare Pink:
Below examples of color palettes for #f2e1dd HEX color
darkest color is #181616 from shades and lightest color is #fefcfc from tints
Shades palette of #f2e1dd:
Tints palette of #f2e1dd:
Complementary palette of #f2e1dd:
Triadic palette of #f2e1dd:
Square palette of #f2e1dd:
Analogous palette of #f2e1dd:
Split-Complementary palette of #f2e1dd:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #f2e1dd:
Color Bare Pink #f2e1dd used in palettes (45)
Cranberry Whip, New Brick, Volcanic Island, Sage Grey, Bare Pink palette Super Lemon, Flat Aluminum, Wave Crest, Acid Blond, Bare Pink palette Camel Red, Dusky Yellow, Thunderhawk Blue, Brig, New Wave Pink, Strawberry Milkshake, Ship's Officer, Blue Black Crayfish, Prince Casamento Red Red Red, Caps, Tōmorokoshi Yellow, Bleached Grey, Usu Koubai Blossom, Scroll, Bare Pink, Weak Mint palette Good Luck Charm, Dusty Sky, Swan Sea, Photon Barrier, Micaceous Light Grey, Fancy Pants, Bare Pink palette Copper Rust, Diluno Red, Rushing Stream, Huckleberry Brown, Mineral Green palette Festival, Vice City, Wild Plum, Tyrian Purple, Birdseye Maple, Fresh Day palette Soft Impala, Expanse, Ecological, Oil Blue, True V, Alucard's Night, Darkest Navy, Terrace Brown, Milk Thistle palette Black Headed Gull, Spice of Life, Salted Caramel Popcorn, Starry Night, Tuscana Blue, Emerald Spring, Big Dipper, Surfin', Peach C Potter's Clay, Dusty Orange, Bottle Glass, Brown Stone, Rose Sachet, Primrose, Clear Concrete, Demeter, Light Modesty palette Elkhound, Fired Up, Offbeat Green, Soft Tone Ink, Orange Tea Rose, Banana Mash, Sunflower Island, Mosaic Green, Legendary Sword, Z Anarchy, Celosia Orange, Mosaic Green, Stone Creek, Grassland, Canvas Tan, Crème, Bare Pink palette Nouveau Copper, Gypsy, Soft Cheddar, Jargon Jade, Grapy, Seven Seas, Gravel Dust, Lush, Pink Clay Pot, Cavern Echo, Frankly Earnes Frontier Shingle, Boho Copper, Golden Foliage, Grenache, Mauve Seductress, Nightingale, Molasses, Mud Puddle, Nomadic Taupe, Sherb Well Read, Tree Hugger, Pinkadelic, Coralite, Lucky Orange, Enchanted Eve, Sheltered Bay, Indigo Red, Briquette, Brown Pepper, Sto Fern Shade, Sorrel Brown, Terra Tone, Treacle Fudge, Aquamentus Green, Dried Grass, Rain Washed, Snowshoe Hare, Gin Fizz, Spring L Citrine Brown, Ovoid Fruit, Red Hawk, Fading Ember, Gold Tips, Experience, Artifact, Hippy, Corn Chowder, Spring Lilac, Swirling S Fudge Bar, Fusion, Sockeye, Bonsai Trunk, Japanese Fern, Blue Cruise, Kinky Pinky, Smoky Black, Midnight Dreams, Major Tom, Wine T The Goods, Yellow Tan, Talipot Palm, Hydro, Adamantine Blue, Vampire Hunter, Apple II Green, Sensaimidori Green, Sticks & Stones, Princess Alabama Crimson, Balsa Wood, Pendula Garden, Skirret Green, Radioactive, Reef Encounter, Tiě Hēi Metal, Gardener's Soil, Pink Swan 99okvnco Lobster Brown, Nocturnal, New Car, Vertigo Cherry, Quetzal Green, Garden Cucumber, Hold Your Horses palette Pine Bark, Spiced Nutmeg, Imperial Green, After the Storm, Deep Rift, Mesclun Green palette Rare Red, Groovy Giraffe, Light Green, Spiced Purple palette Oilseed Crops, Vibrant Honey, Wonder Wish, Kirby, Love Affair, Bare Pink palette Barite, Fresh Watermelon, Blue Lips, Bare Pink palette Daring, Rinsed-Out Red, Prophet Violet, Loren Forest, Sea Breeze Green, Bare Pink palette Sacred Ground, Deep Chestnut, Maximum Yellow, Zhū Hóng Vermillion, Green Waterloo, Eaglet Beige palette Mule Fawn, Sweet Potato Peel, Rockweed, Purple Premiere, Funki Porcini palette Shadow, Peninsula, Script Ink, Eggshell Paper palette Fluorescent Lime, Crabby Apple, Pedigrey palette Red Tape, Secret of Mana, Aconite Purple, Carmine Carnation, Coffee Bean, Corsair, Leadbelcher Metal, Paddy palette Jungle Palm, Aspen Green, Cherry Hill, Camouflage, Blooming Perfect palette Favourite Ale, Coral Orange, Lovely Lavender, Texan Angel, Orange White palette Dove Feather, Danish Pine, Burnished Caramel, Toxic Sludge, Cerise Pink, Laurel Nut Brown, Saline Water palette Red Red Red, Peach Fury, Orange Jewel, Ayahuasca Vine, Mellow Buff, Naked Rose, Alright Then I Became a Princess, Muffin Mix palet Spearfish, Laguna, Nightshade Purple, Pink Beauty, Lantern Light palette Cheerful Yellow, Forest Spirit, Aqua Forest, Blue Stone, Purple Comet, Slate Rose, Byzantine, Smooth Beech palette Arrow Rock, Arctic Lichen Green palette Marilyn MonRouge, Raw Umber, Painite palette Apple II Lime, Magic Fountain, Fine Burgundy palette Ripe Mango, English Breakfast, Waaagh! Flesh, Celandine Green, Grey Ashlar palette Space Convoy, Delicate Truffle, Sunkissed Yellow, Blush Sand, Rose Romantic palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #f2e1dd with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#f2e1dd Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#f2e1dd Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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