Created at 02/19/2023 09:29

#f5f5dc HEX Color Holy White information

#f5f5dc RGB(245, 245, 220)

RGB values are RGB(245, 245, 220)
#f5f5dc color contain Red 96.08%, Green 96.08% and Blue 86.27%.

Color Names of #f5f5dc HEX code

Holy White, beige, Misty, Snow Pea Color

Classification of #f5f5dc color

#f5f5dc is Light and Neutral Color
Opposite Color for Holy White is #dbdbf5

#f5f5dc Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #f5f5dc Holy White

hsl(60, 56%, 91%)
hsla(60, 56%, 91%, 1)
RGB(245, 245, 220)
RGBA(245, 245, 220, 1)

Palettes for #f5f5dc color Holy White:

Below examples of color palettes for #f5f5dc HEX color

darkest color is #181816 from shades and lightest color is #fefefc from tints

Shades palette of #f5f5dc:
Tints palette of #f5f5dc:
Complementary palette of #f5f5dc:
Triadic palette of #f5f5dc:
Square palette of #f5f5dc:
Analogous palette of #f5f5dc:
Split-Complementary palette of #f5f5dc:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #f5f5dc:

Color Holy White #f5f5dc used in palettes (48)

Shades of white Shades of Beige #F5F5DC hex color Color Names Supported by All Browsers Page#1 Web Colors Codes palette chunk #1 X11 colors palette chunk #1 Tints of Beige #F5F5DC hex color Enterprise Content Management Stop red colors palette creative Diagram colors Jupiter LV Belonging Holy White Kiwi Ice Cream Green Beige Weather palette Lauren's Bedroom White Pumpkin Bread, Golden Palm, Hexos Palesun, Boardman, Luck of the Irish, Bellflower, Oasis, Kalish Violet, Gothic Spire, Vanishing Brick Paver, Tallarn Flesh, Yellow Coneflower, Epicurean Orange, Indigo Dye, Macadamia Brown, Almost Aloe, Holy White palette Soft Bronze, Hazelnut, Caramelize, Castaway Beach, Holy White palette Blue Torus, Pink Spyro, Avocado Pear, Tom Thumb, Laurel Grey, Holy White palette Design Agency 5 Golden Pilsner, Look at the Bright Side, Fisher King, Matt Blue, Deep Blue Sea, Structural Blue, Star Platinum Purple, Salsa Diane Fruit Red, French Mirage Blue, Pallid Blue, Holy White palette Peace & Quiet, Lamenters Yellow, Sweet Truffle, Holy White palette Delight Twisted Tail, Conte Crayon, Brandy Bear, Grey Green, Buddha Green, Aqua Fresco, Summer Waters, Corsican Blue, Briquette, Bay Brown Suede, Tibetan Orange, Hamtaro Brown, Crunchy Carrot, Pale Gold, Butter Yellow, Apple-A-Day, Cherries Jubilee, Wet Crow's Wing, Mo Liddell, Viva Gold, Amour, Manure, Seabuckthorn Yellow Brown, Sun Wukong's Crown, Heisenberg Blue, Starry Night, Topinambur Root, Tractor Red, Colonial Brick, Cider Mill, Sleepy Hollows, Off Green, Holly Green, Deep Aubergine, Fortress, African Sand, Royal Gol Sehnsucht Red, Plum Haze, Spanish Gold, Coastal Storm, Yawl, Algae Red, Badab Black Wash, Night Blue, Budōnezumi Grape, Fire Dance Shakshuka, Retro Orange, Straw, Luigi, Handsome Hue, Water Spirit, Pink Horror, Deadly Depths, Casal, Darkshore, Purple Balance, G Soft Bark, Roxy Brown, Peru, Spicy Sweetcorn, Blue Titmouse, Pink Flambe, I R Dark Green, Wild Grapes, Foxglove, Greenwood, Bit of Snuggle Pie, Darling Clementine, True Purple, Amber Dawn, Peach, Snip of Tannin, Pink Mist, Empire Porcelain, Frosted Garden palet King Crimson, Spiro Disco Ball, Grapy, Suō, Tornado palette Thatch Brown, Terrazzo Tan, Sulphur, Pattypan, Crystal Seas, Midnight Purple, Merlot Fields, Lilac Bloom, Mover & Shaker, Tropical Ancient Red, Beagle Brown, Viva Gold, Green Eyes, Wageningen Green, Rokushō Green, Amazon, Mineral Brown, West Coast, Purple Impre Great Frontier, Peanut Brittle, Yriel Yellow, Oil Green, Chlorophyll, Baleine Blue, Albeit, Zebra Grass, Garden Wall, Prom, Overdu Centaur, Red Craft, Grapefruit Yellow, Dobunezumi Brown, Druid Green, Betta Fish, Rose Ashes, Final Straw, Cool Sky palette Rackham Red, Ritzy, Rustling Leaves, Ebb Tide, Bright Cobalt, Afterlife, Windy Pine, Russet Brown, Dovetail, Cologne, Horned Frog, Vintage Chic Pastel Bliss Ant Red, Palomino, Gold Varnish Brown, Brandy Bear, Hawaiian Passion, Salsa Verde, Bright Blue, Pink Overflow, Evening Crimson, Sc Brown Eyes, Snow Pea, Deep Water, Reboot, Cotton Candy Explosions, Pumice Grey, Jurassic Park, Izmir Purple, Dramatist, Sinking Sa Multi colors Screamer Pink, Caramel Sundae, Carpet Moss, Blueberry Dream, Purple Pink, Jungle Moss palette Silver Maple Green, Secret Cove, Pass Time Blue, Coastal Surf, Play Time, Aged Plastic Casing, Pipe Clay, Airflow, Coastal Fog pal Dramatical Red, Caribbean Coral, Dusted Clay, Precious Pumpkin, Harvest Eve Gold, Pickle, Aquamentus Green, Green Blue, Indigo Ham

Color Contrast

Color pairings #f5f5dc with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Holy White #f5f5dc color png