Created at 02/22/2023 17:47
#fae6cb HEX Color City of Diamonds information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#fae6cb | RGB(250, 230, 203) |
RGB values are RGB(250, 230, 203)
#fae6cb color contain Red 98.04%, Green 90.2% and Blue 79.61%.
Color Names of #fae6cb HEX code
City of Diamonds Color
Alternative colors of City of Diamonds #fae6cb
Opposite Color for City of Diamonds is #cce0fa
#fae6cb Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fae6cb City of Diamonds
hsl(34, 82%, 89%)
hsla(34, 82%, 89%, 1)
RGB(250, 230, 203)
RGBA(250, 230, 203, 1)
Palettes for #fae6cb color City of Diamonds:
Below examples of color palettes for #fae6cb HEX color
darkest color is #191714 from shades and lightest color is #fffdfa from tints
Shades palette of #fae6cb:
Tints palette of #fae6cb:
Complementary palette of #fae6cb:
Triadic palette of #fae6cb:
Square palette of #fae6cb:
Analogous palette of #fae6cb:
Split-Complementary palette of #fae6cb:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fae6cb:
Suggested colors palettes for #fae6cb HEX:
Color City of Diamonds #fae6cb used in palettes (50)
Sky Dancer Blue palette Sensuous, Pearl Aqua, Clam Chowder, City of Diamonds, Magical Moonlight palette Avalon, Easy, Rosy Queen, Pink Chintz, City of Diamonds palette Desert Caravan, Sassy Salmon, Blue Jewel, Rapt, Berry Riche, Tassel Flower, Young Cornflower, City of Diamonds palette Cassiopeia, City of Diamonds palette Up North, Space Dust, Cloudy Desert, Bubble Shell, Lavender Soap, Fresh Lime, City of Diamonds, Calcareous Sinter palette Gold Rush, Dark Lime Green, Spring Forest, Old Mahogany, Purple Shade, Transformer, Flan, Amarillo Yellow, City of Diamonds palett Emerald Coast, Tanzanite, Captivated, Burnt Maroon, Diorite, City of Diamonds, Brittany's Bow palette Berry Rossi, Manchester Brown, Pink Plum, City of Diamonds palette Ayoub esserguini Samba, Spleen Green, Lady Fern, Chinois Green, Moscow Midnight, Lavender Aura, Salt Water Taffy, Pale Turquoise palette Primal Rage, Flattered Flamingo, Hawkbit, Heirloom Rose, March Wind, Cold Winter's Morn, Porcelain Crab, Porous Stone, Elote palet Meadow Trail, Bruschetta Tomato, Gilded, Banana Bombshell, Shebang, Gameboy Screen, Fabulous Frog, Sesame Street Green, Curly Will Leopard, Canary Diamond, Loden Green, Coronet Blue, Wool Violet, Mallard Blue, Middle-Earth, Ghost Grey, Buttercup Yellow, Pretty Archeology, Not Yet Caramel, Yellow Shout, Heart Gold, Golden Dream, Mermaid's Kiss, Hydra Turquoise, Gummy Dolphins, Blue Glint, Aragon Green, Ancient Prunus, Ball Gown, Jacey's Favorite palette Bronze Green, Light Tomato, Yellow of Izamal, Leafy Lemon, Butterfly Bush, Medium Lavender Magenta palette Red Orange Juice, Clown Green, Bellflower, Rhythm, Gaia Stone, Smoke Grey, Blue Feather, Parachute Silk palette Ranch Mink, Library Oak, Namara Grey, Bilberry, Blue Hepatica, Zany Pink, Black Metal, Black Chestnut Oak, Olympic Range, Purple R Radler, Pond Bath, Amnesia Blue, Storm Break, Roadster Yellow, Soft Moss palette Verde, Evergreen Field, Purple Gladiola, Mint Ice, Pink Pieris, Chernobog Breath, City of Diamonds palette Ocean Surf, Savoy Blue, Àn Zǐ Purple, Gold Sand, Liquid Hydrogen palette Spruce Yellow, Eyelash Viper, Poisonous Pesticide, The Fang Grey, Blue Android Base, Diva Violet, Scotch Blue, Freshly Roasted Cof Muddy Waters, Salami Slice, Red Orange Juice, Harlequin Green, Smoky Emerald, Winter in Paris, Underground Stream, Sigmarite, Dubl Rebellion Red, Themeda Japonica, Noble Silver, Maximum Blue, Hibernation, Loulou's Purple, Teak Wood, Gauss Blaster Green, Quiet G Cherokee Red, Ginger Dy, Sweet Almond, Brass, Bolognese, Lisbon Lemon, Rolling Stone, Clean Pool, Teal Dark Green, Dark & Stormy, Rustic Adobe, Tropical Rainforest, Sky of Magritte, Heliotrope Magenta, Cherry Brandy, Signal Grey, Sea Angel, Pixie Violet, Alpac Maximum Red, Pink Earth, Hidden Peak, Cummings Oak, Warm Stone, Green Tint, Silky Yogurt palette Flipper, Apricot, Melissa, Blue Island, Soothsayer, Baby Tears, Biscay Bay, Psychedelic Purple, Chinese Violet, Lovely Little Rosy Sugar-Candied Peanuts, Rosy Sunset, Bee Cluster, Hadfield Blue, UA Red, Gray Tweed, Crater Crawler, City of Diamonds palette Springtide Melodies, Duomo, Velvet Black, Scoop of Dark Matter, Blue-Black, Foggy Night, Easily Suede, Dutch Jug, Speedboat, Hospi Hawthorn Berry, Fleur de Sel Caramel, Blue Granite, Windstorm, Amora Purple, Havana, Noblesse, Daring Indigo, Dolphin Blue, Adiron Ruby Red, Compass, Nut Cracker, Wild West, Fresh Cedar, Blue Ballet, Far Away Grey, Pine Cone, Breathtaking View, Historical Grey, Bottle Glass, Cement Feet, Fake Crush, Piccadilly Grey, Pink Orchid Mantis, Courteous palette Mossy Pavement, Orb of Harmony, Deep Orchid, National Anthem, Bright Cerulean, Gladiola Violet, Beauport Aubergine, Antique Windmi Rococo Gold, Wiener Dog, Red-Tailed-Hawk, Ancient Brandy, Citrus Splash, Lavender Mauve, Black Fox, Bleu Nattier palette Canyon Verde, Brown Clay, Booger, Quiet Bay, Twilight Purple, Stonelake, City of Diamonds palette Primal Green, Drizzle, Silverplate, Green Gooseberry, City of Diamonds palette Tanager, UCLA Gold, Chips Provencale, Encore, Purple Corallite, Lower Lip, Abyssopelagic Water, Young Leaves palette Scotland Isle, Green People, Stormy Strait Grey, Functional Blue, Green not Found, Hawaiian Sky palette Cocoa Milk, Fingerpaint, Desert Yellow, Durian, Gardener Green, Soft Olive, Stormfang, Charismatic Sky palette Squash Blossom, Spring Bud, Sea Nymph, Forever Lilac, Sugar Sweet palette Hot and Spicy, Luxury, Warmed Wine, Mithril, Dover Plains, Pickling Spice, Pitapat, Femininity palette Apple Brown Betty, Chocolate Milk, Autumn Fern, Autonomous palette Camel, Underpass Shrine, Siamese Green, Sonic Silver, Narwhal Grey, Bittersweet Chocolate, Terra Brun, Opal Grey palette Spring Bud, Ao, Japanese Coral, Conspiracy Velvet, Powered Rock, Light Chamois Beige palette Blue Review, Entrapment, Burnham, Muddy Olive, Deep Wisteria, Auger Shell, Jordy Blue, Wax Green palette Kite Brown, Lurid Pink, Terrace Teal palette Camel, Cloudy Carrot, Cayman Bay, Mahogany Cherry, Purple Pink, Plum Taupe, Leaf Yellow, Moo palette Laser, Tide Pools, Skeleton Bone palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #fae6cb with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#fae6cb Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#fae6cb Contrast Ratio
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