Created at 02/24/2023 17:45
#fbcf4f HEX Color Solarized information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#fbcf4f | RGB(251, 207, 79) |
RGB values are RGB(251, 207, 79)
#fbcf4f color contain Red 98.43%, Green 81.18% and Blue 30.98%.
Color Names of #fbcf4f HEX code
Solarized Color
Alternative colors of Solarized #fbcf4f
Opposite Color for Solarized is #507bfb
#fbcf4f Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fbcf4f Solarized
hsl(45, 96%, 65%)
hsla(45, 96%, 65%, 1)
RGB(251, 207, 79)
RGBA(251, 207, 79, 1)
Palettes for #fbcf4f color Solarized:
Below examples of color palettes for #fbcf4f HEX color
darkest color is #191508 from shades and lightest color is #fffaed from tints
Shades palette of #fbcf4f:
Tints palette of #fbcf4f:
Complementary palette of #fbcf4f:
Triadic palette of #fbcf4f:
Square palette of #fbcf4f:
Analogous palette of #fbcf4f:
Split-Complementary palette of #fbcf4f:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fbcf4f:
Color Solarized #fbcf4f used in palettes (50)
Ake Blood, Shot-Put, Barcelona Brown, Angel Shark, Saddle Brown, Basketball, Solarized, Forsythia, Exotic Palm, May Green, Cabbage Alpha Gold, Apocalyptic Orange, Tijolo, Solarized, Light Pre School palette Brutal Doom, Solarized palette Tadpole, Zircon Grey, Pink Shade Granite, Optimist Gold, Durotar Fire, Solarized, Baltic Turquoise, Sultry Sea, Acapulco Cliffs, P Balor Brown, Solarized, Papilio Argeotus, Green Mesh, Pink Shimmer palette Bloodthirsty Vampire, Weather Board, Limbert Leather, Toffee Bar, Limed Oak, Woodgrain, Artisans Gold, Hidden Tribe, Solarized, Se semaforo Ginger Tea, Solarized, Hello Summer, Fig Balsamic, Deep Dairei Red, Eternal Winter palette Modern Mocha, Solarized, Oriental Olive, Passionate Blueberry palette Solarized, Avocado Cream, Coelia Greenshade, Kangaroo Pouch, Veiled Delight, Flowering Cactus, Kamenozoki Grey, Twinkle Toes palet Say It With Red Roses, Bloodline, Saruk Grey, Solarized, Deepsea Kraken, Persian Luxury Purple, Iron Wood, Windflower palette Butter Caramel, Mummy Brown, Canyon Sunset, Fuego, Summer Citrus, Solarized, Prismatic Springs, Tuscan Olive, Dark Envy, Pink Swan Clove Dye, Solarized, Calliste Green, Lush Plains, Celestial Plum, Mimesia Blue, YInMn Blue, Underwater Falling, Really Teal, Rain Solarized, Playing Hooky, Lynch, Blackberry, Wallflower, Spring Rain, Sail Grey, Metal, Ariel, Steamed Chai, Reflection Pool, Wate Cedar Ridge, Caliente, Golden Cadillac, Solarized, Nori Green, Satoimo Brown, Oracle, Leek, Auburn Wave, Dull Lavender, Chintz, Pe Fresh Cedar, Solarized, Drab Green, Kyoto House, Millbrook, Biloba Flower, Green Lily, Tint of Green palette Quince Jelly, Peach Butter, Solarized, Sun Dried Tomato, Culinary Blue, Wonder Land, Bailey Bells, Warm and Toasty, Sea Mark, Spor Lye Tinted, Alloy Orange, Solarized, So Sour, Brookside, Skylla, Spanish Plum, Simplify Beige, First Tulip, Zero Degrees, Flamingo Appaloosa Spots, Baked Bean, Warmth, Solarized, Metal Flake, Sea Fern, Algen Gerne, Lichen Blue, Wailing Woods, Blueberry Pie, Bri Cedar Staff, Golden Bell, Herald's Trumpet, Bee Hall, Solarized, Environmental Green, Fudge, Hiroshima Aquamarine, Kinder, Chenill Citrine Brown, Cane Toad, Lady in Red, Nectarine, Solarized, Forest Lichen, Teal Me No Lies, Benimidori Purple, Frontier, Scots Pi Back to School, Coral Expression, Solarized, Fluorescent Lime, Étude Naturelle, Cabal, Regal Red, Her Highness, Sparrow, Bayshore Blood Orange, Grey Porcelain, Mudskipper, Desert Red, Vermicelles, Solarized, Toxic Boyfriend, Loulou's Purple, Goldie Oldie, Iris Haute Red, Silver Mink, Rojo 0xide, Gimblet, Carrageen Moss, Chaat Masala, Solarized, Expressionism, Ancient Murasaki Purple, Orie Tate Olive, Flame Angelfish, Solarized, Forest Spirit, Blue Sentinel, Blue Yonder, Showstopper, Liquorice Red, Shuriken, Kirchner Road Less-Travelled, Diluno Red, Solarized, Parsnip, Spaghetti Monster, Frozen Salmon, White Sage palette Gosling, Poisonous Pesto, Solarized, Strong Blue, Ancient Murasaki Purple, Fairy Wren, Dianthus Mauve, Japanese Violet, Briquette Spacious Grey, Solarized, Pea Case, Granite Grey palette Sandy Shoes, Vagabond, Solarized, Seraphinite, London Square, Barbados Blue, Blueberry, Rosenkavalier, Time Travel, Cashew Nut, Lo Teakwood, Solarized, Rhodonite Brown, Deep Space Sparkle, Golden Thread palette Solarized, Water Ouzel palette Chimera Brown, Solarized, Mustang, Spun Pearl, Winding Path palette Solarized, Grasshopper, Luxurious Lime, Botanical Beauty, Greige, La Vie en Rose, Orchid Bouquet palette Cream Can, Solarized, Fabulous Grape, Little Valley palette Ruby Red, Prairie Dog, Solarized, Sport Green, Navy Dark Blue, Ceremonial Purple, Spanish Sand, Tea Room palette Native Soil, Solarized, Chervil Leaves, Melancholy, Delicate Lemon, Oriole Yellow, Cradle Pink palette Forsythia Blossom, Solarized, Midnight Garden palette Red Gerbera, Autumn's Hill, Geranium Red, Mexican Standoff, Letter Jacket, Solarized, Verdant Green, Sedge palette Splinter, Solarized, Jubilation, Taj, Cloudy Viridian, Stuffed Olive, Capri Water Blue, Chinaberry Bloom palette Solarized, Green Shade Wash palette Colorado Trail, Golden Summer, Finger Banana, Solarized, Beatnik, Deep Sea Dolphin, Reddish Purple, Vegan Green, Immersed, Mulch, Solarized, Portuguese Blue, Window Grey, Kamut palette Machine Green, Solarized, Tomato Scepter, Treemoss palette Chic Brick, Solarized, Cricket, Ashberry, Apricot Preserves palette Solarized, Teal Green, Wickford Bay, Barrier Reef, Galactic Civilization, Foggy Night, Blue Anthracite, Pear Cactus palette Shortgrass Prairie, Solarized, Charter Blue, Deep Water, Polo Blue, Dark Yellow, Whispering Blue palette tiaifai2 Bloodmyst Isle, Sepia Skin, Ancient Copper, Silithus Brown, Olden Amber, Apricot, Solarized, Saving Light, Lavender Cream, Pinball Solarized, London Rain, Medium Scarlet, Steam Engine, Maybe Maui, Cheerful Hue, Burnished Clay palette Burnished Gold, Amber Brown, Solarized, Tapestry Teal, Jugendstil Pink, Ice Dark Turquoise, Galapagos, Paco, Bootstrap Leather, Ti
Color Contrast
Color pairings #fbcf4f with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#fbcf4f Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#fbcf4f Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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