Created at 02/24/2023 14:59

#fce9d5 HEX Color Light Dedication information

#fce9d5 RGB(252, 233, 213)

RGB values are RGB(252, 233, 213)
#fce9d5 color contain Red 98.82%, Green 91.37% and Blue 83.53%.

Color Names of #fce9d5 HEX code

Light Dedication Color

Classification of #fce9d5 color

#fce9d5 is Light and Neutral Color
Opposite Color for Light Dedication is #d4e7fc

#fce9d5 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fce9d5 Light Dedication

hsl(31, 87%, 91%)
hsla(31, 87%, 91%, 1)
RGB(252, 233, 213)
RGBA(252, 233, 213, 1)

Palettes for #fce9d5 color Light Dedication:

Below examples of color palettes for #fce9d5 HEX color

darkest color is #191715 from shades and lightest color is #fffdfb from tints

Shades palette of #fce9d5:
Tints palette of #fce9d5:
Complementary palette of #fce9d5:
Triadic palette of #fce9d5:
Square palette of #fce9d5:
Analogous palette of #fce9d5:
Split-Complementary palette of #fce9d5:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fce9d5:

Suggested colors palettes for #fce9d5 HEX:

Colors palette with color #fce9d5 #1:
Colors palette with color #fce9d5 #2:
Colors palette with color #fce9d5 #3:
Colors palette with color #fce9d5 #4:
Colors palette with color #fce9d5 #5:

Color Light Dedication #fce9d5 used in palettes (50)

Tasty Toffee, It Works, Almond Toast, Peanut Brittle, Pool Tide, Jube Green, Purpureus, Dusty Dream, Uptown Girl, Foul Green, Rose Golden Week, Hello Spring, Brownish Black, Green Onyx, Misted Eve, Venetian Lace, Light Dedication, Pearl Necklace palette Love Priestess, Light Dedication palette Kirsch, Chanterelle Sauce, Twine, Ritzy, Luscious Lemon, Fire Bolt, Warm Apricot, Straw, Calliste Green, Talipot Palm, Holenso, Ve Orange Glass, Light Dedication palette Precious Pumpkin, New Age Blue, Santa Fe Tan, Light Dedication palette Vegetarian, Greenlake, Curtain Call, Kettle Corn, Light Dedication palette Rainbow Bright, Deep Teal, Quartz Sand, Gorgeous Hydrangea, Intercoastal Grey, Proper Temperature, Light Dedication palette Faint Green, Light Dedication palette Hemp, Lively Lime, Light Fern Green, Blush Sky, Light Dedication, Powder Pink, Aqua Tint palette Pirate's Hook, Heritage Park, Holenso, Infinity and Beyond, Ship's Harbour, High Profile, Dried Blood, Mizu, Little Princess, Alex Orange Ballad, Iolite, Shinbashi Azure, Pixieland, Polished Cotton palette Greek Olive, Leather Chair, Burled Redwood, Bournonite Green, Glaucous, Poppy Pompadour, Medium Tuscan Red, Cheerful Whisper palet Ruskie, Spanish Peanut, Merin's Fire, Cloudy Sea, Purple Ode, Zima Blue, Ultra Red, Bulgarian Rose, Pueblo, Tidal Foam, Buffed Plu Warlord, Rhode Island Red, Nuln Oil, Keel Joy palette Dried Tomatoes, Roycroft Adobe, Golden Grass, Blue Martini, Metal Petal, Light Continental Waters, Quiet Drizzle, Nevada Morning, Tartan Red, Warm Spice, Brick-A-Brack, Sea Ridge, Aquarium Diver, Italian Roast, Hickory Grove, Artist's Shadow, Dry Creek, Perfec Herb Cornucopia, Jade Dragon, Electric Sheep, Flashy Sapphire, Blue Regent, Vegeta Blue, Cherry Fruit, Pickled Radish, Winter Bloo Fragrant Cloves, Green Gas, Comet, Bateau, America's Cup, Shell Walk, Scandal, Tri-Tip palette Landjäger, Scarlet Splendour, Helvetia Red, Cool Charcoal, Gathering Place, Rustic Brown, Hidden Paradise, Finnish Fiord, Rainstor Autumn Umber, Gold Gleam, À L'Orange, Meteorological, Shindig, Burnt Crimson, Peruvian Soil, Cloak Grey, Gold Vessel, Mission Tan, Janemba Red, Mission Trail, Gordal Olive, Market Melon, Leaflet, Strawberry Rhubarb, Old Treasure Chest, Plum, Periwinkle Dusk, Si M. Bison, Sacrifice Altar, Yellow Sumac, Molten Bronze, Mana Tree, Purple Ode, Christmas Brown, Slick Blue, Water Wonder, Modern L Soft Green, Mermaid's Tail, Silver Skate, Seasonal Beige, Elderberry White, Whisper White palette Witch Hazel Leaf, Art and Craft, Beach Bag, Feralas Lime, Lilliputian Lime, Malachite Green, Acier, Independent Gold, Kitten's Paw Star, Deduction, Pop Shop, Liberty Grey, Pearled Ivory, Orchid White palette Red Pigment, Butterum, Ogen Melon, Untamed Orange, Greenalicious, Green Garlands, Planetarium, Forest Splendor, Powerful Violet, D Verminlord Hide, Red Terra, Dangerous Robot, Pale Cucumber palette Siskin Green, Link to the Past, Bel Esprit, Lush, Bright Chambray, Silver Fox, Road Runner, You're Blushing, Rhapsody Lilac, Persi Gold Rush, Regal View, Neon Nazar, Yān Hūi Smoke palette Antique Gold, Quilotoa Green, Cruel Jewel, Stratos, Earthly Pleasure, Frosty Soft Blue, Cotton & Flax palette Sehnsucht Red, Ambit, Melted Copper, Cathedral Glass, Velvet Slipper, Dark Burgundy Wine palette Pea, Taiga, Red Licorice, Italian Roast, Oak Plank, Blackwood, Sanguine Brown, Trillium, Dusty Yellow, Décor White, Warm White pal Carriage Stone, Bay Leaf, Sapphire Siren, Black Soap, Storms Mountain, Pumpkin Mousse, Silken Web, Light Opus palette Peristyle Brass, Campground, Pickled Avocado, Sparky Blue, Prediction, Hibiscus Flower, Monarch, Pumpernickel Brown, Tatami Mat, B Ketchup, Moonshade, Chesty Bond, Pink Charge, Cardoon, Only Olive, Colonial Rose, Champagne Peach palette Rain Slicker, Lobster Butter Sauce, Go Bananas, Solar Storm, Green Cacophony, Sheet Blue, Mellow Mauve, Girls Night Out, Tetsu Bla Flatty Yellow, Lime Acid, Carefree Sky, Arabian Sands, Simple Pink, Sylvan Green palette Afloat, Plum Kingdom, Light Dedication palette Loch Blue, Caraway Seeds, Light Dedication, Soft Coral palette Camel, Spice Market, Clipped Grass, Blue Kelp, Bnei Brak Bay, Crushed Grape, Strawberry Dreams palette Sunset Cloud, Ultramarine Violet, Shui Jiao Dumpling, Green Charm, Discrete Pink palette Burnt Crust, Night Owl, Caledor Sky, Parma Mauve, Nocturnal Rose, Spring Water Turquoise, Weathered Wood palette Horn of Plenty, Brown Clay, Chinese Goldfish, Golden Foil, Frog Hollow, Enigmatic, Mote of Dust, Rosecco palette Orient Mosaic Green, Buttery Leather palette Metal Fringe, Seasoned Acorn, Asphalt Grey, Nettle palette Deer God, Poppy Pods, Fluorite Green palette Mandarin Essence, Peppy Pineapple, Sensational Sand, Crushed Silk, Sweet Pastel, Capri Cream palette Putty, Park Picnic, Alpha Blue, Burnt Tile, Cantaloupe Slice palette Cochineal Red/Rouge, Revival Red, Shades of Rhodonite, Evergreen Field, Drip palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #fce9d5 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Light Dedication #fce9d5 color png

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