Created at 02/20/2023 18:08
#fdf2db HEX Color Antique Lace information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#fdf2db | RGB(253, 242, 219) |
RGB values are RGB(253, 242, 219)
#fdf2db color contain Red 99.22%, Green 94.9% and Blue 85.88%.
Color Names of #fdf2db HEX code
Antique Lace Color
Alternative colors of Antique Lace #fdf2db
Opposite Color for Antique Lace is #dde7fd
#fdf2db Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fdf2db Antique Lace
hsl(41, 89%, 93%)
hsla(41, 89%, 93%, 1)
RGB(253, 242, 219)
RGBA(253, 242, 219, 1)
Palettes for #fdf2db color Antique Lace:
Below examples of color palettes for #fdf2db HEX color
darkest color is #191816 from shades and lightest color is #fffefb from tints
Shades palette of #fdf2db:
Tints palette of #fdf2db:
Complementary palette of #fdf2db:
Triadic palette of #fdf2db:
Square palette of #fdf2db:
Analogous palette of #fdf2db:
Split-Complementary palette of #fdf2db:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fdf2db:
Color Antique Lace #fdf2db used in palettes (50)
Blue Emerald, Squid Pink, Antique Lace, Praxeti White palette Hong Kong Taxi, Egyptian Jasper, Tarnished Brass, King Lizard, Game Over, Azure Tide, Liquid Mercury, Mecha Metal, Ancient Fuchsia Thunderbird, Loon Turquoise, Sweet Flag, Trojan Horse Brown, Sequoia Fog, Antique Lace, Cornsilk palette Antique Lace Spell Caster, Antique Lace, Light Pink Clay palette Jingle Bells Rock! Inness Sage, Heather Sachet, Ombre Grey, Castle Wall palette Aria, Antique Lace palette Dull, Green Dynasty, Philippine Blue, Iroko, Perspective, Venetian Rose, Antique Lace palette Miami Spice, Sunstone, Aoife's Green, Blurple, Bordeaux, Stone Violet, Oriental Nights, Lobby Lilac, Etherea, Symphony Gold, Portu Spalding Grey, Otter Tail, Double Latte, Sepia Skin, Pastel Green, Skavenblight Dinge, Purple Plumeria, Volcanic Island, Duchess L Preserved Petals, Hit Pink, Sky Dancer, Mellow Mauve, Sweet Watermelon, Tardis Blue, Soft Heather, Misty Moonstone, Belgian Blonde Black Diamond Apple, Bramble Jam, Treetop Cathedral, Garnet Black Green, Gulf Blue, Bouquet, Moon Shadow, Calming Space, Tahuna Sa Rockin Red, Noble Cause, Schnipo, Green Patina, Mermaid Blues, Evergreen Bough, Heavy Siena, Mohair Soft Blue Grey, Beguiling Mauv Native Soil, Hummingbird Green, Plum Preserve, Diplomatic, Threshold Taupe, Riverbed, Pinch Purple, Gold Winged, Sepia Rose, Sumat Silverado, Bank Vault, Ice Dark Turquoise, Monarch, Equestrian Green, Grey By Me, Sell Out palette Milk Chocolate, Smashed Pumpkin, Tibetan Yellow, Mountain Meadow, Myoga Purple, Ripe Plum, Mediterranea, Marron, Hickory, Canyon V Acorn Squash, Tangerine Skin, Prominent Blue, Mountbatten Pink, Oil Slick, Chestnut Brown, Binrouji Black, Scarlet Gum, Chronicle, Tallow, Rustic Brown, T-Bird Turquoise, Bulgarian Rose, Bistre, Camarone, Slate Mauve, Wild Thistle, Dreamland, Kyoto Pearl palett Racing Red, Brindle, Tarnished Brass, Citrus Lime, Old Laser Lemon, Glen, Lamiaceae, Needlepoint Navy, Crystal Ball, Rhynchites Ni Sweet Carrot, Sweet Cashew, Cherokee Dignity, Painted Clay, Celestial Horizon, Hematite, Fabulous Fantasy, Soft Heather, Forest Fo Arava, Middle Ditch, Easter Egg, Polished Stone, Bluebell Frost, Jellyfish Blue, Trek Tan, Gypsum Sand, Belgian Waffle palette Pharlap, Planet Green, Purehearted, Tin Foil, Dried Chervil, Erythrosine, Lime Coco Cake palette Jade Lime, Malibu, Lago Blue, Lounge Violet palette Center Ridge, Seraphinite, Lakeshore, Milton, Frontier Land, Vintage Victorian, English Hollyhock, Barberry Sand, I Miss You, Saus Galliano, River Blue, Well Blue, Beef Jerky, Buffhide, Digital Garage, Glacier Blue, Winsome Hue, Bright Clove, Amethyst Light Vio Hidden Cottage, Copper Rose, Aztec Brick, Burnt Caramel, Paradise Landscape, Identity, Hero, Potent Purple, Chateau de Chillon, Ce Backcountry, Wonderland, King Lizard, Pikkoro Green, Vallarta Blue, Stratos, Terrarium, Baroness, Weaver's Spool palette Deep Serenity, Shamanic Journey, The Wild Apothecary, Bleuchâtel Blue, Brilliant Azure, Meissen Blue, Mikado, Palace Green, Mounta Country Club, Orangealicious, Rainy Lake, Chocolate Red, Genie, Idyllic Pink, Pink Floyd, Spice Is Nice palette Brazilian Citrine, Spiced Berry, Green Goblin, Heron, Peppery, Banyan Serenity, Riding Star, Cup of Tea palette Medium Wood, Crazy Horse, Green Tea Ice Cream, Feralas Lime, Dark Soul, Hereford Cow Brown, Ritual Experience, Ancient Prunus, Sap Fervent Brass, Python Blue, Burnished Russet, Baby Vegetable, Sideshow, Nature Spirits palette Quiet Night, Nightly Activities, Tibetan Turquoise, Linen Grey, Kamenozoki Grey, Virginia Blue, Rice Wine, Antique Lace palette Scarlet Red, Ebb Tide, Middy's Purple, Realist Beige, Interactive Cream, Warm Oats, New Moss, Antique Lace palette Epidote Olvene Ore, Blue Ice, Bright Purple, Baby Berries, Maharaja, Bona Fide, Scalloped Potatoes, Palm Breeze palette Pookie Bear, Verdigreen, Dover Plains palette Chimera Brown, Cabbage Patch, Wethersfield Moss, Elephant Cub, Sunbeam palette Dream of Spring, Black Ice, Space Missions palette Becquerel, Crude Banana, Splendor and Pride, Pinkathon palette Frontier Shingle, Kabalite Green, Medieval Blue, Köfte Brown, Milk Thistle, Alsot Olive, Icy Water palette Albariño Day Weathered Fossil, Wild Cattail, Ginger Dough, Dazzling Blue, Bright Navy Blue, Dark Lavender, Smoked Mauve palette Botanical Green, Bermuda, Magenta Pink, Nature Surrounds, Acier, Burnished Clay palette Withered Rose, Banana Pepper, Dusky Yellow, Iwai Brown, Venom Dart, Rich Lilac, Pitch, Mythical Wine, Aircraft Blue, Close Knit pa Bark Sawdust, Gigas palette Yolk Yellow, Bonbon Red palette Rubber, Kings Yellow, Yellow Green, Attitude Grey, North Atlantic Breeze, Soft Kind, Happy Prawn, Coquette palette Homestead, Red Coral, Pookie Bear, Cockatrice Brown, Akebi Purple, Crushed Berry, Ilvaite Black palette Pastel Brown, Cupcake, Blazing Yellow palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #fdf2db with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#fdf2db Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#fdf2db Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |