Created at 02/21/2023 18:28

#fdfdfe HEX Color Pale Grey information

#fdfdfe RGB(253, 253, 254)

RGB values are RGB(253, 253, 254)
#fdfdfe color contain Red 99.22%, Green 99.22% and Blue 99.61%.

Color Names of #fdfdfe HEX code

Pale Grey, Ghost White Color

Classification of #fdfdfe color

#fdfdfe is Light and Neutral Color
Tint of White
Opposite Color for Pale Grey is #fdfdfc

#fdfdfe Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fdfdfe Pale Grey

hsl(240, 33%, 99%)
hsla(240, 33%, 99%, 1)
RGB(253, 253, 254)
RGBA(253, 253, 254, 1)

Palettes for #fdfdfe color Pale Grey:

Below examples of color palettes for #fdfdfe HEX color

darkest color is #191919 from shades and lightest color is #fefeff from tints

Shades palette of #fdfdfe:
Tints palette of #fdfdfe:
Complementary palette of #fdfdfe:
Triadic palette of #fdfdfe:
Square palette of #fdfdfe:
Analogous palette of #fdfdfe:
Split-Complementary palette of #fdfdfe:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fdfdfe:

Color Pale Grey #fdfdfe used in palettes (44)

Tints Boostrap 4 Gray Lightest #f7f7f9 hex Tints XKCD Color pale grey #fdfdfe hex Tints of Solitude color #E9ECF1 hex Snowball Snow White Snow Cream Kaolinite Vivid Milk Powder Solitude Pale White Springtime Rain Lavender Blue Pale Lime Green, Blue Syzygy, Charismatic Sky, Pale Grey palette Fifth Olive-Nue, Barcelona Brown, November, Favourite Ale, Shade of Marigold, Mana, Hot Caramel, Fire Yellow, Lily Pads, Dr Who, C Voluminescent Moon Madness Towering Cliffs, African Bubinga, Black Chestnut Oak, Dominant Grey, Peppercorn, Veronese Peach, Azalea Flower, Spinning Silk, Fre Irgazine Icicle Hammered Silver, Striking Orange, Ogen Melon, Hanging Moss, Storm Grey, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, Cedar Wood Finish, Punchit Pur Metallic Ghost Hemp, Mulberry Wine, Trade Winds, Pale Grey palette Nugget, Kiwi Squeeze, Pale Grey palette Bare, Kindleflame, Toy Tank Green, Brierwood Green, Tibetan Stone, Sonorous Bells, Pale Grey palette Chocolate Chiffon, Tuft Bush, Pale Grey palette Imagine, Brittlebush, Ancient Brandy, Special Ops, Rural Eyes, Linderhof Garden, Alhambra, Caribbean Splash, Bayern Blue, Soldier Very Light Violet Topinambur Root, Forest Ride, Vino Tinto, Red Rock Panorama, Pale Grey palette Wikipedia Wednesday Winter Intense White Nougat Brown, Credo, Garish Green, Menthol Green, Pale Grey palette Make-Up Blue, New Colonial Yellow, Koala Bear, White Castle, Pale Grey palette Mooned Sky in the Snow Ghostette Epitaph Snowman Frozen Snow Saturday Winter Wednesday Yttroluminescent Lightzilla Golden Cadillac, Rocking Chair Red, Cool Cream Spirit, Blue Blue, Schiaparelli Pink, Sabionando Grey, Tundora, Calamansi Green, Tr Cheery, New Steel, Blue Dove, Ordain, Black Walnut, July Ruby, Festoon Aqua, Graceful, Blonde Wool, Polished Limestone palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #fdfdfe with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Pale Grey #fdfdfe color png