Created at 02/17/2023 19:16
#fe2f4a HEX Color Lightish Red information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#fe2f4a | RGB(254, 47, 74) |
RGB values are RGB(254, 47, 74)
#fe2f4a color contain Red 99.61%, Green 18.43% and Blue 29.02%.
Color Names of #fe2f4a HEX code
Lightish Red Color
Alternative colors of Lightish Red #fe2f4a
Opposite Color for Lightish Red is #2ffee2
#fe2f4a Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fe2f4a Lightish Red
hsl(352, 99%, 59%)
hsla(352, 99%, 59%, 1)
RGB(254, 47, 74)
RGBA(254, 47, 74, 1)
Palettes for #fe2f4a color Lightish Red:
Below examples of color palettes for #fe2f4a HEX color
darkest color is #190507 from shades and lightest color is #ffeaed from tints
Shades palette of #fe2f4a:
Tints palette of #fe2f4a:
Complementary palette of #fe2f4a:
Triadic palette of #fe2f4a:
Square palette of #fe2f4a:
Analogous palette of #fe2f4a:
Split-Complementary palette of #fe2f4a:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fe2f4a:
Suggested colors palettes for #fe2f4a HEX:
Color Lightish Red #fe2f4a used in palettes (50)
Lightish Red colour shades Lightish Red dfgdfgdfg Village Green, Agave Frond, Boring Green, Larkspur Blue, Lightish Red, Mardi Gras, Sizzling Red, Petroleum, Antique Brown, Navy Co Neon Red, Free Speech Red, Baby Burro, Deep Chestnut, Pirate Treasure, Spacebox, Water Music, Seance, Impromptu, Amor, Lightish Re Bacchanalia Red, Rural Green, Chimera Brown, Amber Autumn, Groovy Giraffe, Squeeze Toy Alien, Cabaret Charm, Blessed Blue, March P Rustic Hacienda, Meadow Violet, Lightish Red, Blue Garter, Wedge of Lime, Divine Inspiration, Cherry Blossom palette Atlas Cedar Green, Leafy, Suez Canal, Plastic Lips, Lightish Red palette Fish Boy, French Marron, Lightish Red, Cyprus, Peach Bud, Rinse palette Tattletail, Emotional, Lightish Red, Girls Night Out, Crowberry Blue, Empress Teal, Midsummer Dream palette Subtle Turquoise, Lightish Red, Trekking Green, Shrubbery, Chateau Grey, Linnet, Pale Wood palette Hamster Fur, Snakebite, Christmas Green, Lightish Red, Bold Eagle, Fiji Coral, Ruins of Metal, Diversion, Metamorphosis, Powdered Au Chico, Fountain Blue, Fashionista, Camellia Rose, Lightish Red, Conker Brown, I R Dark Green, Deep Space Rodeo, Garden Goddess Mayan Blue, Lightish Red, Garden Cucumber, Gatsby Glitter, Willow Wind palette thicongbanghieutphcm Mustard Sauce, Scarabœus Nobilis, Zeftron, Lightish Red, Cool Air of Debonair, Huntington Woods, Bristol Green, Metropolis Mood pa Lunar Federation, Seared Earth, Enchanting Ginger, Freesia, Grass, Middle Green, Cyan, Devil Blue, Sunshone Plum, Lightish Red, Bu Jalapeño, Caribbean Turquoise, Lakelike, Splendiferous, Deep Magenta, Lightish Red, Forbidden Blackberry, Lavender Blossom, Pale G Rebel Red, Transfusion, Weathered Shingle, Clarified Butter, Westfall Yellow, Searching Blue, Express Blue, Loch Ness, Crushed Gra Silver Mink, Pinata, Lone Star, Steel Wool, Lightish Red, Wrought Iron, Country Cork palette Raccoon Tail, Coppery Orange, Forest Tent, Aggressive Baby Blue, Gypsy Magic, Claret Red, Lightish Red, Rhubarb, Ember Red, Violet Moderne Class, Lightish Red, Crystal Ball, Pear Cactus, Piedra De Sol palette Mocha Latte, Butterfield, American Orange, Cyan Cobalt Blue, Atmosphere, Purple Vanity, Fuchsia Pink, Lightish Red, Oasis Sand pal Wine & Roses, Namibia, Harvest Blessing, Peace of Mind, Caduceus Staff, Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Lightish Red, Black Powder, Nile Gully, Kaffee, Whole Wheat, Bowerbird Blue, Self-Love, Lightish Red, Portobello, Sycamore Stand, Antiquity, Spiced Cashews, All Dr Dragons Lair, Wood Chi, Turtle Creek, Candid Blue, Gondolier, Lightish Red, Japanese Sable, Grey Asparagus, Wild Thing, Bamboo For Fired Clay, Porsche, Honey Teriyaki, Paradise Bird, Eyeshadow Turquoise, Marine Tinge, Ayame Iris, Lightish Red, Crescendo, Maple Folk Guitar, Cloisonne Gold, Palak Paneer, Shaker Blue, High Note, Clematis Magenta, Possessed Red, Lightish Red, Navy Damask, Dee Ruby Shard, Pioneer Village, Centaur, Rosy Sunset, Blue Oasis, Monarchist, Lipstick Illusion, Lightish Red, Su-Nezumi Grey, Roadsi Appaloosa Spots, Cool Clay, Oregon Hazel, Nervy Hue, Brilliant Impression, Lightish Red, Fog of War, Dark Night, Hunter's Hollow p Persian Gold, Delicate Prunus, Lightish Red, Night Brown Black, Ahoy, Aloeswood, Foliage, Gray Tweed palette Key Lime Pie, Dragon Bay, Magnesia Bay, Atlantis, Port Au Prince, Gentian Flower, magenta, Neon Fuchsia, Lightish Red, Mardi Gras, Bitter Lime and Defeat, Minty Green, Blue Beetle, Fashionista, Lightish Red, Aqua Deep, Night Mauve, Grey Heather, Candy Coated pa Maximum Red, Bearsuit, Back to School, Lightish Red, Midori, Forest Floor, Library Leather palette Grass Green, Flora, Aqua Fresco, Lightish Red, Aloeswood, Spirited Yellow palette Mannered Gold, Out of Fashion, Lightish Red, Bangladesh Green, Silver Leaf palette Rattan Palm, Daphne, China Pink, Lightish Red palette Lightish Red, Cheyenne Rock, Sunset Peach, Galveston Tan palette Faded Jade, Lightish Red, Ultramarine Shadow palette Appetizing Asparagus, Lightish Red palette Turquoise Cyan, Raspberry Fool, Lightish Red, Heartwood palette Lightish Red, Timber Town palette Sparky Blue, Lightish Red, Canteen, Birthday Candle palette Fiery Coral, Beniukon Bronze, Bright Cobalt palette Qing Dynasty Dragon, Lightish Red, Blue Leviathan, Oxford Street palette Amok, Viennese, Lightish Red, Antiquity palette Tangy Dill, Chagall Green, Well Blue, Violet Vixen, Lightish Red, Prune palette Coffee Clay, Brick Dust, Alaskan Blue, Lightish Red, Nocturnal Expedition, Warmed Wine palette Dull Mauve, Lightish Red, Crown of Thorns, Deep Sea Grey palette Golden Gun, Furious Frog, Lightish Red, Ore Mountains Green, Green Silk, Silicone Serena palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #fe2f4a with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#fe2f4a Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#fe2f4a Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |