Created at 02/22/2023 14:49
#ffaf6b HEX Color Orange Fire information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#ffaf6b | RGB(255, 175, 107) |
RGB values are RGB(255, 175, 107)
#ffaf6b color contain Red 100%, Green 68.63% and Blue 41.96%.
Color Names of #ffaf6b HEX code
Orange Fire Color
Alternative colors of Orange Fire #ffaf6b
Opposite Color for Orange Fire is #6bbaff
#ffaf6b Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ffaf6b Orange Fire
hsl(28, 100%, 71%)
hsla(28, 100%, 71%, 1)
RGB(255, 175, 107)
RGBA(255, 175, 107, 1)
Palettes for #ffaf6b color Orange Fire:
Below examples of color palettes for #ffaf6b HEX color
darkest color is #19110b from shades and lightest color is #fff7f0 from tints
Shades palette of #ffaf6b:
Tints palette of #ffaf6b:
Complementary palette of #ffaf6b:
Triadic palette of #ffaf6b:
Square palette of #ffaf6b:
Analogous palette of #ffaf6b:
Split-Complementary palette of #ffaf6b:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ffaf6b:
Color Orange Fire #ffaf6b used in palettes (38)
Tupelo Honey, Brassy, Orange Fire, La Rioja, Mulu Frog, Stone Cypress Green, Adamite Green, Nymph's Delight, Paris Pink, Pink Pois Orange Fire, Antarctic Circle, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Blue Steel, Butcher Paper, Pale Sienna palette Orange Fire, Pinard Yellow, Catnap, Oslo Blue, Punch of Yellow, Yucca Cream, Spa Blue, Distressed White palette Tufted Leather, Polished Brown, Orange Fire, Evil Curse, Lick and Kiss, Kung Fu, Tank, Pale Bamboo palette Orange Fire, Green Turquoise, Turquoise Chalk, Bright Teal, Red Red Wine, Wine Country, Coveted Blue palette Orange Fire, Terror from the Deep, Hostaleaf, Moonlight Melody, Curly Willow palette Open Range, Favorite Fudge, Orange Fire, Fairy Wren, Lyons Blue, Volcanic Stone Green, Kara Cha Brown, Craftsman Gold, Avenue Tan, Favorite Fudge, Orange Fire, Plutonium, Mondrian Blue, Sci-Fi Takeout, Noble Honor, Ripening Grape, Capulet Olive, Pachyderm, Smok Falling Leaves, Flaming June, Orange Fire, Iguana Green, Feather Star, Fujinezumi, Letter Grey, Washed Khaki, Morocco Sand palette Rouge, Orange Fire, Wickford Bay, Mecha Metal, Medium Purple, Grated Beet, Dark Catacombs, Fretwire, Santas Grey, Louvre palette Organic, Khemri Brown, Transparent Orange, Orange Fire, Fashion Yellow, Blackthorn Green, BioShock, Raven, Celebration Blue, Rusty Elm Brown Red, Orange Fire, Minion Yellow, Vegan Mastermind palette Tangy Green, Dirt Track, Dutch Orange, Orange Fire, Paid in Full, Haddock's Sweater, Kingfisher Bright, Pixie Powder, Razzle Dazzl Orange Fire, Stowaway, Hawaiian Raspberry, Beaten Purple, Biro Blue, Fawn Brown, Toast and Butter, Baltic Bream palette Orange Fire, Whale's Tale, Black Green, Logan, Finishing Touch, Annabel palette Cherry Sangria, Orange Fire, Larimar Blue, Stravinsky Pink palette Rye Brown, Rococo Gold, Orange Fire, Funky Frog, Vibrant Vision, Concerto, Rookwood Dark Red, Major Brown, Mortar Grey, Mercurial, Millionaire, Orange Fire, Emerald Wave, Pulp, Marilyn Monroe, Peach Powder palette Antique Honey, Dash of Curry, Thundelarra, Orange Fire, Viameter, Celestial Indigo, Tabbouleh Green, Terra Pin, Crystal Dark Red, Soft Cocoa, Light Oak Brown, Tegreen, Hokey Pokey, Dull Orange, Duck Sauce, Sunset Papaya, Orange Fire, Wild Wisteria, Groundwater Bruschetta, Canvas, Orange Fire, Inchworm, Menacing Clouds, Garbanzo Paste palette Tangerine, Orange Fire, Caicos Turquoise, Permanent Green, Sunset Cove, Pita Bread palette Orange Flambe, Orange Fire palette orange Traditional Rose, Orange Fire, Baltic, Lower Lip, Pickling Spice, Chalk Blue palette Gravelle, Hot Cacao, Toasted Nut, Orange Fire, Antarctic Circle, Trillium, Coverts Wood Pigeon palette Orange Fire, Soft Boiled palette multi colors Orange Fire, Clooney, Green Blue Slate, Fandango Pink, Ponderosa Pine, Plum Cheese, Cappuccino, Teal Forest palette Stacked Stone, Pyrite Slate Green, Tulip Tree, Akakō Red, Orange Fire, Lemon Tart, Caduceus Gold, Píng Gǔo Lǜ Green, The Fang Grey Yellow Umbrella, Orange Fire, Oriental Eggplant palette Orange Fire, Yuzu Marmalade, Flamingo Dream, Sky Watch, Beryl Green palette Orange Fire, Blustery Sky, Joker's Smile, Old Tudor palette Bleeding Crimson, Orange Fire, Turquoise Sea, Highlighter Blue, Tarsier, Exclusive Violet, Final Straw palette Cardamom Green, Ovoid Fruit, Orange Fire, Comet, Rushing River, Redcurrant, Red Pink, Acacia Haze palette Antique Chest, Koi, Orange Fire, Dawnstone, Black Htun, Witch Wart, Fashion Blue palette Orange Fire, Bella Sera, Covered Bridge, Poetry Reading, Blonde Lace, Nadia, Mauve Pansy palette Red Tomato, Allspice Berry, Blood Orange Juice, Orange Fire, Thicket, Ocean City, Turkish Blue, Bird Of Paradise, Glimpse into Spa
Color Contrast
Color pairings #ffaf6b with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#ffaf6b Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#ffaf6b Contrast Ratio
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