Creado en 02/21/2023 17:43

#2f3c53 HEX Color Biscay información

#2f3c53 RGB(47, 60, 83)

RGB los valores son RGB(47, 60, 83)
#2f3c53 el color contiene Rojo 18.43%, Verde 23.53% y Azul 32.55%.

Nombres de color de #2f3c53 HEX código

Biscay, Black Color

Clasificación de colores #2f3c53

#2f3c53 es Luz y Frío Color
Color opuesto para Biscay – #52452e

#2f3c53 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #2f3c53 Biscay

hsl(218, 28%, 25%)
hsla(218, 28%, 25%, 1)
RGB(47, 60, 83)
RGBA(47, 60, 83, 1)

Paletas para el color #2f3c53 Biscay:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #2f3c53 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #050608 de los tonos y el color más claro es #eaecee de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #2f3c53:
Paleta de tintes de #2f3c53:
Paleta complementaria de #2f3c53:
Paleta triádica de #2f3c53:
Paleta cuadrada de #2f3c53:
Paleta análoga de #2f3c53:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #2f3c53:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #2f3c53:

Color Biscay #2f3c53 usado en paletas (50)

Tints of Biscay color #2F3C53 hex Shades of Biscay color #2F3C53 hex Retro orlin culture shop ocs winter palette Webdesign art ux ui Mobil ui design application colors palette Product design upwork ui kit job finder hex colors Biscay Emerald Glitter, Lilac Rose, Biscay, Lime Spritz palette Comfrey, Dark Emerald, Biscay, Tender Yellow palette Magic Lamp, Burtuqali Orange, Glade Green, Citronella, Biscay, Dapple Grey, Warm Shell, Comfy Beige palette Denim Blue, Biscay, Mindful palette Green Woodpecker Olive, Marine Ink, Red Wrath, Biscay, Kuri Black, Ranch Tan, Northern Exposure, Ice Desert, Calm Tint, French Man Biscay, Shaded Willow, Amethyst Haze, Sweet Perfume, Desireé, Cosmetic Mauve palette Moroccan Brown, Amber Gold, Dusk, Cloak and Dagger, Rapture, Biscay, Louisiana Mud, Super Sepia, Rain Check palette Butterscotch Syrup, Yellow Shout, Neon Blue, Aged Moustache Grey, San Francisco Mauve, Biscay, Carafe, Halayà Úbe, Forest Tapestry Cedar Ridge, Macaw, Honey Locust, Lyric Blue, King's Robe, Aster, Tulipan Violet, Fashion Fuchsia, Rainforest Nights, Blue Fantast Mulgore Mustard, Seraphinite, St. Patrick, Reef, Razee, Blue Elemental, Artesian Water, Mud Green, Biscay, Purple Feather, Buckwhe Tank Grey, Aquatic Green, Biscay, Icicles palette Cool Charcoal, Stucco, Dark Salmon Injustice, Master Nacho, Regent Grey, Blue Beads, Glaucous, Ship's Harbour, Biscay, Chocolate F Angry Pasta, Islamic Green, Rolling Sea, Biscay, Fail Whale, Blue Bayou palette Tōmorokoshi Corn, Macaw, Majestic Jungle, Traffic Light Green, Baby Berries, Prussian Nights, Biscay, Field Drab, Rocking Chair, F Sagebrush, Caper Green, Wobbegong Brown, Pumping Spice, Fandangle, Ionian, Absolute Zero, Red Blood, Biscay, Summer Green, Dresden Bianchi Green, Quiet Bay, Cool Black, Biscay, Blue Bayberry, Oxford Brick, Taupe Grey, Plate Mail Metal, Frontier Fort, Creamy Nou Hip Waders, Yellow Warbler, Pieces of Eight, Vanadyl Blue, Valerian, Biscay, Prussian, Ruby Wine, Grapevine Canyon, Evocative Blue Beaver Kit, Galley Gold, Bockwurst, Dwarven Flesh, Rainy Lake, Prunus Avium, Betel Nut Dye, Biscay, Forged Iron, Newport Indigo, D French Bistre, Wonderland, Wasabi Green, Lords of the Night, Biscay palette Charleston Chocolate, Seabuckthorn Yellow Brown, Greener Grass, Anaheim Pepper, Agate Violet, Blue Venus, Office Blue Green, Bisca Light Mahogany, Cherokee Red, Baked Clay, Warm Terra Cotta, Oranzhewyi Orange, Exuberant Pink, Biscay, Starlit Eve, Well-Bred Brow Kathmandu, Armageddon Dust, Royal Blue, Chick Flick, Botanical Beauty, Biscay, Masala, Air Blue, Caboose, Cashmere Clay, Liquid Go Truly Olive, Hipster Salmon, Medusa Green, Summer Sun, Japanese Indigo, Biscay, Dark Taupe, War God, River Pebble, Mint Julep, Hap Lazy Lichen, Limed Oak, Afterlife, Artist Blue, Biscay, Pickled Capers, Caribbean Sky, Pink Discord, Mischka, Cactus Spike, My Lov Maple Leaf, Sunny Disposition, Coelin Blue, Àn Zǐ Purple, Madras, Martinique, Biscay, Spectrum Blue palette Canyon Sunset, Apricot Jam, Gooseberry Fool, Brewing Storm, Dusty Turquoise, Advertising Blue, Powder Room, Demonic Presence, Bisc Dark Sting, Burnished Brandy, Vintage Gold, Giant's Club, Traffic Green, Pond Sedge, Blue Dacnis, Pretty Puce palette Golden Olive, Sunlit Kelp Green, Plum Shadow, Fashionista, Biscay, Astral Aura, Bronze Icon, Lavender Lustre, Arcadian Green, Cele Manuscript Ink, Olive Shade, Golden Relic, Genoa Lemon, Fluorite Green, Green Gardens, Green Teal, Hong Kong Skyline, Campanula Pu Lagoon Moss, Foggy Bog, Voluptuous Violet, Biscay, Sea Pine, Urban Jungle, Astro Bound, Sleepy Owlet, San Carlos Plaza, Gobi Deser Bern Red, Antique Leather, Cupcake, Cigar Box, Tangled Twine, Tropical Wood, Cabernet, Royal Banner, Biscay, Cloudy Viridian, Texa Dark Salmon Injustice, Golden Brown, Global Green, Vesuvian Green, Rosemarried, Carmine Carnation, Crusoe, Biscay, Spiced Hot Choc Steady Brown, Pinkish Brown, Chai Spice, Autumn Robin, Healing Plant, Aventurine, Bleached Olive, Tides of Darkness, Biscay, Freef Sainsbury, Illuminating Emerald, Unity, Bohemian Blue, Biscay, Naturalism palette Pickled Limes, Lepton Gold, Capitalino Cactus, Sunkist Coral, Biscay, Poetry Plum, Arctic Blue, Chaise Mauve, Calico Rose palette Lava Pit, French Tarragon, Lothern Blue, Biscay, Not So Innocent, Veiled Violet, Young Leaves, Sheriff, Breaktime palette Ayrshire, Midas Finger Gold, Monstrous Green, Green Tourmaline, Bureaucracy, Biscay, Chocolate Hazelnut, New Amber, Owl Manner Mal Spectacular Scarlet, Kabacha Brown, Sunset Boulevard, Emoji Yellow, Corfu Shallows, Maud, Biscay, Forged Iron palette Spanish Bistre, Jade Gravel, Prussian Nights, Biscay, Green Velvet, Glitch, Glaze White, Dollop of Cream palette Chocolate Bells, Azul Pavo Real, Biscay, Navy Cosmos, Expressive Plum, Lullaby, Novelle Peach palette Variegated Frond, Calmness, Slugger, Biscay, Tender Turquoise, Pink Wink, Moth's Wing palette Namakabe Brown, Orange Brown, Strong Iris, Biscay, Deep Walnut, Wing Man, Lavender Illusion, Trailblazer palette Aurora, Shadow Dance, Biscay, Infinite Deep Sea palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #2f3c53 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Biscay #2f3c53 color png