Creado en 02/22/2023 15:27
#464960 HEX Color Chinaberry información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#464960 | RGB(70, 73, 96) |
RGB los valores son RGB(70, 73, 96)
#464960 el color contiene Rojo 27.45%, Verde 28.63% y Azul 37.65%.
Nombres de color de #464960 HEX código
Chinaberry Color
colores alternativos de Chinaberry #464960
Color opuesto para Chinaberry – #625e47
#464960 Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #464960 Chinaberry
hsl(233, 16%, 33%)
hsla(233, 16%, 33%, 1)
RGB(70, 73, 96)
RGBA(70, 73, 96, 1)
Paletas para el color #464960 Chinaberry:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #464960 color HEX
el color más oscuro es #07070a de los tonos y el color más claro es #ededef de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #464960:
Paleta de tintes de #464960:
Paleta complementaria de #464960:
Paleta triádica de #464960:
Paleta cuadrada de #464960:
Paleta análoga de #464960:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #464960:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #464960:
Color Chinaberry #464960 usado en paletas (50)
Chinaberry, Green Epiphany, Moonlight White palette Medium Aquamarine, Little Theater, Strawberry Mousse, Dulcet Violet, Dried Flower Purple, Chinaberry, Granny Smith Apple palette Kenny's Kiss, December Eve, Chinaberry, Bundaberg Sand palette Chinaberry, Artist's Canvas palette Aged Brandy, Miami Jade, Worn Denim, Pickled Plum, Pretty in Plum, Chinaberry, Blackish Grey, Lovage Green, Aurora Pink, Geranium USC Cardinal, Triforce Yellow, Yellow Rose, Jewel Weed, Pagoda Blue, Warrior Queen, Glimpse into Space, Castleton Green, Chinaberr African Mud, Granrojo Jellyfish, Soft Fig, Lima Bean Green, Fir Blue, St. Patrick, Medium Turquoise, Night Mode, Chinaberry, Goat, Status Bronze, Green Cow, Pure Cyan, Bristol Blue, International, Ocean Call, Fresh Eggplant, Chinaberry, Velvet Umber, Milton, Pr Ruby Shard, Putty, Mantella Frog, Yellow Powder, Lush Greenery, Spaceman, Flamingo Fury, Patchwork Plum, Warmed Wine, Pinyon Pine, Chocolate Caliente, Georgian Yellow, Bitter Orange, Cameleer, Lioness, Deep Fried, Reptile Green, On a Whim, Black Magic, Chestnut Cherry Tomato, Woodgrain, Arizona Tree Frog, Puyo Blob Green, Shutter Grey, Deep Peacock Blue, Tahitian Treat, Lavish Spending, St Cocoa Shell, Mandalay, Yellow Exhilaration, French Marron, Chinese Garden, Greens, Chinaberry, Astral Spirit, Grey Roads, Etude Li Virtual Boy, Empower, Melondrama, Fēi Hóng Scarlet, Clementine Earring, Golden Yellow, Nasty Green, Cherries Jubilee, Deep Sea Bas Caramel Crumb, Orange Keeper, Rosé, Vitalize, Sea Beast, Retro Pink, Uncharted, Jordan Jazz, Mythical Wine, Rock, Chinaberry, Tota Grecian Gold, Butter Fudge, Luscious Lemongrass, Evening Sea, Chinaberry, Riding Star palette Spring Field, Fir Blue, Muted Blue, Magnificence, Magenta Dye, Apple Herb Black, Chinaberry, Journey's End, Scallywag palette On the Avenue, Golden Orange, Sweet Midori, Chun-Li Blue, Mauveine, Spiced Coral, Fatty Fuchsia, Mirage, Pinecone Path, Chinaberry Sandstone Grey, Yellowish Brown, Aerobic Fix, Cold North, Rock Creek, Brittany Blue, Chinaberry palette Tropical Twist, Topaz Mountain, Saucy Gold, Deep Coral, Pea Soup, Blue Cardinal Flower, Berry Conserve, Fandango Pink, Dulcet Viol Princess Kate, Chinaberry, Coronado Moss, Lilac Snow palette Tropical Tide, Morocco Brown, Palm Leaf, Chinaberry, Sahara Sand, Vast, Mud Berry palette Baikō Brown, Arabian Red, Celebration Blue, Chinaberry, Galago, Fall Canyon palette Rustica, Haute Red, Pizazz, Pumpkin Cat, Exotic Flower, Limone, Broccoflower, Citadel, Cavolo Nero, Blue Jay, Chinaberry, Alga Mos Book Binder, Chinaberry, Skyline, Lettuce Alone, Jonquil Trail palette Watercourse, Raspberry Shortcake, Chinaberry, Delicate Bloom, Spice Delight palette After Work Blue, Chinaberry, Wishing Star, Laundry Blue, Camel Cord, Sandstone Cliff, White Jade, Pallid Green palette Eden Prairie, Red Revival, Digger's Gold, Furry Lion, Cadmium Yellow, Pea Soup Green, Clematis Magenta, Trippy Velvet, Linear, Chi Painted Poppy, Biology Experiments, Electric Laser Lime, Night Thistle, Starlet, Elite Green, Chinaberry, Bygone, Heather Red Grey Shades of Ruby, Amaretto, Pecan, Cameleer, Sun Salutation, Lisbon Brown, Chinaberry, Sunken Ship, Sandy Toes, Glass Violet, Oak Sh River Mud, Silken Peacock, Galaxy Blue, Grape Purple, Blue Regal, Chinaberry, Dover Grey, Sky Watch, Mineral Beige palette Leafy Lemon, Florida Keys, Cherry Cobbler, Sangria, American Bronze, Chinaberry, Aqua Smoke palette Molasses Cookie, Fiji Green, Tropical Forest Green, Warm Spring, Distant Blue, Byzantine Blue, Chinaberry palette Bethlehem Red, Fresh Lawn, Saga Blue, Cancer Seagreen Scarab, Rich Bordeaux, Chinaberry, Harbour Fog, Pool Side, Natural Youth, Sm Rainbow's Outer Rim, Purple Noir, Mariana Trench, Chinaberry, Lilac Fields, Hydrology, Silly Puddy palette Blue Black Crayfish, Chinaberry, London Fog, Lint, Suds, Crater Crawler palette C64 Blue, Chinaberry, Shady Willow, Aura, Dawn Departs, Essence of Violet palette Jaffa Orange, Perfectly Purple, Chinaberry, Power Grey, Barely Ripe Apricot palette Irrigation, Energic Eggplant, Mesa Ridge, Chinaberry, Winsome Orchid palette Mourning Blue, Hull Red, Chinaberry palette Angry Gremlin, Chinaberry, Vintner, Soft Pumice, Aqua Bloom palette Antelope, Mustard Gold, Dark Jade, Starry Night, Black Mocha, Chinaberry palette Positively Palm, Teal, Enamel Antique Green, Chinaberry, Kobi, Mesa Rose palette Green Bush, Odd Pea Pod palette Portabella, Brownstone, Reikland Fleshshade, Bateau, Treetop Cathedral, Pasilla Chiles palette Sunkissed Coral, Hanuman Green, Maritime Soft Blue, Neptune, Benimidori Purple, Chinaberry, Pussyfoot palette Exuberant Orange, Sunny Green, Seed Pod, Mallard, Chinaberry, Coco palette Warm Earth, Brilliant Green, Planetarium, Chinaberry, Spiced Cashews, Sprouted, Bleached Sunflower, May Sun palette Salted Pretzel, Sagebrush Green, Water Raceway, Ibiza Blue, Aristocratic Blue, Cape Storm palette Baneblade Brown, Clove Brown, Chocolate Curl, Pookie Bear, Pesto, Caribbean Turquoise, Looney Blue, Feverish, Chinaberry, Big Chil Pale Khaki, Deep Ocean, Chinaberry, Browse Brown, Pageant Song palette
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #464960 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#464960 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |
#464960 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |