Creado en 03/11/2023 23:24

#675b72 HEX Color Violet Haze información

#675b72 RGB(103, 91, 114)

RGB los valores son RGB(103, 91, 114)
#675b72 el color contiene Rojo 40.39%, Verde 35.69% y Azul 44.71%.

Nombres de color de #675b72 HEX código

Violet Haze Color

Clasificación de colores #675b72

#675b72 es semioscuro y Frío Color
Matiz de dimgrey
Color opuesto para Violet Haze – #66715b

#675b72 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #675b72 Violet Haze

hsl(271, 11%, 40%)
hsla(271, 11%, 40%, 1)
RGB(103, 91, 114)
RGBA(103, 91, 114, 1)

Paletas para el color #675b72 Violet Haze:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #675b72 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #0a090b de los tonos y el color más claro es #f0eff1 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #675b72:
Paleta de tintes de #675b72:
Paleta complementaria de #675b72:
Paleta triádica de #675b72:
Paleta cuadrada de #675b72:
Paleta análoga de #675b72:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #675b72:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #675b72:

Color Violet Haze #675b72 usado en paletas (50)

Kelp Brown, Chimayo Red, Geebung, Vermilion Bird, Wave Jumper, Mondrian Blue, Sapphire Blue, Violet Haze, Magenta Affair, Stegadon Golden Period, Stratos Blue, Violet Haze, Oxalis, Boiling Point palette Sierra Foothills, Mann Orange, Yamabukicha Gold, Fresh Artichoke, Midnight Pearl, Blue Odyssey, Endeavour, Violet Haze, Rhinestone Fleshtone Shade Wash, Violet Haze, Lake Reflection, Fizzle palette Spartan Crimson, Toasted, Glistening Dawn, Hisui Kingfisher, Inland Waters, Violet Haze, Nymph's Delight, Benifuji, Romp, Fudgesic Crisis Red, Sahara Shade, Orange Salmonberry, Tansy, Dandelion Yellow, Bonsai Trunk, Batman, Mordian Blue, Violet Haze, Lilac Bush Ragweed Bethlehem Red, Rich and Rare, Saga Blue, Nautical Creatures, Vermeer Blue, Sea Capture, Dried Lavender Flowers, Violet Haze, Ruthl Golden Hamster, Energos, Violet Haze, Moisty Mire, Jazz Age Blues, Weathered Mint palette Violet Haze, Harvest Oak, Silver Clouds, Pitapat, Snowbelt, Honeydew palette Mahogany Finish, Blazing Autumn, Mock Orange, Pettifers, Greenlake, Jay Bird, Violet Haze, Tamarind, Greenish Tan, Graceful Garden Cherry Sangria, Dynamite Red, Scarlet Splendour, Faded Khaki, Trinket Box, Nut Oil, Wild Blue Yonder, Violet Haze, Stretch of Wate Indian Reed, Dark Brazilian Topaz, Tangerine Haze, Pumpkin Cat, Liquid Lime, Violet Haze, Gladiola Violet, Devil's Advocate, Black Deep Tan, Scarlet Ibis, Garden Medley, Violet Haze palette Maximum Red, Red Stop, Industrial Strength, Apple Jack, Violet Haze, Enchanting Ivy, O'Neal Green, Deep Viridian, Pewter Blue, Ged M. Bison, Caramel Cafe, Talipot Palm, Violet Haze, Dark Rift, Rainy Afternoon, Mushroom Bisque, Field of Wheat, Valley Mist, Bravo Cardamom Green, Sorbus, Kumquat, Violet Haze, Kerr's Pink Potato, Medici Blue, Celtic Green, Madder Brown, French Grey, Carving Pa Veranda Gold, Lovable, Smashed Pumpkin, Dandelion Yellow, Steel Blue Grey, Violet Haze, Power Peony, Almond Green, Medicine Wheel, Hilltop, Dirty Blue, Iris Petal, Violet Haze, Tetsuonando Black, Dark Grey Mauve, Diopside Blue, Elephant in the Room, Fizzing Whi Rice Curry, Haystacks, Obstinate Orange, Dark Jade, Tractor Beam, Tlāloc Blue, Violet Haze, Legion Blue, Jungle King, Noblesse, He Ocean Frigate, Blue Beads, Violet Haze, Dard Hunter Green, Madder Blue, Lime Taffy, Peach Glow, Fresh Wood Ashes, Mount Olympus pa Bungalow Gold, Yakitori, Green Teal, Azul Pavo Real, Vanity, Sanctuary Spa, Violet Haze, Bright Maroon, Purplish Red, Spring Lobst Roman Brick, Question Mark Block, University of Tennessee Orange, Green Plaza, Moot Green, Violet Haze, Cruel Sea, Persian Prince, Sneaky Devil, Lighter Green, Violet Haze, Lavish Spending, Magic Gem, Snappy Violet, Violet Beauty, Icy Morn, Secret Crush palette Sis Kebab, Stamp Pad Green, Deep Water, Sapphire Lace, Sky of Magritte, Violet Haze, Pink Panther, Cherry Mahogany, Lilac Suede, M Fire Chi, Flirt Alert, Ocean Oasis, Blue Prince, Violet Haze, Chocolate Rain palette Usukō, Free Green, Sultry Sea, Mississippi River, Violet Haze, Strawberry Freeze, Boson Brown, Lima Green, Sugar Rush Peach Pepper Toffee Crunch, Monarch Migration, Mineral Blue, Violet Haze, Parisian Night, Flat Brown, Deep Royal, Tin Man palette Autumn Robin, Lizard Green, Boxwood, Violet Haze, Concord Jam palette Rebel Red, Raccoon Tail, Old Green, Quantum Green, Violet Haze, Chocolate Sparkle, Garnet Rose, Moth Green, Jagger, Milano, Svelte Nautical Blue, Violet Haze, Kon, Monastery Mantle, Juggernaut, Gameboy Shade, Calico, Jungle Mist, Prairie House, Informative Pink Wattle, Lifeless Green, Victorian Greenhouse, Lupine Blue, Violet Haze, Köfte Brown, Tropical Splash, Dreamcatcher, Rich Brilliant Chokecherry, Homestead Red, Hay Yellow, Kenyan Sand, Hawaiian Pineapple, Wild Thyme, Violet Haze, Domino, Mid-century Gem, Jacaran Chicken Masala, Ionized-air Glow, Moody Blues, Violet Haze, Poppy Leaf, True To You palette Ruby Slippers, Subway, Horn of Plenty, Kimirucha Brown, Sulphur, Whisky Sour, Fuzzy Duckling, The Real Teal, Violet Haze, Pastel P Café Renversé, Farmhouse Ochre, Trinket, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Blue Streak, Aqua Nation, Violet Haze, Palm Green, San Juan, Nott Red Baron, Violet Haze, Private Black, Sultana, Cracked Earth, Gris Náutico, Tamale Maize palette Plain Old Brown, Violet Haze, Gregorio Garden, Spice Cookie palette Sunflower Valley, Basilica Blue, Violet Haze, English Coral, Clover Green, Calming Silver Lavender, Copenhagen, Balmy Seas palette Deep Red, Violet Haze, Nordland Light Blue, Foxflower Viola, Minted Lemon, Spring Storm palette Highlighter Orange, Violet Haze, Joyful Ruby palette Rum Punch, Oregon, Greek Blue, Violet Haze, Fresh Eggplant, Tangled Vines, Chefchaouen Blue palette Painted Pony, Cardueline Finch, Beyond the Pines, Glacial Green palette Bay Site, Violet Haze, Rich Texture, Duck Hunt, Dim Grey, Sand, Antique Wicker Basket, Festival De Verano palette Spoiled Egg, Lavender Violet palette Mushroom Brown, Soft Tone Ink, Violet Haze palette Roland-Garros, Violet Haze, Velvet Magic, Sanguine Brown, Erythrosine, Baltic Bream palette Covered Wagon, Sagebrush, Nārangī Orange, Metal Grey, Violet Haze, Weathered Brown palette Picante, Orange Tiger, Violet Haze, Qermez Red palette Bleeding Crimson, Thunderous, Before Winter, Hot Mustard, Pac-Man, Green Screen, Violet Haze, The Devil's Grass, Femme Fatale, Eve

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #675b72 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Violet Haze #675b72 color png