Creado en 02/21/2023 18:12

#757679 HEX Color Astrogranite información

#757679 RGB(117, 118, 121)

RGB los valores son RGB(117, 118, 121)
#757679 el color contiene Rojo 45.88%, Verde 46.27% y Azul 47.45%.

Nombres de color de #757679 HEX código

Astrogranite Color

Clasificación de colores #757679

#757679 es Luz y Neutral Color
Matiz de Gris
Color opuesto para Astrogranite – #7a7975

#757679 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #757679 Astrogranite

hsl(225, 2%, 47%)
hsla(225, 2%, 47%, 1)
RGB(117, 118, 121)
RGBA(117, 118, 121, 1)

Paletas para el color #757679 Astrogranite:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #757679 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #0c0c0c de los tonos y el color más claro es #f1f1f2 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #757679:
Paleta de tintes de #757679:
Paleta complementaria de #757679:
Paleta triádica de #757679:
Paleta cuadrada de #757679:
Paleta análoga de #757679:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #757679:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #757679:

Color Astrogranite #757679 usado en paletas (50)

Shades of Solitude color #E9ECF1 hex Astrogranite Cocoloco, Astrogranite, Dark Ebony, Laced Green, Waves Queen palette Gingko Leaf, Astrogranite, Plum Dandy, Misty Lavender, Light Pink palette Salsa Picante, Chanticleer, Mauve Mole, Artemis, Soft Fern, Garden Club, Phosphor Green, Silent Sage, Greenish Turquoise, Astrogra Karak Stone, Shoreline Green, Frozen Boubble, Astrogranite palette Flirty Salmon, Astrogranite, Ravenclaw palette Greedy Gold, Astrogranite, Down Pour, Apricot Illusion palette Bow Tie, Raffles Tan, Date Fruit Brown, Astrogranite, Feather Falls, North Sea Blue palette Banana Ball, Rebounder, Astrogranite, Over the Hills, Intrigue, Dark Cherry Mocha, Valley of Tears, Soft Sunrise palette Sundial, Emotional, Chai Tea, Mexican Red Papaya, Solarium, Sunset Orange, Fashion Yellow, Chlorella Green, Turquoise Sea, Astrogr Frog's Legs, Kiss Candy, Mocha Bisque, Golf Day, Surfie Green, Astrogranite, Purple Vanity, Blackberry Tint, Pico Void, Pawn Broke Warlord, Summer's Eve, Rainbow Trout, Verdigris Roundhead, Astrogranite, Blue Zephyr, Ship Grey, Pimento Grain Brown, Mirror Mirro Tweed, Racoon Eyes, Kitsurubami Brown, Casablanca, Golden Glitter Storm, Astrogranite, Rhythm, Hidden Mask, Royal Velvet, Grapewoo Positive Red, Leroy, Flower Wood, Termite Beige, Astrogranite, Grey Matter, Club Navy, Snorlax, Dusty Trail Rider palette Roebuck, Ripe Lemon, Eucalipto, Magical Malachite, Astrogranite, Rouge Red, Kala Namak, Blue Zodiac, Embarcadero, Sandy Toes palet Caulerpa Lentillifera, Astrogranite, Piccadilly Purple, Green Grey Mist, Ashlite, Garden Swing, Day Glow, Cosmic Ray palette Chocoholic, Metallic Gold, Astrogranite, Always Indigo, Ocean Tropic, Will, Universal Green, Zephyr palette Arrow Creek, Green Gloss, Astrogranite, Chill of Teamwork, Qing Dynasty Dragon, Epic Blue, Cockscomb Red, Treasure Seeker, Black T Tankard Grey, Corazon, Sunny Horizon, Lime Fizz, Golden Fizz, Magical Malachite, Astrogranite, Cinnamon Candle palette Tamarack Yellow, Astrogranite, Blue Dart Frog, Purple Comet, Elderberry, Smokey Lilac, Kingfisher Turquoise palette Wheatberry, Wax Way, Ancient Yellow, Astrogranite, Violet, Night Turquoise, Galapagos, Blackcurrant Conserve, Abbey, Candied Ginge Hawaiian Pineapple, Pistachio Flour, Jade Glass, Astrogranite, Antique Tin, Striking Purple, Radioactive Eggplant, Badab Black Was Grey Pepper, Sedona Brown, Brown Eyes, Fuel Yellow, Astrogranite, Ardósia, Kale Green, Mocha Black, Safari Vest, Trail Sand, Dusty Dusted Clay, Astrogranite, Slumber, Sapphire Pink, Woohringa, Necron Compound, Medium Sky Blue palette Manticore Brown, Honeycomb Yellow, Candied Yams, Astrogranite, Norwegian Blue, Blue Moon Bay, Almost Royal, Lonely Chocolate, Paci Brown Labrador, Dusty Mountain, Canaletto, Astrogranite, Mississippi River, Shine Baby Shine, Lick and Kiss, Royal Silk, Whispered Nut, Almond Toast, Kenya, Deli Yellow, Astrogranite, Revel Blue, California Wine, Cabernet Craving, Crocker Grove, Holiday Turquoi Astrogranite, Violet Hickey, Resolution Blue, English Vermillion, Spiced Orange, Light Bassinet palette Reef Encounter, Astrogranite, The Broadway, Raven's Banquet, Green Pea, Dark Envy, Green Masquerade palette Red Pegasus, Sabiseiji Grey, Greenish Teal, Astrogranite, Periscope, Black Kite, Eclectic Purple, Grauzone palette Schist, Red River, Cozy Nook, Wageningen Green, Astrogranite, Identity, Faded Blue, Dusky Cyclamen, Bright Pink, Ultramarine Viole Tallarn Flesh, Yellow Acorn, Kiwi, Shamrock, Astrogranite, Veri Berri, Chocolate Melange palette Valentine Lava, Dallol Yellow, Astrogranite, Frozen Lake, Tory Blue, French Rose, Energic Eggplant, Turf palette Tupelo Honey, Corn Bread, Privet Hedge, Astrogranite, Hushed Lilac, Violet Blue, Pictorial Carmine, Dead Forest, Wine Tour palette Rustic Adobe, Medium Vermilion, Paris Daisy, Gem Silica, Astrogranite, Granada Sky, Hideout, Kabocha Green, Bidwell Brown, Mystic Astrogranite, Florida Waters, Onion, Grey Frost palette Celestial Alien, Green Gloss, Astrogranite, Rain or Shine palette Mario, Astrogranite palette Inca Gold, Hollandaise, Astrogranite, Pageantry Purple, Pistachio Ice Cream palette Hot Lips, Brilliant Green, Astrogranite, International, Charcoal Dust palette Astrogranite, Lemures, Pinch of Pistachio palette British Phone Booth, Astrogranite palette River God, Karacha Red, Himawari Yellow, Astrogranite, Blue Angel, Ode to Joy, Mystifying Magenta palette Organic Green, Taurus Forest Fern, Grotesque Green, Astrogranite, Clooney, Master, Applegate Park palette Astrogranite, Cornflower palette Tia Maria, DodgeRoll Gold, Astrogranite, Ebbtide palette Cranberry Red, Astrogranite, Lindworm Green, Formal Maroon, Mercer Charcoal palette Mangrove, Blast-Off Bronze, Green Grey, Astrogranite, Ruby Grey, Sugarloaf Brown, Alpenglow, Salmon Peach palette Chocolate Explosion, Red Sparowes, Ginger, Prehnite Yellow, Sun Yellow, Night Pearl, Astrogranite, Muted Blue, Explosive Purple, V

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #757679 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Astrogranite #757679 color png