Creado en 03/14/2023 09:30

#8193aa HEX Color Stratus información

#8193aa RGB(129, 147, 170)

RGB los valores son RGB(129, 147, 170)
#8193aa el color contiene Rojo 50.59%, Verde 57.65% y Azul 66.67%.

Nombres de color de #8193aa HEX código

Stratus Color

Clasificación de colores #8193aa

#8193aa es Luz y Frío Color
Color opuesto para Stratus – #aa9983

#8193aa Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8193aa Stratus

hsl(214, 19%, 59%)
hsla(214, 19%, 59%, 1)
RGB(129, 147, 170)
RGBA(129, 147, 170, 1)

Paletas para el color #8193aa Stratus:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #8193aa color HEX

el color más oscuro es #0d0f11 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f2f4f7 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #8193aa:
Paleta de tintes de #8193aa:
Paleta complementaria de #8193aa:
Paleta triádica de #8193aa:
Paleta cuadrada de #8193aa:
Paleta análoga de #8193aa:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #8193aa:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #8193aa:

Color Stratus #8193aa usado en paletas (38)

Stratus Vanishing Night, Stratus, Salmon Rose, Gratitude palette Stratus, Blueberry Whip palette Traffic Red, Green Moblin, Stratus, Japanese Horseradish, Duchess Rose, Yellow Diamond, Long Beach palette Jabłoński Brown, Burnt Earth, Dragon Bay, Water Ouzel, Stratus, Palisade, Rosy Outlook palette Cherry Cola, Acorn Spice, Papaya Yellow Green, Turtle Skin, Turtle, Stratus, Subtle Sunshine palette Deer, Portland Orange, Democrat, Disco, Golden Blood, Stratus, Aviva, Martini Olive palette Outrageous, Battery Charged Blue, Blueberry Blush, Stratus, Minnesota April, Blue Stream, Young Salmon palette Fury, Jubilant Jade, Deep Shadow, Beach Umbrella, Stratus, Oakwood, Rock Cliffs, Belladonna's Leaf palette Twilight Blue, Stratus palette Tropical Wood, Screaming Bell Metal palette Back to School, Lawn Party, Blithe, Burple, Moor Oak Grey, Malta, Stratus, Desert Riverbed, Posey Blue, Elusive White palette Beyond the Pines, Blue Violet, Raspberry Pudding, Celtic Clover, Quincy, Shady Willow, Stratus, Oxalis, Tinge Of Mauve, Coconut Cr Wright Brown, Italian Mocha, Bronze Treasure, Glowing Coals, Stratus, October Sky, Floral Bouquet, Restrained Gold, Spiced Vinegar Chocolaty, Sienna Red, Blue Slushie, Wiped Out, Estate Blue, Stratus, Flint Grey palette Tree Bark, Aztec Brick, Tangy Dill, Baked Bean, Salmon Pate, Wet Coral, Fireglow, Sesame Street Green, Chill of Teamwork, Lights O Scuba, Deep Amethyst, Purplish Blue, Raven's Banquet, Stratus, Dried Caspia, Yolande palette Natural Copper, Soft Bronze, Endless Summer, Heritage Taffeta, Bole, Stratus, Cold Blue, Shrimp, Victoriana, Smell the Mint, Break Eastlake Gold, Green Priestess, Moonshade, Grape Grey, Stratus, Sidewalk Chalk Pink, Spring Wood palette Courtyard Green, Seraphim Sepia, Hot Hazel, Himalaya Sky, Willowherb, Dark Truffle, Stratus, Bluebottle, Sweet Surrender palette Gatsby Brick, Chinese Night, Slippery Stone, Terra Cotta Pot, Necrophilic Brown, Ancient Brandy, Moselle Green, Depth Charge, Jung Vivid Vermilion, Clear Brook, O Tannenbaum, Stratus palette Ffiery Topaz, Stratus, Heather, Idyllic Pink, Stainless Steel, Comical Coral palette Picante, Legendary Purple, Stratus, Hatching Chameleon palette Sun's Rage, Mermaid Dreams, Muted Mulberry, Stratus, Spring Water Turquoise, Lavender Magenta palette Shot-Put, Spalding Grey, Bradford Brown, Hot and Spicy, Storm Grey, Red Safflower, Heavy Rain palette Channel Marker Green, Teen Queen, Black Safflower, Blue Dianne, Stratus, Gold Plate, Spice Is Nice, Polar Blue palette Desert Shadows, Pineapple Salmon, Cola, Stratus palette Manure, June Bud, Psychedelic Purple, Endless Sea palette Water Park, Magic Dust, Stratus, Pear Tint, Oyster Grey, Peachy-Kini palette Lusty Red, Brazen Brass, Yakitori, Fresh Oregano, Dragonfly Blue, Rave Raisin, Stratus, Sweet Orange palette Sailing Tangerine, Nectarine, Sea Current, Deep Green palette Kobe, Mule, Carmel Woods, Linoleum Blue, Fuchsia Rose, Stratus, Sophistication palette New England Brick, Brown Sugar Glaze, Blueblood, Stratus, Always Neutral palette Shocking Crimson, Caribbean Coral, Fiery Coral, Harvest Eve Gold, Castaway Cove, Stratus palette Homburg Grey, Monarchist, Very Coffee, Stratus, Gentle Dill, Galway Bay palette Mikado Green, Squid's Ink palette Peanut Butter, Chocolate Pancakes, Cucuzza Verde, Aladdin's Feather palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #8193aa con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Stratus #8193aa color png