Creado en 02/24/2023 17:06

#994548 HEX Color Plum Majesty información

#994548 RGB(153, 69, 72)

RGB los valores son RGB(153, 69, 72)
#994548 el color contiene Rojo 60%, Verde 27.06% y Azul 28.24%.

Nombres de color de #994548 HEX código

Plum Majesty Color

Clasificación de colores #994548

#994548 es semioscuro y Cálido Color
Sombra de brown
Color opuesto para Plum Majesty – #469b98

#994548 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #994548 Plum Majesty

hsl(358, 38%, 44%)
hsla(358, 38%, 44%, 1)
RGB(153, 69, 72)
RGBA(153, 69, 72, 1)

Paletas para el color #994548 Plum Majesty:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #994548 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #0f0707 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f5eced de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #994548:
Paleta de tintes de #994548:
Paleta complementaria de #994548:
Paleta triádica de #994548:
Paleta cuadrada de #994548:
Paleta análoga de #994548:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #994548:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #994548:

Color Plum Majesty #994548 usado en paletas (50)

Plum Majesty Plum Majesty, Chromaphobic Black, Carolina Parakeet, Gobi Desert palette Miami Jade, Plum Majesty, Porous Stone, Powder Rose, Encaje Aperlado palette Crispy Samosa, Plum Majesty palette Corn Snake, Orange Yellow, Plum Majesty, Allyson, Eggshell Blue, Almond Cream, Wind Rose, Rose Tonic palette Rodeo Tan, Fall in Season, Gehenna's Gold, Stalk, Verdigris Roundhead, Jardinière, Fresh Turquoise, Storm Grey, Bright Cobalt, Plu Honky Tonk Blue, Star Spangled, Plum Majesty, Berry Cream, Sterling Blue, Boutique Beige, Apple Custard palette Bluish Purple Anemone, Plum Majesty, Mini Green, Inner Touch, Pale Celery, Dew Pointe, Chinese Silver palette Antique Bear, Sandal, Hearth Gold, Pale Ale, Vegetable Garden, Super Rare Jade, Plum Majesty, Copper Pyrite Green, French Market, Kosher Khaki, Parasite Brown, Firecracker, Sebright Chicken, Oil Green, Aqua Revival, Plum Majesty palette Antique Copper, Spring Branch, Aurichalcite, Buoyant, Kingfisher Sheen, Plum Majesty, Fiddlesticks, Kangaroo palette New Fawn, Assassin, Purple Zergling, Plum Majesty, Radical Red, Infusion, Summer Resort palette Truly Olive, Bakery Brown, Sebright Chicken, Quithayran Green, Astronomicon Grey, Peacock Blue, Plum Majesty, Cucumber, Americano, 24 Karat, Chili Sauce, Dark Brazilian Topaz, Cool Cream Spirit, Wall Street, Plum Majesty, Deep Dive, Forged Iron, Morel, Supreme Red Clown, Whero Red, Vivid Crimson, Red Rock Falls, Rosé, Spa Dream, Plum Majesty, Liche Purple, Shiny Rubber, Coffee House, Mini Nebulas Blue, Plum Majesty, Teal Dark Blue, Extinct Volcano palette Stonegate, Lagoon Moss, Havana Cigar, Hot Sand, Miracle Bay, Picnic Day Sky, Plum Majesty, Iroko, Delta, Big Surf, Muddy Rose, Sho Red Prayer Flag, Taupe Beige, Dry Seedlings, Emerald Starling, Mermaid Net, Deep Amethyst, Plum Majesty, Venetian Glass, Cold Blue Golden Bell, Golden Passionfruit, Slumber, Cape Pond, Plum Majesty, Forest Blues, Venous Blood Red, Arctic Nights, Deep Evergreen, Nomadic, Highball, Lambent Lagoon, Plum Majesty, Pink Shadow, Fern Gully, Kiss A Frog palette Wet Sand, Brass Yellow, Sea Quest, Plum Majesty, Olive Leaf, Zepheniah's Greed, Caraway Brown, Pink Granite palette Muddy River, Mud Yellow, Bulma Hair, Lunar Outpost, Plum Majesty, Pop That Gum, Cadmium Green, Argent, Balmy Seas palette Credo, Play School, Plum Majesty, Graceland Grass, Minimal Grey, Desert Floor, Townhall Tan palette Tuscan Soil, Seaweed Green, Alhambra Green, Rose Pink, Plum Majesty, Cherry Pie, Cavalry, Common Chalcedony, Tiny Ribbons, Hayride Indonesian Rattan, Exuberant Orange, Appletini, Blue Vault, Plum Majesty, Red Salsa, Roanoke, Chocolate Fantasies, Grant Grey, Kno Carriage Red, Bestial Blood, Khemri Brown, Roulette, Hammered Gold, Crispy Chicken Skin, Lemon Dream, Bright Halo, Nephrite, Plum Bronze Fig, Beef Hotpot, Golden Gun, Bluebell, Plum Majesty, Natural Candy Pink palette Apricot Buff, Bitcoin, Plum Majesty, Nordic, Petrol, Deep Space Rodeo, Heartwood, Succinct Violet, Nocturnal Flight, Lickety Split 100 Mph, Burro, Wood Green, Thick Yellow, Mega Blue, Plum Majesty, Creamed Raspberry, Medium Scarlet, Fiord, Gull, Nutty Beige, Al Grilled Tomato, Bright Idea, Plum Majesty, Evermore, Floral Tapestry palette Shaker Peg, Crispy Gold, Sleepy Hollows, Plum Majesty, Red Icon, Flirty Rose, Pine Tree, Vanilla Bean Brown, Autumn Leaves, Bierwu Red Sentinel, Carnal Brown, Pasadena Rose, Grilled Cheese, Yellow Rose, Plum Majesty, Violet Orchid, Shuriken, Balsa Stone, Prairi Crushed Clay, Golden Harmony, Cyan, Bay's Water, Last Light Blue, Plum Majesty, American Bronze, India Ink, Wallflower, Fresh Lemo Flintstone, Plum Majesty, Chatura Beige, Conch Pink palette True Walnut, Plum Majesty, Artful Pink, Tokiwa Green, Espresso Martini, Fresh Baked Bread palette Sunny Festival, Plum Majesty, Elegant Purple Gown, Honey Nougat, Athena Pink, Champagne Ice, Romance palette Clay Bath, Loden Purple, Plum Majesty, Pink Yarrow, Foggy Sunrise, Twin Cities, Dollie, Dirty Snow palette Tingle, Living Coral, Pannikin, Sussie, Plum Majesty, Krameria, Dark Side, Kathleen's Garden palette Crimson Sword, Honeycomb Yellow, Plum Majesty, Wine Tour, December Eve, Night Music, Chateau de Chillon, Radar palette Romantic Night, Red Tuna Fruit, Kingdom Gold, Plum Majesty, Alucard's Night, Pale Spring Morning, Posture & Pose, Ice Cube palette Desert Taupe, Plum Majesty palette Giant Cactus Green, Royal Star, Charming Nature, Plum Majesty, Vivid Fuchsia, Borderline Pink, Pasha Brown palette Duck Butter, Synergy, Little Boy Blue, Plum Majesty palette Plum Majesty, Nelson's Milk Snake, Feasty Fuchsia, Sinister Minister, Pixie Green, Rose Yogurt, Opal, Garbanzo Bean palette Poppy Surprise, High Tea Green, China Clay, A Hint of Incremental Blue, Plum Majesty, Tyrian, Bellflower Violet palette Deep Bloom, Fresh Gingerbread, Plum Majesty, Violet Verbena, Rosy Fluffy Bedspread, Bird's Egg Green palette Wandering River, Plum Majesty, Purple Ash, Banana, Sailor Boy palette Shōjōhi Red, Brown Rust, Privet Hedge, Pebble Beach, Blue Trust, Plum Majesty, Grand Avenue, Pressed Blossoms palette Burlap, Baguette palette Russet Red, Summerville Brown, Garden Bower, Plum Majesty, Latin Charm, Wild Truffle, Acai, Pale Olive, Soft Denim, Sun Splashed,

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #994548 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Imagen Plum Majesty #994548 color png