Creado en 02/21/2023 17:34

#a95c68 HEX Color Delicate Prunus información

#a95c68 RGB(169, 92, 104)

RGB los valores son RGB(169, 92, 104)
#a95c68 el color contiene Rojo 66.27%, Verde 36.08% y Azul 40.78%.

Nombres de color de #a95c68 HEX código

Delicate Prunus, Deep puce Color

Clasificación de colores #a95c68

#a95c68 es Luz y Cálido Color
Matiz de indianred
Color opuesto para Delicate Prunus – #5ba99d

#a95c68 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #a95c68 Delicate Prunus

hsl(351, 31%, 51%)
hsla(351, 31%, 51%, 1)
RGB(169, 92, 104)
RGBA(169, 92, 104, 1)

Paletas para el color #a95c68 Delicate Prunus:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #a95c68 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #11090a de los tonos y el color más claro es #f6eff0 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #a95c68:
Paleta de tintes de #a95c68:
Paleta complementaria de #a95c68:
Paleta triádica de #a95c68:
Paleta cuadrada de #a95c68:
Paleta análoga de #a95c68:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #a95c68:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #a95c68:

Color Delicate Prunus #a95c68 usado en paletas (49)

Branding Burnt orange colors palette Delicate Prunus Sassy Green, Brickhouse, Copper Creek, Metallic Gold, Ratskin Flesh, Saffron Mango, Powdered Green Tea, Green Weed, Wharf View, Bl Edocha, Lost Canyon, Medieval Forest, Delicate Prunus, Superstitious, Lavender Lustre, Refreshed, Applesauce, Sonoran Sands palett Ash Gold, Emergency Zone, Cream Gold, Miyazaki Verdant, Lunar Tide, Deep Orchid, Little Boy Blue, Blue Torus, Bohemian Jazz, Grena Clay, Baklava, Young Leaf, Blue Jacket, Delicate Prunus, Capulet Olive, Davao Green, Golden Rays, Eaves, Icicles palette Densetsu Green, Delicate Prunus, Windsor Moss palette Deep Puce Gilded Leaves, Delicate Prunus, Overboard palette Alarm, Tibetan Temple, Delicate Prunus, Eyelash Camel palette Garden Salt Green, Apricot Jam, Snow Pea, Spearfish, Ocean Depths, Trunks Hair, Delicate Prunus, Purple Reign, Old Army Helmet, Wo Red, Happy Daze, Sushi, Wicked Green, Malachite, Adirondack Blue, Smoky Azurite, Job's Tears, Toy Mauve, Delicate Prunus, Greek Au Courtyard Green, Summerville Brown, Golden Yarrow, Armory, Sushi, Glaucous, Nouveau Rose, Grape Kiss, Delicate Prunus, Pepper Jell Valley Vineyards, Azure Blue, Bohemian Blue, Just a Fairytale, Delicate Prunus, Sagey, Pale Cerulean, Bleached Spruce palette Autumn Laurel, Cold Pilsner, Sweet Potato, Pieces of Eight, Spaceman, Inky Violet, Thick Purple, Delicate Prunus, Royal Battle, Tr Lemon Lime, Seraphinite, Delicate Prunus, Emerald Spring, Incremental Blue, Office Grey, Pragmatic, Tasman, Ikkonzome Pink, Cozy C McKenzie, Perennial Garden, Peacock Silk, Metro, Twilight Lavender, Delicate Prunus, Lunar Eclipse, Brown Ridge, Beachcombing, Ket Red Chili, Redolency, Grapefruit, Spectacular Saffron, May Green, Green Juice, Galactic Emerald, Clear Weather, Delicate Prunus, M Bindi Dot, Aurora Orange, Be Daring, Deep Sea, Regal Destiny, Delicate Prunus, Tropical Skies, Codex Grey, Light Rattan, Fresh Pra Afghan Carpet, Ratskin Flesh, Delicate Prunus, Night Kite, Duchess Rose, April Mist, Reserved White palette Horror Snob, Cadaverous, Panorama Blue, Blue Jeans, Delicate Prunus, Xereus Purple, Embracing, Green McQuarrie, Autumn Malt palett Toasted Chestnut, Chicory Green, Sparkling Apple, Seasoned Apple Green, Blue Vacation, Delicate Prunus, Evil Curse, Oriental Eggpl Green Jeans, Farmhouse Red, Arrowwood, Nuclear Meltdown, Arctic Dusk, Delicate Prunus, Bistro Green, Pickled Bean, Pure Turquoise, Persian Gold, Delicate Prunus, Lightish Red, Night Brown Black, Ahoy, Aloeswood, Foliage, Gray Tweed palette Averland Sunset, Delicate Prunus, Forest Ride, Hostaleaf palette Tawny Orange, Maize, Alien Armpit, Brig, Petrel, Delicate Prunus, Dark Serpent, Forest Splendor, Alien, Bronze Medal, Tuileries Ti Gold Earth, Deep Bamboo Yellow, Schnipo, Venom Wyrm, Green Gardens, Bayern Blue, Delicate Prunus, Odd Pea Pod, Soot, Cool Ashes, S Highlighter Turquoise, Poseidon Jr., Deep Daijin Blue, Duomo, Delicate Prunus, Grey Squirrel, Tusi Grey, Zen Blue, Dockside, Peach Jolly Green, Lime Rasp, Algae, Psychic, Delicate Prunus, Flirt, Noble Plum, Glossy Grape, Vast Desert, Lemon Drop, Morris Leaf, Wa Delicate Prunus, Brandywine, Norwich Green, Grape Arbor palette Desert Yellow, Raging Bull, Mikan Orange, Cote D'Azur, Delicate Prunus, Camaron Pink, Rapt, Lynx, Maiden Voyage, Lemon Burst, Apri Crimson Glory, Peach Caramel, Limeade, Atlantic Gull, Delicate Prunus, Roof Tile Green, Salem Black, Scarlet Shade, Winter Nap, Pr Delicate Prunus, San Juan, Sandwashed palette Mechrite Red, Delicate Prunus, Blunt palette Wulfenite, Hanuman Green, Delicate Prunus, Raspberry Pink palette Torrid Turquoise, Delicate Prunus, Posy Green palette Citron Goby, Delicate Prunus palette African Bubinga, Canary Yellow, Silver Linden Grey, Ceramic Blue Turquoise, Blue Aura, Dusk Mauve, Delicate Prunus, Black Velvet p Sea Elephant, Sahara Sun, Generic Viridian, Peaceful River, Delicate Prunus, Garnet Black Green, Enchantress, Island Oasis palette Ancient Red, Beef Hotpot, Blue Estate, Delicate Prunus, Dolomite Red, Camellia Pink, Riverbed, Gentlemann's Business Pants palette N88 Delicate Prunus, The Sickener, Jaguar palette Cognac Brown, Silence is Golden, Tempo Teal, SQL Injection Purple, Delicate Prunus, Twilight Blush, Elfin Yellow palette Salami, Limbert Leather, Red Stone, Silken Jade, Frost Blue, Joust Blue, Delicate Prunus, Boysenberry Pink, Formal Maroon, T-Rex F Lazy Shell Red, Poppy Prose, Yellowish Orange, Aqua, Delicate Prunus, Red Oxide, Classic Brown palette Rose Dawn, Gold Rush, Biloxi Blue, Mauveine, Delicate Prunus, Atlantic Navy, Moss Brown, Noble Lilac palette Rose Madder, Grey Monument, Delicate Prunus, Beasty Brown, Pure Zeal, Foggy Sunrise palette Delicate Prunus, Midnight Pines, Hopi Blue Corn, Violet Aura, Green Meets Blue, Powdered Brick palette Dungeon Keeper, Flare, Hypnotic Green, Delicate Prunus palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #a95c68 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:

Imagen Delicate Prunus #a95c68 color png