Creado en 02/28/2023 11:06

#c24c6a HEX Color Vibrant Red información

#c24c6a RGB(194, 76, 106)

RGB los valores son RGB(194, 76, 106)
#c24c6a el color contiene Rojo 76.08%, Verde 29.8% y Azul 41.57%.

Nombres de color de #c24c6a HEX código

Vibrant Red, Vibrant Red (RAL Design) Color

Clasificación de colores #c24c6a

#c24c6a es Luz y Cálido Color
Matiz de indianred
Color opuesto para Vibrant Red – #4cc2a5

#c24c6a Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #c24c6a Vibrant Red

hsl(345, 49%, 53%)
hsla(345, 49%, 53%, 1)
RGB(194, 76, 106)
RGBA(194, 76, 106, 1)

Paletas para el color #c24c6a Vibrant Red:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #c24c6a color HEX

el color más oscuro es #13080b de los tonos y el color más claro es #f9edf0 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #c24c6a:
Paleta de tintes de #c24c6a:
Paleta complementaria de #c24c6a:
Paleta triádica de #c24c6a:
Paleta cuadrada de #c24c6a:
Paleta análoga de #c24c6a:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #c24c6a:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #c24c6a:

Color Vibrant Red #c24c6a usado en paletas (50)

Vibrant Red (RAL Design) Armageddon Dust, Vibrant Red, Pegeen Peony, Starlight Blue, Sullivan's Heart palette Lizard Brown, Vibrant Red, Persian Luxury Purple, Dark Grey Mauve, Hawaiian Breeze, Gobi Desert, Leukocyte White palette Dark Purple Grey, Vibrant Red, Vermicelli, Solar Glow palette Brewed Mustard, Banana Brick, Green Pigment, Heirloom Hydrangea, Vibrant Red, Brown Pod, Flowerpot palette Vibrant Red, Zǎo Hóng Maroon, Gardens Sericourt, Moncur, Spring Fields, Elf Skintone palette Functional Blue, Southern Blue, Vibrant Red, Medieval Blue, Give Me Your Love, Graceful Flower, White Sesame palette Cut of Mustard, Vibrant Red, Candidate, Lull Wind, Crystalline Falls palette Vibrant Red, Mangosteen, Blue Limewash palette Gold Torch, Gingery, Sand Brown, Mikan Orange, Dusky Cyclamen, Vibrant Red, Volcano, Protégé Bronze, Melmac Silver, Cane Sugar, As Paella, Birdie, Titanium Blue, Kikorangi Blue, Wild Geranium, Vibrant Red, Twist of Lime, Shire, Dusty Lavender palette Vintage, Vibrant Red, Darkest Spruce, Lull Wind palette Jinzamomi Pink, Pirate Treasure, Vibrant Red, Inkwell, Tawny Port, Continental Waters palette Peach Dunes, Fusion, Protein High, Pickled Salmon, Limonana, Amethyst Gem, Vibrant Red, Bakos Blue, Parsnip, Softer Tan, Lips of A Aztec Brick, Sepia Yellow, Verdant, Habanero Gold, Vibrant Red, Pink Red, Accursed Black, False Cypress, Blue Shell, Fall Canyon, Sly Fox, English Bartlett, Lilliputian Lime, Aloha, Ce Soir, Vibrant Red, Midnight Mosaic, Coastal Plain, Serene Scene, Tropical T Autumn Fern, Outer Reef, Vibrant Red, Nature's Strength, Coral Bay, No Way Rosé palette Fiji Palm, Aare River, Blue Mirage, Ultraviolet Berl palette Choco Chic, Muskelmannbraun, Cameroon Green, Fennel Fiasco, Nightly Blade, Cinnapink, Vibrant Red, Dark Slate Blue, Garden View, E Karakurenai Red, Lunar Launch Site, Happy Trails, Caramelize, Glow Worm, Kauai, Dramatic Blue, Eminence, Dusky Purple, Vibrant Red Red Team Spirit, Dry Sage, Mustard On Toast, Pale Lime Green, Co Pilot, Vibrant Red, Tillandsia Purple, Aqua Belt, Wheat Grass pal Vin Cuit, Desert Moss, Lāl Red, Asfar Yellow, Herbalist's Garden, Reptile Green, Vibrant Red, Cool Dive, Federal Fund palette Yellow Umbrella, Freckles, Stream, Vibrant Red, Blue Spell palette Backcountry, Rum Spice, Lush Hosta, Thallium Flame, Vibrant Red, Quartzite, Spanish Purple, Peppery, Mossy Cavern, Tusi Grey, Vera Eagle Ridge, Foxen, Camel Spider, Green Smoke, Diroset, Larkspur, Prism Violet, Tropical Smoothie, Vibrant Red, Absence of Light, Rudraksha Beads, Extra Life, Aster Violetta, Vibrant Red palette Nut Cracker, Pickled Limes, Misty Moor, Sea Caller, Splash Palace, Vibrant Red, Woodsy Brown, Garden Promenade, Steam Engine, Kyot Weaver's Tool, Mangy Moose, Amber Gold, Sunset, Firebird Tail Lights, Badlands Orange, Vibrant Red, Woodsmoke, Bloodstone, Water T Red Pentacle, Guinea Pig, Brown Patina, Sequoia, Green Fingers, Deep Rhubarb, Vibrant Red, Plum Skin, Phantom Mist, Major Brown, D Pickled Okra, Vibrant Red, Necron Compound, Coquina Shell palette Brick Paver, Rikyūshira Brown, Phoenix Red, Gargantua, Vibrant Red, Verdun Green, Sable, Celery Green, Soft Celery, Inviting Gestu Red Tuna Fruit, OU Crimson Red, Vintage Coral, Golden Marguerite, Lemon Chrome, Delightful Camouflage, Midnight Show, Blue Party P Blanka Green, Norwegian Blue, Turkish Tile, Vibrant Red, Alucard's Night, Crow Black Blue, Abyssal Waters, Cracker Crumbs, Oat Cak Bengal Grass, Porcelain Rose, Soft Boiled, Tambua Bay, Sorcerer, Vigorous Violet, Hawthorn Rose, Vibrant Red, Tutuji Pink, Espalie Vibrant Red, Costa Rican Palm, Centeōtl Yellow, Faded Yellow, Leaf Yellow, Star-Studded, Ventilated palette Shades of Ruby, Coral Silk, Juicy Passionfruit, Duckie Yellow, Aquarium Blue, Miracle Elixir, Vibrant Red, Glimpse into Space, Rad Olive Oil, Lovable, Honeycomb Yellow, Honey Yellow Green, Garuda Gold, Bleached Denim, Cobalt Glaze, Vibrant Red, Black Sable, Ody Vibrant Red, Pout palette Vibrant Red, Nor'wester palette Mettwurst, Vibrant Red, Lower Lip, Wood Brown, Su-Nezumi Grey palette Sugar Glazed Cashew, Acid Reflux, Vibrant Red, Dried Chervil palette Arabian Bake, Paved Path, Baharroth Blue, Vibrant Red, Tin Bitz palette Friar Grey, In for a Penny, Bee Cluster, Olive Leaf Tea, Sailor, Vibrant Red, Murasaki, Cress Vinaigrette palette Sand Brown, Vibrant Red, Osprey Nest palette Pesto Rosso, Tosty Crust, Hot Toddy, Apple Jack, Cabbage Patch, Vibrant Red, Red Gooseberry, Stainless Steel palette Mangy Moose, Rusty Gate, Gecko, Aniseed, Organic Green, Vibrant Red, Bronze Tone palette Hydroport, Vibrant Red, Tetsu-Kon Blue, Icery, Cameo Pink palette Peach Macaron, Laredo Road, Blue Raspberry, Dexter, Vegeta Blue, Vibrant Red palette Spicy Orange, Yellow Metal, Toxic Orange, Dangerously Green, Vermeer Blue, Vibrant Red, Photon Barrier, Party Pig palette Hemp, Secret Journal, Klimt Green palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #c24c6a con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Imagen Vibrant Red #c24c6a color png