Creado en 02/22/2023 18:47
#c7daed HEX Color Arctic Rain información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c7daed | RGB(199, 218, 237) |
RGB los valores son RGB(199, 218, 237)
#c7daed el color contiene Rojo 78.04%, Verde 85.49% y Azul 92.94%.
Nombres de color de #c7daed HEX código
Arctic Rain Color
colores alternativos de Arctic Rain #c7daed
Color opuesto para Arctic Rain – #ecd9c5
#c7daed Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #c7daed Arctic Rain
hsl(210, 51%, 85%)
hsla(210, 51%, 85%, 1)
RGB(199, 218, 237)
RGBA(199, 218, 237, 1)
Paletas para el color #c7daed Arctic Rain:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #c7daed color HEX
el color más oscuro es #141618 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f9fbfd de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #c7daed:
Paleta de tintes de #c7daed:
Paleta complementaria de #c7daed:
Paleta triádica de #c7daed:
Paleta cuadrada de #c7daed:
Paleta análoga de #c7daed:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #c7daed:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #c7daed:
Color Arctic Rain #c7daed usado en paletas (50)
Cookies-983 Kobe, Antique Garnet, Butterscotch Bliss, Taos Turquoise, Sea Swimmer, Caribbean Cruise, Lochmara, Industrial Blue, Dark Matter, S Blue Review, December Rain, Arctic Rain, Purple Crystal, Necklace Pearl palette Wall Street, Alpine Trail, Natural Youth, Arctic Rain, White Hyacinth palette Vegan Mastermind, Lady Luck, Sunbeam Yellow, Arctic Rain palette Redsurrection, Russet Red, Glass Jar Blue, Moscow Midnight, Calico Rock, Medium Champagne, Arctic Rain, Jasmine palette Bladed Grass, Forestwood, Rincon Cove, Pekin Chicken, Arctic Rain, Distilled Rose palette African Bubinga, Twilight, SQL Injection Purple, Lunar Lander, Arctic Rain, White Smoke palette Purple Rubiate, Arctic Rain palette Chicory Coffee, Arctic Rain palette Tree Swing, Hawaiian Passion, Concealment, Revival Rose, Arctic Rain palette Lizard, Golden Yellow, Iron-ic, Green Gas, Barbie Pink, Green Brown, Kuro Brown, Berry Brown, Wild Cranberry, Woohringa, Innocent Rationality, Drop Green, Nouveau, Diplomatic, October Haze, Frankly Earnest palette Tudor Tan, Blue Cruise, Kon, Oliva Oscuro, Greige, Misty Valley, Peppermint Twist, Coral Green, Polished Cotton palette Burnished Copper, Swamp Shrub, Leafy Canopy, Marsh Creek, Nile Stone, Cover of Night, Mauve Day, Salmon Sand, Opaline palette Texas Hills, Gold Drop, Green Turquoise, Sakura Night, Ruby Shade palette Sierra Pink, Stalk, Capsella, Chill of Teamwork, Moroccan Dusk, Mani, City Loft, Corn Chowder, Shadow Lime, Moth Grey, Arctic Rain Joshua Tree, Fisher King, Structural Blue, Dark Clove, Bonne Nuit, Violet Beauty, Woven Reed, Chocolate Froth, Green Eggs palette Fatal Fury, Amber Brown, Oil Yellow, Viameter, Biopunk, Tropicana, Demon, Hidden Hills, Hundred Waters, Mabel, Arctic Rain, Catski Night Tan, Saber-Toothed Tiger, Blue Winged Teal, Blue Persia, Magenta Crayon, Regatta Bay, Library Leather, Hot Stone, Tropical S Heavy Red, Eastern Bluebird, Tlāloc Blue, Vintage Grape, Calypso Berry, Statuary, Langdon Dove, Arctic Rain, Porcelain Goldfish pa Red-Handed, Mango Orange, Blue Slushie, Arcavia Red, Teal Dark Blue, Simmered Seaweed, Birdhouse Brown, Violeta Silvestre, Cocktai Turkish Bath, Trinidad, Muddy Yellow, Nightly Activities, Anubis Black, Intergalactic, Fuchsite palette Sun Drops, Game Over, Rolling Sea, Fruitful Orchard, Old Amethyst, Keepsake Lilac, Sculptor Clay, Sekichiku Pink, Palomino Mane, A Winter Poinsettia, Maple View, Gladiator Leather, Cos, Moon Jellyfish, Stone Mill, Blue Veil, Light Green Ash palette Red Rampage, Tanned Wood, Bricktone, Delayed Yellow, Crystal Green, Galactic Emerald, Red Pink, Exotic Evening, Caramel Cloud, Col Woodhaven, Fuel Yellow, Woven Gold, Tomato Frog, Beryl Black Green, Red Plum, Celestine, Seagrass, Quiet Pond, Cloudy Sky palette Barberry, Cranberry Zing, Duckie Yellow, Astronomicon Grey, Maximum Blue, Royal, Bulrush, Barely Mauve, Violet Scent Soft Blue, Va Top Shelf, Pink Manhattan, Pewter Ring, Old Celadon, Nor'wester, Arctic Rain palette Mountain Elk, Monarch Wing, Pear, Green Gloss, Tort, Matte Carmine, Antique Bronze, Daiquiri Green, Lasting Thoughts, Atmospheric Toasted Sesame, Rhinestone, Mountain Trail, Natural Steel, Just Rosey, Monet Vert, The Golden State, Posies, Aspen Mist, Green Son Fantan, Phoenix Red, Treacle Fudge, Mango Salsa, Birch Leaf Green, Surfie Green, Jacuzzi, Purple Heart Kiwi, Magnificent Magenta, Harvard Crimson, Spiced Up Orange, Rennie's Rose, Standby Led, Hancock palette Jasmine Hollow, Dawn Grey, Beguiling Blue, Haunting Melody, Blue Wing Teal, Rhino, Jojoba, Warm Oats palette Zinc Grey, Arctic Rain, Wheaten White palette Mocha Bisque, Zanci, Tumbling Tumbleweed, Keystone Grey, Light French Taupe, Bleached Pebble palette Crabapple, Warm Apricot, Teal Essence, Alaskan Moss, Prussian Plum, Autumn Crocodile, Grey of Darkness palette Green Flavor, Juice Violet, River Forest, Lilac Geode, Light Green Alabaster, Windchill, Arctic Rain, Sentimental palette Cyanara, Grape, Short Phase palette Outgoing Orange, Fennel Fiesta, Afloat, Quetzal Green, Bean Green, Hayden Valley, Delicate Honeysweet palette Racing Red, Forestry, Latte, Hazel Gaze, Kappa Green palette Number #348 Red Bay, Lauriston Stone, Rat Brown, Honey Crusted Chicken, Minstrel of the Woods, Woodland Grass, Ground Bean palette Noble Cause, Furnace, Light Birch Green, Mediterranean Blue, Jellybean Pink, Merlin's Choice, Tenacious Tentacles palette Sepia Wash, Spring Lobster Dye, Electrifying Kiss, Cab Sav, Hickory Grove, Awakening, Half Moon Bay Blush palette Fallen Leaves, Moss Stone, Isle of Sand, Vivid Raspberry, Forest Blues, Elf Flesh, Renoir Bisque, Sky Blue, Boxwood Yellow, Warm B Indian Red, Loren Forest, Orion Grey, Moth Orchid, Ocean Cruise palette Hawkbit, Purple Peril, Sunning Deck palette Tilted Red, Vermicelles, Ink Blotch, Cool Dive, Metallic Mist, Bermuda Sand, Elemental palette Manure, Bitcoin, Cigarette Glow, Kermit Green, Vibrant Green, Minty Paradise, Baja Blue, Stirland Mud, Lounge Leather, Baby Seal,
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #c7daed con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#c7daed Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |
#c7daed Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |