Creado en 02/26/2023 04:05

#d92849 HEX Color Red Prickly Pear información

#d92849 RGB(217, 40, 73)

RGB los valores son RGB(217, 40, 73)
#d92849 el color contiene Rojo 85.1%, Verde 15.69% y Azul 28.63%.

Nombres de color de #d92849 HEX código

Red Prickly Pear Color

Clasificación de colores #d92849

#d92849 es semioscuro y Cálido Color
Sombra de crimson

colores alternativos de Red Prickly Pear #d92849

Color opuesto para Red Prickly Pear – #26d9b8

#d92849 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #d92849 Red Prickly Pear

hsl(349, 70%, 50%)
hsla(349, 70%, 50%, 1)
RGB(217, 40, 73)
RGBA(217, 40, 73, 1)

Paletas para el color #d92849 Red Prickly Pear:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #d92849 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #160407 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fbeaed de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #d92849:
Paleta de tintes de #d92849:
Paleta complementaria de #d92849:
Paleta triádica de #d92849:
Paleta cuadrada de #d92849:
Paleta análoga de #d92849:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #d92849:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #d92849:

Color Red Prickly Pear #d92849 usado en paletas (50)

Fall Gold palette Shepherd's Warning, Bright Gold, Prison Jumpsuit, Red Prickly Pear palette Brilliant, Vicious Violet, Purposeful, Red Prickly Pear, Paradise Found palette Fern Grove, Western Red, Kinsusutake Brown, Alert Tan, Peach Butter, Lounge Green, Hello Spring, Grecian Isle, Stormy Mauve, Kimbe Youthful Coral, Maui, Red Prickly Pear, Grated Beet, Leadbelcher Metal palette Groovy Lemon Pie, Teal Mosaic, Red Prickly Pear, Cool Dive, Blende Blue, Translucent Vision palette Naga Morich, Red Dead Redemption, Equestrienne, Red Prickly Pear, Perrigloss Tan, Azul Cielito Lindo, Diluted Lime palette Bread Crust, Sun Dial, Tropical Teal, Red Prickly Pear palette uwu Maple Glaze, Colorado Peach, Spoiled Egg, Sour Apple, Garden Medley, Quantum Blue, Dutch Blue, River Blue, Prism Violet, Red Prick Coriander Seed, I Love You Pink, Red Prickly Pear, Winter Nap, Morning Dew palette Light Tomato, Apocalyptic Orange, Red Prickly Pear, Spinel Stone Black, Drip Coffee, Regal Violet, Shaded Willow, Big Band, Citrus Rakuda Brown, Robust Orange, Snakes in the Grass, Red Prickly Pear, Menoth White Highlight palette Evening Sunset, Electric Flamingo, Red Prickly Pear, Grapes of Wrath, Pine Cone, Dew Drop palette Red Prickly Pear, Baltic Prince, Violet Kiss, Pastel Rose Tan palette Livery Green, Pacific Sea Teal, Mordant Blue, Thick Purple palette Gamboge Yellow, Jubilation, Peter Pan, Swagger, Red Prickly Pear, Roasted Kona, Serene Stream, Daiquiri Green palette Copper Creek, Midnight Garden, Aurichalcite, Cadet, Blue Racer, Cyan Azure, Blue Slushie, Red Prickly Pear, Gleeful, Brown Sugar C String Deep, Orangealicious, Sponge Cake, Dollar, Flashman, Red Prickly Pear palette Amarantha Red, Status Bronze, Bonfire, Sour Yellow, Hypnotic Sea, Red Prickly Pear, Red Crayon, Independence, Season Finale palett Furious Tomato, Hickory Stick, Grand Rapids, Boat Blue, Trunks Hair, Red Prickly Pear, Aotake Bamboo, Phantom Mist, Sausalito Ridg Coral Tree, Purple Haze, Red Prickly Pear, Manganese Red, Hornblende Green, Beggar, Breathtaking View, Threshold Taupe, Source Gre Star Fruit Yellow Green, My Pink, Lemon Surprise, Peaches à La Crème, Essential Teal, Pink Manhattan, Red Prickly Pear, Green Gabl Alfajor Brown, Indocile Tiger, Castelvetrano Olive, Brazilianite, Plum Passion, Red Prickly Pear, Tamahagane, Railroad Ties, Natur Palm Desert, Kohlrabi, Child of the Moon, Torrey Pine, Bluealicious, Red Prickly Pear, Fence Green, Tetsuonando Black, Grey Web, L Desert Red, Sandstone, Syrah Soil, Luck of the Irish, Red Prickly Pear, Black Raspberry, Tiffany Blue, Georgian Pink palette Garnet Sand, Saffron Gold, Swedish Clover, Billiard Room, Prefect, Aqua Verde, Purple Emperor, Red Prickly Pear, Pot Black, Secret Football, Molten Bronze, Red Prickly Pear, Abbey, Greyish Black, Whipped Violet, Engagement Silver, Turquoise Tower, Sweet 60, Urb Metal Fringe, Barrel Stove, Conifer Cone, Red Prickly Pear, Somber Green, Good Karma, Creek Bend, Radiant Lilac, Cos palette Eastlake Lavender, Eastlake, Pecan, Adventurine, Hunky Hummingbird, Mexican Chile, Red Prickly Pear, Tobago, Office Grey, Porcelai Antique Bourbon, Alloy Orange, Purple Sage, Red Prickly Pear, Storm, Lost in Space, Obscure Ogre, Red Gooseberry, Ether, Nile Gree Caribbean Coral, Olivia, California Girl, Penzance, Ball Blue, Red Prickly Pear, Ninja, Chrysocolla Dark Green, Underground Garden Run Lola Run, Deep Sea Coral, Breeze of Chilli, Dragon's Blood, Red Prickly Pear, Smoke Green, Useful Beige, Chai Tea Latte, Frang Red Prickly Pear, Deep Forest, Cajun Brown, Shire palette Berkeley Hills, Balinese Sunset, Peppy Pineapple, Purple Rubiate, Tibetan Temple, Red Prickly Pear, Night Mauve palette Holly Jolly Christmas, Old Driftwood, Enchanting Ginger, Goldie, Indocile Tiger, Deep Peacock Blue, Red Prickly Pear, Holy Crow, K Roasted Pepper, Strawberry Mousse, Red Prickly Pear, Amethyst Phlox, Stanford Stone, Pink Wraith palette Frog Prince, Lush Garden, Mighty Mauve, Red Prickly Pear, Afternoon Tea, Chopped Chive, Thyme palette Windsurf Blue, Red Prickly Pear, Lahar, Desert Sandstorm, Industrial Age, Transcend palette Lust, Matte Brown, Porchetta Crust, Red Prickly Pear, Cozy Blanket palette Stacked Stone, Red Mull, Green Granite, Fir Blue, Red Prickly Pear palette Solar Storm, Arizona Tree Frog, Muted Purple, Red Prickly Pear, Soft Summer Rain, Mocha Light palette Birch Strain, Accent Green Blue palette Tangara, Tannin, Umezome Pink, Molly Robins, Red Prickly Pear, Konjō Blue, Rhino, Deep Maroon palette Volt, Prehistoric Pink, Red Prickly Pear, Carnation, So-Sari palette Rob Roy, Fluorite Green, Yoshi, Quantum Green, Red Prickly Pear, Verified Black, Tribecca Corner palette Eden Prairie, Red Prickly Pear palette Kathmandu, Potters Pot, Ice Ice Baby, Peninsula, Red Prickly Pear, Granite Black, Wine Dregs, Hayloft palette Korma, Lava Lamp, Beaujolais, Red Prickly Pear, Tuffet, Mythical Blue, Patchwork Pink palette Gluten, Farmer's Market, Tournament Field, Red Prickly Pear, UP Maroon, Purple Cort, Smooth Coffee, Purple Ragwort palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #d92849 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:

Imagen Red Prickly Pear #d92849 color png