Creado en 02/28/2023 11:27

#ede5b7 HEX Color Yellow Wax Pepper información

#ede5b7 RGB(237, 229, 183)

RGB los valores son RGB(237, 229, 183)
#ede5b7 el color contiene Rojo 92.94%, Verde 89.8% y Azul 71.76%.

Nombres de color de #ede5b7 HEX código

Yellow Wax Pepper Color

Clasificación de colores #ede5b7

#ede5b7 es Luz y Cálido Color
Color opuesto para Yellow Wax Pepper – #b6beed

#ede5b7 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ede5b7 Yellow Wax Pepper

hsl(51, 60%, 82%)
hsla(51, 60%, 82%, 1)
RGB(237, 229, 183)
RGBA(237, 229, 183, 1)

Paletas para el color #ede5b7 Yellow Wax Pepper:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #ede5b7 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #181712 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fdfcf8 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #ede5b7:
Paleta de tintes de #ede5b7:
Paleta complementaria de #ede5b7:
Paleta triádica de #ede5b7:
Paleta cuadrada de #ede5b7:
Paleta análoga de #ede5b7:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #ede5b7:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #ede5b7:

Color Yellow Wax Pepper #ede5b7 usado en paletas (50)

Groundcover, Grape Cassata, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Sweet Almond, Spruced Up, Durian Yellow, Shiny Trumpet, Desire, Country Sky, Yellow Wax Pepper, Sylvan Green palette Cosmic Bit Flip, Simply Violet, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Vermicelles, Salmon Nigiri, Wipeout, Klaxosaur Blue, Cipher, Yellow Wax Pepper palette rosa Purple Sky, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Exquisite Eggplant, Yellow Wax Pepper, Coral Candy, Creole Pink palette Cliff Rock, Caramelized Orange, Maximum Blue, Camarone, Power Grey, Blended Fruit, Yellow Wax Pepper, Diva Girl palette Sundial, Loden Green, Sweet Florence, Gameboy Screen, Bottle Glass, Hanuman Green, Pottery Blue, Misty Moss, Mahogany Rose, Queen Flame Scarlet, Suntan Glow, Amazon Parrot, McNuke, Buddha Green, Steel Teal, Winter Balsam, Turkish Coffee, Vermont Slate, White S Ski Patrol, Scab Red, Brownish, Raspberry Magenta, Sulu, Light Sea Breeze, Cake Crumbs, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Kombucha, Paradise Landscape, Imagine That, Butterfly Bush, March Pink, Bright Rose, Yellow Wax Pepper, Arizona Sunrise palette Deep Serenity, Denali Green, Blue Granite, Orbital Kingdom, Ancestral Gold, Romantic Ballad, Yellow Wax Pepper, Ibis Pink, Lit'L B Sun Baked, Snappy Violet, Purple Verbena, Lounge Leather, Olive Branch, Novelty Navy, Pale Poppy, Pixel Cream palette Prairie Green, Clean Slate, Lynx Screen Blue, Sixties Blue, Pallasite Blue, Gloomy Blue, Yellow Wax Pepper, Light Blue Sloth palet Fallow, Cool Lava, Turf Green, Flashy Sapphire, Amethyst Ganzstar, Mighty Midnight, Hinterlands Green, North Sea Blue, Kuwanomi Pu Red Cray, Green Garter, Tropical Tide, Mesa Red palette Maple Brown Sugar, Mission Control, Mystique Violet, Dancing Dogs, Seawashed Glass, Lemon Verbena, Feather Green, Yellow Wax Peppe Volcanic, Herald's Trumpet, Whisky Sour, Sea Grass, Maiden Pink, Garden Aroma, Intermediate Green, Ceramic Beige, Meadow Mist, Yel Brandy Rose, Snot Green, Poisonous, Jaguar, Periwinkle Blossom, Yellow Wax Pepper, Bleached Meadow palette Suede Grey, Rosy Copper, Wheatberry, Clay Terrace, Texas Sunset, Prime Pink, Fluorite Green, Garden Medley, Warm Operator's Overal Xmas Candy, Green Sky, Zephyr Green, Boathouse, Exotic Incense, Japanese Coral, 1975 Earth Red, Water Glitter, Yellow Wax Pepper p Prismarine, Nero, Alaskan Moss, Iron Fixture, Faded Flaxflower palette Dinosaur Bone, Paddle Wheel, Ayrshire, Palm, Parachute, Corporate Green, Loon Turquoise, Candy Violet, Nouveau Rose, Dark Engine, Blood Moon, Desert Taupe, Golden Blond, Inferno Orange, Bristol Blue, Sultana, Burnished Lilac, Sunny Lime palette Lavish Gold, Pumpkin Patch, Blade Green, Green Tea Mochi, Fabulous Frog, Icy Life, Blue Azure, Blue Regal, Smoked Claret, Destroye Tuskgor Fur, Saltbox Blue, China Clay, Wide Sky, Discovery Bay, Kirsch Red, Pastel Lavender, Garden Picket, Gray Ashlar, Purpletin Red Blooded, Star and Crescent Red, Spacious Grey, Antique Earth, Mud-Dell, Duckling, Mauve Mystique, Shikon, Black of Night, Choc Octagon Ocean, English Coral palette Komatsuna Green, Plumage, Chinese Garden, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Hyper Green, Salsify Grass, Duqqa Brown, Prussian Nights, Moosewood, Pastel Lilac, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Salami Slice, Fire Orange, Banana Ball, Jungle Juice, Pink Perennial, Dusty Aqua, Yellow Wax Pepper, Ballet Skirt palette Butter Rum, Sun Crete, Beloved Sunflower, Old Lime, Egyptian Teal, Glacier, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Garret Brown, Tree Branch, Japanese Yew, Lizard Brown, Mariner, Water Blue, Shadow Warrior, Isle of Pines palette Jack-O-Lantern, Oatmeal Bath palette Library Pewter, Mulberry Mix, Willow Blue palette Drying Grass Green, North Atlantic Breeze, Bourgeois, Dentist Green, Pale Leaf, Sleeping Easy palette Yellow Umbrella, Judge Grey, Lite Cocoa, Powered Rock, Classic Terra palette Baby Sprout, Tuscan Red, Pickle, Azurean, Purple Heart Kiwi, Terra Brun, Susu-Take Bamboo, Bush Buck palette Miracle Bay, Sereni Teal, Impatient Pink, O'Neal Green, Man Friday, Ducal, Purple Balance, Satire, Cobalite, Hello Yellow, Yellow Earls Green, Persian Green, Rackley, Sea Hazel, Spiced Brandy, Yellow Wax Pepper, Pink Grapefruit, Pink Pail palette Green Apple, Galapagos, Yellow Iris, Cameo Appearance palette Simple Silhouette, Tallarn Sand, Southern Platyfish, Frankenstein, Snakes in the Grass, Growing Nature, Dark Mountain Meadow, Pian Soft Blue, Pezzottaite, Garnet, Pompeius Blue, Jogging Path, Shrimp Boat palette Canadian Maple, Huáng Dì Yellow, Espresso, Birdhouse Brown, Bella Green palette Stone Cypress Green, Ashton Blue, Ultra Red, Morris Room Grey, Matte Jade Green, Orchid Fragrance, Yellow Wax Pepper palette Ginger Rose, Butter Cream, Gouda Gold, Creek Bend, Chinese Tea Green, Yellow Wax Pepper, Blue Pearl palette Velvet Green Grey, Seraphinite, Arcadia, Lakelike, Spirit Dance, Kenpōzome Black, Smoke Pine, Santas Grey, Reviving Green, Yellow Old Mandarin, Inca Temple, El Caramelo, Peanut Butter Chicken, Hanaasagi Blue, Rose, Bison Beige, Ponder, Leamington Spa, Beech Nu Golden Sage, Vintage Pottery, Desert Soil, Quite Coral, Mettwurst, Anime, Unakite, Magic Magenta, Grim Reaper, Espresso, Guitar, B

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #ede5b7 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Yellow Wax Pepper #ede5b7 color png