Creado en 02/18/2023 03:35

#efeeff HEX Color Foundation White información

#efeeff RGB(239, 238, 255)

RGB los valores son RGB(239, 238, 255)
#efeeff el color contiene Rojo 93.73%, Verde 93.33% y Azul 100%.

Nombres de color de #efeeff HEX código

Foundation White Color

Clasificación de colores #efeeff

#efeeff es Luz y Neutral Color
Sombra de lavender
Color opuesto para Foundation White – #fefff0

#efeeff Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #efeeff Foundation White

hsl(244, 100%, 97%)
hsla(244, 100%, 97%, 1)
RGB(239, 238, 255)
RGBA(239, 238, 255, 1)

Paletas para el color #efeeff Foundation White:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #efeeff color HEX

el color más oscuro es #181819 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fdfdff de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #efeeff:
Paleta de tintes de #efeeff:
Paleta complementaria de #efeeff:
Paleta triádica de #efeeff:
Paleta cuadrada de #efeeff:
Paleta análoga de #efeeff:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #efeeff:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #efeeff:

Color Foundation White #efeeff usado en paletas (50)

Foundation White 4 Dull, Neutral Grey, Blush Mint, Foundation White palette Vermillion, Cornell Red, Sea Life, Horse Liver, Pearl Yellow, Autumn Child, Rice Pudding, Foundation White palette Blubblegum Mephiston Red, Velvet Green Grey, Grape Haze, Shadow of the Colossus, Calm Day, Crystalline Pink, Feathery Lilac, Foundation White American Red, Spicy Cayenne, Leery Lemon, Antique Tin, Off Blue, Blue Astro, Bluebird, Heron, Space Grey, Tempered Chocolate, Dram Heavy Brown, Pyrite Slate Green, Liver Chestnut, Red Mana, Citrus Sugar, Renoir Bisque, Mountain Spring, Foundation White palette Evil Sunz Scarlet, Remington Rust, Maniac Green, Trellis Vine, Finnish Fiord, Bellini Fizz, Bumble Baby, Foundation White palette Shocking Periwinkle Golden Guernsey, Violet Echo, Foundation White palette Tree Swing, Ash Pink, Foundation White palette Zonaya Apple II Chocolate, Purple Orchid, Bachelor Blue, Pink Glow, Foundation White palette Eaton Gold, Philippine Blue, Cyber Grape, Wèi Lán Azure, Old Lavender, Rose Turkish Delight, Ore Bluish Black, Rookwood Shutter Gr Zheleznogorsk Yellow, Chelsea Garden, Pond Bath, Frenzied Red, Tuscan Image, Best in Show, Krypton palette Brassed Off, Aged Gouda, Vintage Orange, Gameboy Light, Baby Whale, Indigo Purple, French Plum, Dark Orchestra, Blackcurrant Conse Chicken Comb, Dust, Tegreen, Tory Blue, Outer Reef, Gogo Blue, Pewter Mug, Fireside, Riviera Sand, After Rain, Summer Mist palette Sheraton Sage, Yellow Shout, Attitude Grey, Green Grapple, Bering Wave, Winter Oak, Wisteria Blue, Colonial Revival Grey, Crestlin Spacious Grey, Boho, Ripe Pear, Glade Green, Livery Green, Festival Fuchsia, Punga, Mystique, Silent Film, Creamy Cappuccino, Ligh Clippership Twill, Amberglow, Strong Blue, Veri Berri, Alaskan Cruise, Cold Air Turquoise palette Infrared Burn, Stacked Stone, Salmon Carpaccio, Shu Red, Young Grass, Plum Purple, Scorpion, Summer Field, Fairy Wand, Bussell Lac Particle Ioniser Red, Sea Elephant, Turkish Bath, Arabian Red, Too Blue, Planetarium, Ruby Ring, Enchantress, Lima Green, Brunnera African Mud, Pumpkin Patch, Bloodletter, Orange Tiger, Macaw Green, Hedge Garden, Ramjet, Plunge, Piccadilly Grey, Zorba, Deer Val Teddy Bear, Crayola Orange, Stairway to Heaven, Taliesin Blue, Fashionista, Oil Slick, Underworld, Cowpeas, Lime Lollipop, Sandcas Orpiment Orange, Canary Diamond, Willow Leaf, Secret Story, Chathams Blue, Waves of Grain, Rainy Sidewalk, Koala Bear, Orange Clay Rustic City, Cress Green, Genoa Lemon, Buster, Illusive Green, Ineffable Magenta, Soft Dove, Grey Mauve, Pretty Purple, Bay Scallo Soft Impala, New England Brick, Marine, Choco Death, Heaven Sent Storm palette Not Yet Caramel, Gold Dust, March Green, Honest Blue, Flickering Sea, Decadence, Indian Fig, Cloisonne Blue, Heirloom Rose palette Grey Tote, Cedar Wood, Phoenix Red, Jú Huáng Tangerine, Splendor and Pride, Brandywine Raspberry, LED Blue, Candidate, Lavender Cl Golden Cricket, Atlantic Depths, Edge of the Galaxy, Blue Lobelia palette Medium Brown, Summer Orange, Syndicalist, Zatar Leaf, Melbourne Cup, Lakeville, Southern Blue, Raspberry Mousse, Arrowhead, Rumba Stucco, Chamois Yellow, Virgo Green Goddess, Turkish Aqua, Ice Yellow palette Patches, Tarpon Green, Black Raspberry, Caddies Silk, Soot, Deer Valley, Thunder Bay palette Hiking Trail, Pinehurst, Nifty Turquoise, Green Dragon, Lakeville, Red Leather, Natural Candy Pink, Melodramatic Magenta, Hot Pink Lei Flower, Alien Armpit, Green Serpent Scepter, Brandywine Raspberry, Classic Berry, Galactic Federation, Blushing Apricot palett Hammered Pewter, Double Latte, Egyptian Jasper, Drunken Dragonfly, Bristol Blue, Larimar Blue, Night Turquoise, Cucumber, Frosty G Mount Tam, Georgian Yellow, Blue Ranger, Purple Noir, Grapevine, Faded Yellow palette Chocoholic, Morocco, Pickled, Termite Beige, Melon Orange, Orchid Orchestra, Concord Grape, Blueberry Lemonade, Raspberry Yogurt, Country Tweed, Rum Punch, Hedge Garden, Supreme Grey, Inner Sanctum, Mercury Mist, Eastern Spice, Natural Rice Beige, Violet Beaut Tofino Belue, Retro Pink Pop, Ceremonial Purple, Broiled Flounder, Pine Mist palette Lavender, Empress, Jellyfish Sting, Zinnwaldite Brown, Rosewood, Trefoil, Stamina, Rose Embroidery, Taupe Tease, Light Pale Lilac Rouge, Natural, Carmen palette Glow in the Dark Hydrangea Red Reign, Matrix, Smitten, Taupe Grey, Light Yellowish Green, Foundation White palette Saint Seiya Gold, Iceland Green, Manitou Blue, Ocean Abyss, Midsummer's Dream, Fountains of Budapest, Moon Lily, Unicorn Silver pa Golgfag Brown, Cognac, Woodlawn Green palette Green Coconut, Future, Black Onyx, Gothic Grape palette British Phone Booth, Heart of Gold, Warm Olive, Pochard Duck Head, Rhapsody In Blue, Environmental, Speedboat, Sky Light View pale Rose Dawn, Practice Green, Vivid Violet palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #efeeff con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Foundation White #efeeff color png