Creado en 03/03/2023 09:48

#f3e6d6 HEX Color Fair Winds información

#f3e6d6 RGB(243, 230, 214)

RGB los valores son RGB(243, 230, 214)
#f3e6d6 el color contiene Rojo 95.29%, Verde 90.2% y Azul 83.92%.

Nombres de color de #f3e6d6 HEX código

Fair Winds Color

Clasificación de colores #f3e6d6

#f3e6d6 es Luz y Neutral Color
Color opuesto para Fair Winds – #d7e4f4

#f3e6d6 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f3e6d6 Fair Winds

hsl(33, 55%, 90%)
hsla(33, 55%, 90%, 1)
RGB(243, 230, 214)
RGBA(243, 230, 214, 1)

Paletas para el color #f3e6d6 Fair Winds:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #f3e6d6 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #181715 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fefdfb de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #f3e6d6:
Paleta de tintes de #f3e6d6:
Paleta complementaria de #f3e6d6:
Paleta triádica de #f3e6d6:
Paleta cuadrada de #f3e6d6:
Paleta análoga de #f3e6d6:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #f3e6d6:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #f3e6d6:

Color Fair Winds #f3e6d6 usado en paletas (50)

Flame Pea, Absinthe Turquoise, Ice Dark Turquoise, Fair Winds palette System Shock Blue, Cellini Gold, Creamy Nougat, Fair Winds palette Midwinter Fire, Garden Glow, Ocean View, Wild Truffle, Fair Winds palette Valentine Lava, Copper Mining, Best of the Bunch, University of California Gold, Middle Yellow Red, Huáng Sè Yellow, Lemon Green, Blueblood, Green Bottle, Fair Winds palette Artisan Red, Lunar Outpost, Rich Pewter, Dickie Bird, Dark Knight, Velvet Green, Blue Heeler, Sliding, Symbolic, Peach Velour, Wil Poetic Light, Fair Winds palette New Roof, Terra Brun, Kara Cha Brown, Fair Winds, Coast Cream palette Ayame Iris, Spacescape, Madder Orange, Fair Winds palette Red Lightning, English Ivy, International Klein Blue, Tuatara, Gemstone Green, Aqua Mist, Golden Glow, Fair Winds palette Aqueous, Anjou Pear, Fresh Pink, Gas Giant, Light Magnolia Rose, Fair Winds, Arc Light palette Auburn Glaze, Sell Gold, Sunflower Mango, Lightish Green, Botanical Garden, Dry Highlighter Green, Blue Sentinel, Blue Odyssey, Ho Ginger Crunch, Amok, Scatman Blue, Pure Hedonist, Natural Watercourse, Mellow Apricot, Alpine Morning Blue, Whisper of Smoke, Whea Iron Oxide, Saladin, Rum Riche, Savannah Moss, Froggy Pond, Rosebloom, Sandalwood Beige, Dusty Plum, CO₂ palette Red Lust, California Dreaming, Downing Slate, Life Force palette Lunar Launch Site, Passion Flower, Birch Forest, Mizu, Pearl Violet palette Common Chestnut, Soft Pumpkin, Clover, Greenish Turquoise, Handsome Hue, Vivid Cerulean, Puissant Purple, Dark Raspberry, Jasper P Link Grey, Windy Meadow, Gingerbread Latte, Brassy Brass, Well Blue, Oakwood, Serena, I Miss You, Mission White, Cordon Bleu Crust Alpine Meadow, Egyptian Enamel, Deep Blue, Azuki Red, Dream Sunset palette Goldbrown, Fresh Cantaloupe, Candlelight, Ultra Indigo, Hot, Tomato Scepter, Domino, Frisky Blue, Blind Date, Gypsum Rose, Peachy Golden Key, Pont Moss, Rich Lavender, Bonny Belle palette Carmen Miranda, Glowing Firelight, Gordal Olive, Fashion Yellow, Go Bananas, Mid Blue, Dark Rose, Ivy Green, Fudge Truffle, Meltin West Side, Prime Merchandise, Cathode Green, Glacier Green, Grey Wool, Menthol Kiss, Lavender Haze, Starbright palette Melon Red, Tirisfal Lime, Lupine Blue, Blue Vault, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Slugger, Moon Landing, Summer Hill, Tahoe Blue, Iv Castle Hill, Red Craft, Wood Thrush, Hearty Orange, Rob Roy, Energos, Egg Toast, Lenticular Ore, Digital, Cider Yellow, Tiny Mr Fr Old Boot, Buffed Copper, Brass Knuckle, Ramjet, Forest Ridge, Passementerie palette Go Ben, Wasteland, Leisure, Gold Ore, Sail Cover, Electric Violet, India Ink, Twist of Lime, Salt Lake, Diorite, Relaxation Green, Vermeer Blue, Flat Brown, Revered, Lemon Blast, Magical Melon, Fair Winds palette Aurora Red, Jaipur, Hot and Spicy, Protein High, Bubonic Brown, Deepest Water, Hera Blue, Strawberry Pop, Indigo Sloth, Spirulina, November, Forceful Orange, Welcoming Wasp, Venom Wyrm, Fallout Green, Seaport, Song Bird, Cherry Velvet, Verdun Green, Raven Night Ashen Brown, Kaolin, Ocean Shadow, Raspberry Magenta, Lavender Earl, Rain Dance, Apricot Mousse, Odious Orange palette Rivergrass, Seaborn, Fair Winds palette Cold Green, Aurichalcite palette Quilt Gold, Finnegan, Pine Cone Pass, Matte Sage Green, Dun Morogh Blue, Mellow Glow, Earth Happiness, Radiant Dawn palette Artillery, Feldspar, Silver Maple Green, Black Blueberry, Everest, Desert Sunrise palette Mover and Shaker, Dame Dignity, Sentimental Lady, Feather Plume, Pale Pistachio palette Art District, Lemon Glacier, Blurple palette Peat, Heavy Goldbrown, Apricot Brandy, Faded Sunlight, Submarine Base, Blueberry Pie, Chrome White, Whipped Mint palette Pepperoni, Astro Zinger, Rose Laffy Taffy, Carbon Copy, Cotton Flannel, Seaborn, Breath Of Spring palette The Cottage, Aged Gouda, Yellowl, Green Smoke, Fallout Green, Mango Green, Deep Depths, Retributor Armour Metal palette Manticore Brown, Guava Green, Burdock, Shadow Dance, Underground Gardens, Vandermint, Blue Glass, Angry Ghost, Natural Light palet Venus Deva, All About Olive, Black Mesa, Morality palette Dazzle and Delight, Alien Armpit, Purple Magic, Warm Black, Time Capsule, Tropical Tale palette Mammary Red, Nebulas Blue, Perfect Dark, Berries and Cream, Stony Field, Aurora Pink palette Mesa, Bay Site, Pitch Black, Girl Power, The Golden State, Athens Grey palette Army Issue, Straw, Cloisonne, Purification, Swiss Cream, Fair Winds, Cold Morning palette Brownish Purple Red, Husk, Durian, Ahaetulla Prasina, Broadway palette Hearty Orange, Cheese Puff, Blade Green, Violet Ink, Lost in the Woods, Ultramarine Green, Grubenwald, Smooth As Corn Silk, Ebb pa Cold Heights, Opal Violet, Red Gooseberry, Irish Clover, White Corn, Mauvelous, Light Bobby Blue, Tahitian Sky palette Grandiose, Prehnite Yellow, Picture Book Green, Aqua Obscura, Blue Cola, Passive Royal, Primitive Plum, Dusty Heather, Ginger Root

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #f3e6d6 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Fair Winds #f3e6d6 color png