Creado en 02/22/2023 14:52

#f4d493 HEX Color Instant Noodles información

#f4d493 RGB(244, 212, 147)

RGB los valores son RGB(244, 212, 147)
#f4d493 el color contiene Rojo 95.69%, Verde 83.14% y Azul 57.65%.

Nombres de color de #f4d493 HEX código

Instant Noodles Color

Clasificación de colores #f4d493

#f4d493 es Luz y Cálido Color
Matiz de navajowhite
Color opuesto para Instant Noodles – #94b4f4

#f4d493 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f4d493 Instant Noodles

hsl(40, 82%, 77%)
hsla(40, 82%, 77%, 1)
RGB(244, 212, 147)
RGBA(244, 212, 147, 1)

Paletas para el color #f4d493 Instant Noodles:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #f4d493 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #18150f de los tonos y el color más claro es #fefbf4 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #f4d493:
Paleta de tintes de #f4d493:
Paleta complementaria de #f4d493:
Paleta triádica de #f4d493:
Paleta cuadrada de #f4d493:
Paleta análoga de #f4d493:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #f4d493:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #f4d493:

Color Instant Noodles #f4d493 usado en paletas (50)

Symbol typography badge identity colors Brick Paver, Bindi Red, Tegreen, Red Lightning, Orange Pepper, Feralas Lime, Waywatcher Green, Antigua, Noble Cause Purple, Jellyb Copper Rust, Instant Noodles, Touch of Blue palette Instant Noodles, Virgin Peach, Crisp Candlelight palette Baltic Trench, Instant Noodles palette Gold Dust, Cosmic Void, Neptune Green, Instant Noodles, Friend Flesh, Lamenters Yellow palette edy Cantankerous Hippo, Chestnut Rose, Primrose Yellow, Hanada Blue, Peppercorn Red palette Persimmon Varnish, Macharius Solar Orange, Sour Apple Candy, Underwater Fern, Green Gas, Night Owl, Black Emerald, Liver, Prairie Noble Crown, Prison Jumpsuit, Yellow Submarine, Viric Green, Heavy Heart, Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Cloisonne Blue, Kitsilano Cookie Lusty Red, Cave of the Winds, Crown Gold, Turmeric Tea, Deli Yellow, Cherry Fruit, Dark Olive, Kelp, Mercer Charcoal, Quiet Moment Spring Bud, Dark Truffle, Instant Noodles, Cliff's View, Martian Haze palette Clay Ground, Deep Saffron, Nasty Green, Fern Green, Purple Passage, Rebecca Purple, Azul Petróleo, Cafe Royale, Foliage Green, Fan Berries and Cream, Macadamia Brown, Instant Noodles, Grape Lavender palette Red Prairie, Crimson, Wavy Glass, Hot Ginger, Dirty Green, Running Water, Zaffre, Royal Purpleness, Broccoli Green, Black Bean, Ga Ruskie, Baroque, Mulberry Yogurt, Back In Black, Grape Royale, Foxhall Green, Trailblazer, Industrial Age, Oat Straw, Instant Nood Citronite, Albert Green, California Stucco, Old Grey Mare, Instant Noodles palette Laredo Road, Corsican Purple, Blue Yonder, Dynamic Blue, Honorable Blue, Hihada Brown palette River Rocks, Glitter is not Gold, Fine Purple, Chard, Blue Tulip, Sweet Spiceberry, Damson Plum, Lettuce Alone, Icebreaker, Instan Kilauea Lava, Candy Green, Green Valley, Blue Green Scene, Magos palette Gold Tangiers, Angry Flamingo, Blaze Orange, Bumblebee, Hippie Green, Teal Motif, Office Neon Light, Meditation Time, Paradise Gre Eden Prairie, Bleached Maple, Averland Sunset, Emerald Starling, Prickly Pink, Bold Eagle, Dignified, Astronaut, Violet Aura, Lila Football, Mango Orange, Pickled Cucumber, Dynasty Green, Ganymede, Glamorous, Arabic Coffee, Hampton Green, Magic Carpet, Spring S Warm Hearth, Mustard Magic, Maple Glaze, Zambia, Mildura, Explore Blue, Young Redwood, Pink Shadow, Velvet Cupcake, Punga, Medium Larkspur, Preppy Rose, Pulp, Terra Brun, Foxhall Green, Buckingham Palace, Milky Lavender, Instant Noodles palette Carriage Door, Rock Spray, Heat Wave, Drying Grass Green, Liberty Bell Grey, Radish Lips, Tribecca Corner, Arapawa, Pyrite Green, Light Khaki, Scene Stealer, Shì Zǐ Chéng Persimmon, Plutonium, Smalt Blue, Instant Noodles, Road Runner, English Channel Fog, Papa Valiant Poppy, Hibiscus Delight, Heart Gold, Pesto Alla Genovese, Lake Stream, Lingonberry Red, Vermilion Cinnabar, Navy Black pal Salted Pretzel, Deep Fried, Medium Purple, Wild Aster, Fiery Fuchsia, Petrol Slumber, Incremental Blue, Always Blue, Instant Noodl Palomino, Earhart Emerald, Braided Mat, Instant Noodles, Misty Jade, Arctic Grey, Frankly Earnest, Peach Dust palette Heavy Red, Mod Orange, Hotter Butter, Biscay Bay, Flirtatious Indigo Tea, Milk Thistle, Desert Grey, Unusual Grey, Shān Hú Hóng Co Flower Pot, Orange Tiger, Dancing Daisy, Night Thistle, Raftsman, Pearly Purple, Pink Ink, Gameboy Contrast, Sinister Minister, Co spacupernova Lost Lavender Somewhere, Instant Noodles, Japan Blush palette Vivid Green, Holy Water, Dominant Grey, Gellibrand, Instant Noodles palette Downtown Benny Brown, Sundial, Orangeade, Aqua Nation, Catwalk, Railroad Ties, Instant Noodles palette Orchestra of Red, Mystic Red, Purple Cabbage, Black Emerald, Melmac Silver, Oat Straw, Instant Noodles palette Outrigger, Up in Smoke, Life Force, Frost Gum, Hospital Green palette Red Orpiment, Water Spirit, Orchid Lei, Eclectic Purple, Instant Noodles palette Appaloosa Spots, Brown Branch, Parsnip Root, Purple Tanzanite, Turkish Turquoise, Biking Trail palette Warm Earth, Heating Lamp, Legendary Grey, Hidden Valley, Rolling Stone, Federal Blue palette Laura Potato, Conte Crayon, À L'Orange, Whale Shark, Graphite, Divine Purple, San Felix, Northpointe palette Instant Noodles Volcanic Ash, Red Wrath, Peachy Confection, Classic Silver palette Green McQuarrie, Northern Light Grey palette Old Mandarin, Spiced Nutmeg, Sizzling Hot, Argan Oil, Faded Orchid, Glitz and Glamour, Borg Drone, Instant Noodles, Wave Top palet Wooden Swing, Píng Gǔo Lǜ Green palette New Yellow, Rangitoto, Instant Noodles, Powdered Petals palette Jester Red, Safari Brown, Caramel Latte, Oriental Herbs, Blue Blue, Gulf Blue, Historical Grey, Instant Noodles palette Clay Ridge, Safflower, Siren of Nature, Deep Galaxy, English Lavender, Pacific Harbour, Pharaoh's Jade palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #f4d493 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Instant Noodles #f4d493 color png