Creado en 02/26/2023 21:27

#f8f4ff HEX Color Sugar Crystal información

#f8f4ff RGB(248, 244, 255)

RGB los valores son RGB(248, 244, 255)
#f8f4ff el color contiene Rojo 97.25%, Verde 95.69% y Azul 100%.

Nombres de color de #f8f4ff HEX código

Sugar Crystal, Magnolia Color

Clasificación de colores #f8f4ff

#f8f4ff es Luz y Neutral Color
Matiz de ghostwhite
Color opuesto para Sugar Crystal – #fbfff5

#f8f4ff Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f8f4ff Sugar Crystal

hsl(262, 100%, 98%)
hsla(262, 100%, 98%, 1)
RGB(248, 244, 255)
RGBA(248, 244, 255, 1)

Paletas para el color #f8f4ff Sugar Crystal:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #f8f4ff color HEX

el color más oscuro es #191819 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fefeff de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #f8f4ff:
Paleta de tintes de #f8f4ff:
Paleta complementaria de #f8f4ff:
Paleta triádica de #f8f4ff:
Paleta cuadrada de #f8f4ff:
Paleta análoga de #f8f4ff:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #f8f4ff:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #f8f4ff:

Color Sugar Crystal #f8f4ff usado en paletas (50)

Shades of Magnolia color #F8F4FF hex Tints of Magnolia color #F8F4FF hex Web Gurkha colors palette 001 Easter Bunny Bow Steppe Green, Rose Sugar, Sugar Crystal palette Forest Lichen, Apnea Dive, Tibetan Turquoise, Sugar Crystal palette Nutmeg Frost, Sugar Crystal palette Cabal, Darkest Forest, Agreeable Grey, Sugar Crystal palette Planet Unicorn Chicory Green, Pinkadelic, Nasturtium Flower, Desert Sage, Scenic Blue, Mid Blue, Deep Space Rodeo, Museum, Jardin, Finishing Touc Vaporwave Blue, Dark Iris, Silver Surfer, Cornmeal Beige, Chalky Blue White, Milk Glass, Sugar Crystal palette Hot Brown, Tibetan Yellow, Walker Lake, Derbyshire, Sugar Crystal palette Sweet Honey, Chinese Goldfish, Dull Green, Real Teal, Loden Purple, Graphic Grape, Neo Mint, Sugar Crystal palette Baked Clay, Firenze, Alloy Orange, Mizuasagi Green, Rabbit Paws, Fortune, Manuscript, Champagne Cocktail, Leadbelcher palette Chaat Masala, Satin Deep Black, Wood Brown, Fig Tree, More Than A Week, Eurolinen, Peach Umbrella, Slippery Tub palette Heavy Brown, Camo Green, Navy Cosmos, Bluster Blue, Blue Echo, Eldar Flesh, Neo Tokyo Grey, Rhys, Particular Mint, Everblooming, U Vulcan Fire, In the Tropics, Labradorite, Early Spring Night, Charmed Chalice palette Schooner, Wholemeal Cookie, Edgy Gold, Dingy Dungeon, Wine Country, Manakin, Stretched Canvas, York Bisque palette Red Shade Wash, Chic Brick, Ogryn Flesh Wash, Magic Blade, Brilliant Rose, Black Htun, Black Turmeric, Mulberry Mauve Black, Rose Smoking Red, Solitary Slate, Golden Leaf, Crazy Eyes, Teal Me No Lies, Pink Flamingo, Glitz and Glamour, Forest, Nature Spirits, S Pale Green Grey, Silver Maple Green, Swamp Green, Galactic Emerald, School Ink, Basalt Grey, Periwinkle Dusk palette Rackham Red, Shot-Put, New England Brick, Red Orpiment, Palomino Gold, Sharp Yellow, High Altar, Nīlā Blue, Pezzottaite, Heather B Wood Lake, Minty Paradise, Lake Blue, Magic Potion, Nutria Fur Brown, Midori, Cinderella Pink palette Ancient Red, In the Woods, Victorian Pewter, Aristocratic Velvet, Antarctic Deep, Scarlet Shade, Dechala Lilac, Elizabeth Blue pal Stanger Red, Roller Coaster, Thick Yellow, Bright Forest, Tropical Kelp, Aqua Lake, Blithe, Center Earth, Soft Beige, People's Cho Café Au Lait, Salametti, Sun Yellow, Ponderosa Pine, Sailor Blue, Environmental Green, Gedney Green, Smoking Mirror, Frappe, Beige Sea Bed, Grape Harvest, Napoleon, Polo Blue, Big Chill, Horizon Sky, Wind Fresh White, Golden Pop palette Bacon Strips, Lǜ Sè Green, Cola Bubble, Reflecting Pond, Still Water, Light Shōchi Black, Surfboard Yellow, Calabrese palette Cool Blue, Mauve Memento, Cola, Cold Sea Currents, Medium Taupe, Electric Slide, Pink Fetish, Light Bright Spark, Solaria, Lavende Champagne Grape, Luigi, Death of a Star, Green Goanna, Deepest Sea, Crushed Violets, Asher Benjamin, Carbon Copy, Briar, Icicles, Light Copper, Salmon Nigiri, New Car, Blue Lagoon, Atlantic Depths, Rocky Creek, Roasted Kona, Into the Stratosphere, Carrier Pige Sangoire Red, Traffic Red, Mayan Ruins, In for a Penny, Tonkatsu, Nancy, Battery Charged Blue, Pavement, Marine Magic, Antiqued Aq Lovely Lemonade, Maniac Green, Blustery Sky, Lobelia, Alpine Lake Green, Moroccan Henna, Honey Tone, Milk Froth palette Chocolate Chiffon, Watercress Spice, Titanium Blue, Cosmetic Red, Ballerina Tutu, Watercolour Blue, Midnight Hour, Ritual Experien Antique Bear, Earthbound, Lark, Sandstone, Rain Slicker, Medium Brown, Peach Butter, Advantageous, Midnight Show, Degas Pink, Pink Red Riding Hood, Wooden Swing, Poison Green, King's Robe, Violet Vixen, Cedar Green, Tanglewood, Light Pumpkin Brown, Fair Orchid, Number #720 Dark Horizon, Artistic Stone, Sugar Crystal palette Rationality, Romantic Rose, Terrestrial, Madame Mauve, Sugar Crystal palette Stage Gold, Pesto di Rucola, Orchid Rose, Sugar Crystal palette Red Wine, Slick Mud, Warpstone Glow, Emperor's Silk, Cinnabark, Maui Mist, Sugar Crystal palette Creole Sauce, Mechanicus Standard Grey, Parchment, Lavender Essence, Sugar Crystal palette Molly Robins, Tourmaline, Stepping Stones, Desert Dune, Sugar Crystal palette Dry Clay, Fruit Yellow, Environmental Study, Blackberry Cordial, Backdrop, Cay, Icy Morn palette Sohi Orange, Mystic Red, Rise-N-Shine, Dynamic Black, Grim Reaper, Tower Grey, Not a Cloud in Sight palette Arboretum, French Court, Blue Kelp, Zǐ Lúo Lán Sè Violet, Amethyst Show, French Market, Dinosaur Egg palette Escalante, Saffron Yellow, Beach Bag, Hedge Garden, Treasured Teal, Blue Overdose, Roasted Pistachio palette Pumpkin Patch, Hawaiian Surf, Victorian Rouge, Shower, Kiss, Blush Beige palette Red Hook, Emoji Yellow, Peppy Peacock, Tuscana Blue, Curtain Call, Deep Fir, Purception, Rocky Mountain Sky, Agreeable Grey, Mothe

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #f8f4ff con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Imagen Sugar Crystal #f8f4ff color png