Creado en 02/22/2023 13:09

#fd3c06 HEX Color Fire Opal información

#fd3c06 RGB(253, 60, 6)

RGB los valores son RGB(253, 60, 6)
#fd3c06 el color contiene Rojo 99.22%, Verde 23.53% y Azul 2.35%.

Nombres de color de #fd3c06 HEX código

Fire Opal, red orange Color

Clasificación de colores #fd3c06

#fd3c06 es semioscuro y Cálido Color
Matiz de orangered
Color opuesto para Fire Opal – #08c7fd

#fd3c06 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #fd3c06 Fire Opal

hsl(13, 98%, 51%)
hsla(13, 98%, 51%, 1)
RGB(253, 60, 6)
RGBA(253, 60, 6, 1)

Paletas para el color #fd3c06 Fire Opal:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #fd3c06 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #190601 de los tonos y el color más claro es #ffece6 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #fd3c06:
Paleta de tintes de #fd3c06:
Paleta complementaria de #fd3c06:
Paleta triádica de #fd3c06:
Paleta cuadrada de #fd3c06:
Paleta análoga de #fd3c06:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #fd3c06:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #fd3c06:

Color Fire Opal #fd3c06 usado en paletas (50)

Fire Opal shades Red Contrast, Fire Opal, Overgrown Citadel, Rakuda Brown, Yarrow, Donkey Kong, Orange Avant-Garde, Lime Candy Pearl, Sheffield, Ab Fire Opal, British Phone Booth, Deep Serenity, Honey Maple, Capers, Golden Harmony, Marshy Green, Firewatch, Moray Eel, Mermaid Ne Fire Opal, Buzz-In, Sweet Violet, Sky Captain, Buffhide, Raffia Cream, York Plum, Night Snow palette Fire Opal, Teak, Blarney Stone, Light Vandamint, Champagne Peach, Sweet Truffle, Cascading White palette Fire Opal, Dwarf Spruce, Old Benchmark, Kaltes Klares Wasser, Blooming Wisteria, Rhine Wine, Schiaparelli Pink, Veil of Dusk palet Fire Opal, Fall in Season, Blue Lechery, Second Pour, Mauverine, Taffy Twist, Etiquette, Pearl Necklace palette Fire Opal, Kimirucha Brown, Aged Purple, Tǔ Hēi Black, Nor'wester, Stainless Steel, Mystic Melon, Golden Lotus palette Fire Opal, Philippine Orange, BioShock, Stamp Pad Green, Sparkling Cove, Safe Harbour, Purple Mountains Majesty, Stravinsky Pink, Fire Opal, Pumpkin Bread, Vicious Violet, Surf'n'dive, New Navy Blue, Ducal, Baroness, Calfskin, Canyon Mist, Garden Country palet Fire Opal, Tarpon Green, Golden Crescent, Sovereign, Tarmac, Deep Viridian, Grey Flannel, Proper Grey, Elven Flesh, Rapture Blue, Fire Opal, La Grange, Flickering Sea, Petunia Patty palette Fire Opal, After Shock, Midnight Show, Blue Review, Grey Dusk, Ambassador Blue, Forest Fruit Red, Cuba Brown, Parsley Sprig, Aqua Fire Opal, Chinese Bronze, Hippie Blue, Frog Green, Lilas, Davao Green, Forgotten Sunset palette Sparkling Red, Fire Opal, Cheers!, Coral Burst, Cyan Blue, Royal, Foxy Fuchsia, Cummings Oak, Coffee Rose, Minnesota April, Deep A Fire Opal, Noble Crown, Trading Post, Cameleer, Syndicalist, Glass Jar Blue, Blue Beads, Crusoe, Canary Feather, Country Linens, E Fire Opal, Mud Ball, Algerian Coral, Moss Point Green, Saga Blue, Summer Waters, Sitter Red, Slate Wall, Cold Grey, Harbour Sky, L Fire Opal, Sunburn, Pumpkin Cat, Shebang, Green Dragon, Precious Stone, Pale Blackish Purple, Argent, Glade, Planetary Silver, Aff Fire Opal, Glitzy Gold, Sheltered Bay, Bright Maroon, Tomato Scepter, Black Pearl, Mantle, Fall Mood, Blue Limewash palette Fire Opal, Thermal Spring, Modal, Spicy Berry, Lusty Lips, Agrax Earthshade, LeChuck's Beard, Throat, Kindness, Almond Cream palet Fire Opal, Tomato Red, Flash of Orange, Mocha Dandelion, Dyer's Woad, Actinic Light, Red Endive, Bistro Green, Primitive Plum, Del Fire Opal, Bubblegum, Extinct, Distant Shore palette Fire Opal, Tilled Earth, Soft Tone Ink, Rapeseed, Tennis Court, Gusto Gold, Intense Jade, Roseine Plum, Star Platinum Purple, Acai Fire Opal, Woolen Mittens, Golden Grain, Indian Paintbrush, Green Serpent Scepter, Scouring Rush, Slumber, Lán Sè Blue, Carmine Ro Jalapeño Red, Fire Opal, Stone Mason, Mulberry Wood, Fashion Blue, Charred Hickory, Ironclad palette Indiscreet, Fire Opal, Pharlap, Fallow, Curry, Summer Glow, Sunnyside, Asfar Yellow, Clooney, Hoeth Blue, Pretentious Peacock, Man Fire Opal, Clayton, Afghan Carpet, Scholarship, Crowning, Peat Red Brown, Nantucket Sands palette Fire Opal, Treasure Chamber, Santa Fe Sunrise, Yellow Ocher, Submersible, Mission Hills, Washing Powder Soft Blue palette Fire Opal, Stratford Sage, Autumnal, Golden Grass, Blonde Girl, Rubber Ducky, Caledor Sky, Hunky Hummingbird, Dark Navy, Shell Bro Fire Opal, Patches, Cinnamon Crunch, Benihi Red, Kermit Green, Deep Blue Sea, Orion, Anthracite Blue, Olive Court, Fizzing Whizbee Fire Opal, Dull Olive, Tiny Seedling, Havelock Blue, Soulstone Blue, Dianthus Mauve, Amore, Supernatural, Hortensia, Purplish Brow Fire Opal, Wildflower Honey, Picnic Day Sky, Clinker Red, Deep Sea Shadow, Blue Flag palette Fire Opal, Tiger's Eye, Leapfrog, Wet Crow's Wing, Black Sabbath, Northern Pond palette Fire Opal, Mud Yellow, Paris Paving, Hemp Rope, Pineapple Juice, Tide Pools, Dagger Moth, Sugar Glaze palette Fire Opal, Laser, March Green, Sativa palette Fire Opal, Chanticleer, Red Leever, Seiji Green, Yíng Guāng Sè Green, Purple Kasbah palette Fire Opal, Nutmeg, Hot Coral, Golden Talisman palette Fire Opal, Mission Jewel, Can Can palette Fire Opal, Fiji, Lilac Lotion, Deep Mooring, Lockhart, Soft Greige palette Naga Viper Pepper, Fire Opal, Lemon Surprise, Kowloon, Space Convoy, Seal Brown palette Fire Opal, Rikyū Brown, Broccoflower, Lochmara, Vega Violet, Pickled Pink, Geranium, Spring Lobster palette Fire Opal, Raging Leaf, Cider Pear Green, Marea Baja, Alaskan Cruise, Shadow Mountain, Shady Willow, Black Shadows palette Fire Opal, Sweet Almond, Warm Purple, Lustful Wishes, Gull Feather, Majestic Treasures palette Fire Opal, Ruskin Red, Night Kite, Baltic Sea, Moor Oak Grey palette Fire Opal, Fabulous Fuchsia palette Cherry Sangria, Fire Opal, Trim, Fallen Leaves, French Pale Gold, Brussels Sprout Green, Operetta Mauve, Lake Forest, Cream and Su Fire Opal, Boat Anchor, Empower, Catkin Yellow, Revelry Blue, Blue Cardinal Flower, Winter Chill, Fulgrim Pink palette Fire Opal, Cinnamon Crunch, Summer Forest Green, Royal Navy Blue, Goshawk Grey, Seared Grey, Monument, Light Salt Spray palette Fire Opal, Roasted Sienna, Borderline Pink, Pacific Storm, Royal Indigo palette Ribbon Red, Fire Opal, Crimson Glory, Carrageen Moss, Bronze Brown, Direct Green, Silken Peacock, Dupain, High Profile, Dusky Rose

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #fd3c06 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:

Imagen Fire Opal #fd3c06 color png