Creado en 02/22/2023 10:48

#fd4c29 HEX Color Flame Angelfish información

#fd4c29 RGB(253, 76, 41)

RGB los valores son RGB(253, 76, 41)
#fd4c29 el color contiene Rojo 99.22%, Verde 29.8% y Azul 16.08%.

Nombres de color de #fd4c29 HEX código

Flame Angelfish Color

Clasificación de colores #fd4c29

#fd4c29 es Luz y Cálido Color
Sombra de orangered
Color opuesto para Flame Angelfish – #2bdafd

#fd4c29 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #fd4c29 Flame Angelfish

hsl(10, 98%, 58%)
hsla(10, 98%, 58%, 1)
RGB(253, 76, 41)
RGBA(253, 76, 41, 1)

Paletas para el color #fd4c29 Flame Angelfish:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #fd4c29 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #190804 de los tonos y el color más claro es #ffedea de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #fd4c29:
Paleta de tintes de #fd4c29:
Paleta complementaria de #fd4c29:
Paleta triádica de #fd4c29:
Paleta cuadrada de #fd4c29:
Paleta análoga de #fd4c29:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #fd4c29:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #fd4c29:

Color Flame Angelfish #fd4c29 usado en paletas (50)

Flame Angelfish and Yellow Exhilaration palette Flame Angelfish, Candlelight, Capsicum Red palette Whisky, Flame Angelfish, Honey Oat Bread palette Rave Red, Flame Angelfish, EGA Green, Faded Poster, Frosted Iris, Melody palette Citronette, Flame Angelfish, Japanese Violet, White Sapphire palette Citrus Blast, Flame Angelfish, Vestige, Arcadian Green, Snug Yellow, Light Mosque, Angraecum Orchid palette Flame Angelfish, Embarrassment, Seed Pod, Gameboy Light, Mountain Flower Mauve, Boat Orchid, Jordan Jazz, Crown of Thorns, Black M Blood Kiss, Roasted Pepper, Sneaky Devil, Gallant Gold, Buffallo Sauce, Flame Angelfish, Pier 17 Steel, Bright Midnight, Amaranth Even Evan, Roasted Sienna, Flame Angelfish, Herbal Garden, Middle Green Yellow, Atlantic Shoreline, Warm Pumpernickel, Serene Stre Flamenco, Flame Angelfish, Happy Tune, Scotch Thistle, Kacey's Pink, Cherry Velvet, Black Rock, Tender Twilight palette The Cottage, Flame Angelfish, Toxic Green, Scotch Lassie, Rare Turquoise, Hindu Lotus, Ripe Plum, Davy's Grey, November Skies, Bas Potter's Pink, Flame Angelfish, Bing Cherry Pie, Thermal palette Loveliest Leaves, Shimmering Glade, Phoenix Rising, Flame Angelfish, Amber, Crazy Eyes, Young Redwood, Copra, Cuba Brown, Deep Sea Middle Red, Flame Angelfish, Gross Green, Vibrant Purple, Barn Red, Allyson, Maastricht Blue, Eternity, Crystal Rapids, Sparkle Gl Pettingill Sage, Flame Angelfish, Primrose Path, Koi Pond, Diva Blue, Dancing Dragonfly, Daphne Rose, Rainforest Fern, Sassy Yello Autumn Robin, Flame Angelfish, Maximum Green Yellow, Blue Sapphire, Guilliman Blue, Lebanon Cedar, Off Broadway, Sinful, Prairie D Hurricane, Bannister Brown, Ovoid Fruit, Moss Stone, Breeze of Chilli, DodgeRoll Gold, Flame Angelfish, Technical Blue, Ninja Prin New England Brick, Flame Angelfish, Sweet Lemon Seed, Sealegs, Juicy Details, Ushabti Bone, Aleutian, Shishi Pink palette Red-Handed, Amazonian, Artisans Gold, Flame Angelfish, Royal Palm, Berry Blue, CGA Pink, Energic Eggplant, Crab Nebula, Lemon Gras Flame Angelfish, Venomous Green, Veritably Verdant, Chaste Blossoms, Teaberry, Bluish Black, Paddy, Heather Hill, Ghost, Angel of Flame Angelfish, Blue Hosta, Steel Pink, Sunset Red, Long-Haul Flight, Jalapeño Bouquet, Green Amazons, Pool Bar, Spearmint Ice pa Warm Hearth, Witch Wood, Flame Angelfish, Vesuvian Green, Limoncello, Lethal Lime, Wildness Mint, Sapphire Lace, Nectarous Nectari Redbox, Brazilian Brown, Flame Angelfish, Rainforest, American Violet, Egyptian Enamel, Ground Coffee, Concrete Landscape, Irish M Raging Raisin, Spicy Hue, Flame Angelfish, Tamago Orange, Stormy Ridge, Feverish Passion, Dancing Crocodiles, Pale Willow, Sedge, Brandy Punch, Flame Angelfish, Fresh Granny Smith, Rally Green, Seascape, Stormy Ridge, Perfect Ocean, Blue Oyster Cult, Exquisite Tate Olive, Flame Angelfish, Solarized, Forest Spirit, Blue Sentinel, Blue Yonder, Showstopper, Liquorice Red, Shuriken, Kirchner Tiger Stripe, Flame Angelfish, Dynamic Green, Prediction, Huckleberry, Tropical Moss, Toasted Wheat palette Flame Angelfish, Healing Plant, Fusion Red, Black Wash, Plum Smoke palette Baby Frog, Fire Lord, Flame Angelfish, Tank, Matte Sage Green, Sand Pebble, Willow Wind, Summer Bloom, Desert Flower palette Caliente, Ground Cumin, Yellow Sand, Orange Keeper, Flame Angelfish, Sea Palm, Cyan Sky, Tarnished Treasure palette Flame Angelfish, Vinca, Cream palette Zamesi Desert, Flame Angelfish, Energise, Juniper, Cork, Crowning, Grey Gloss, Nature Spirits palette Flame Angelfish Blossoming Dynasty, Flame Angelfish, Organic Green, Customs Green palette Dark Orange, Flame Angelfish, Nightly Activities, Charcoal Dust, French Market palette Shiitake Mushroom, Flame Angelfish, Rose Wine, Grated Beet, Harvest Home palette Oak Brown, Toast, Flame Angelfish, Tree Frog Green, Letter Grey, Venetian Glass, Madder Blue palette Flame Angelfish, Granite Falls palette Reynard, Flame Angelfish, Marine Green, Kurobeni palette Soft Cocoa, Le Corbusier Crush, Bergamot Orange, NYC Taxi, Flame Angelfish, Citrus Delight palette Shinshu, Vintage Gold, Flame Angelfish, Citrus Splash, Green Fluorite, Grisaille palette Fresh Cedar, New England Roast, Fiery Coral, Flame Angelfish, Inland Waters, Granada Sky, Celine, Cherry Cocoa, Spanish Crimson, T Flame Angelfish, Blue Enchantment, Knock On Wood palette Tomato, Flame Angelfish, Leafy Lichen, Pine Garland, Post It, Gentian Flower, Whirligig, Minified Mauve palette Aztec Glimmer, Flame Angelfish, Heliotrope Magenta palette Red Dead Redemption, Cork Brown, Flame Angelfish, Borage, Sacrifice palette Amazon Stone, Marmalade Glaze, Apricot Buff, Flame Angelfish, Capricorn Golden Key, Blue Emerald, Blue Nights, Carrier Pigeon Blue Red Brown, Motherland, Olde World Gold, Flame Angelfish, Slate Tile, Siliceous Red, Laura, Salt Lake palette Baklava, Flame Angelfish, Sweet Lemon Seed, Prism Violet, Girls Night Out, Haunted Forest, Meek Moss Green, Joie De Vivre, Respite Mauve Mole, California Roll, Brown Rust, Brown Bag, Flame Angelfish, Soft Charcoal, Ultra Indigo, Bat's Blood Soup, Wishing Star,

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #fd4c29 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:

Imagen Flame Angelfish #fd4c29 color png