Creado en 02/22/2023 10:40

#fe83cc HEX Color Angel Face Rose información

#fe83cc RGB(254, 131, 204)

RGB los valores son RGB(254, 131, 204)
#fe83cc el color contiene Rojo 99.61%, Verde 51.37% y Azul 80%.

Nombres de color de #fe83cc HEX código

Angel Face Rose, bubblegum pink Color

Clasificación de colores #fe83cc

#fe83cc es Luz y Cálido Color
Sombra de hotpink
Color opuesto para Angel Face Rose – #81feb3

#fe83cc Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #fe83cc Angel Face Rose

hsl(324, 98%, 75%)
hsla(324, 98%, 75%, 1)
RGB(254, 131, 204)
RGBA(254, 131, 204, 1)

Paletas para el color #fe83cc Angel Face Rose:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #fe83cc color HEX

el color más oscuro es #190d14 de los tonos y el color más claro es #fff3fa de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #fe83cc:
Paleta de tintes de #fe83cc:
Paleta complementaria de #fe83cc:
Paleta triádica de #fe83cc:
Paleta cuadrada de #fe83cc:
Paleta análoga de #fe83cc:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #fe83cc:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #fe83cc:

Color Angel Face Rose #fe83cc usado en paletas (50)

Abstract Neon 2 city Grey Locks, Wild Horses, Magic Spell, Angel Face Rose, Sleepless Blue palette Tan Brown, Golden Lion Tamarin, Fiji Palm, Waiporoporo Purple, Vice City, New Navy Blue, Rose Pink Villa, Kiss A Frog, Angel Face Booger Buster, Rushing River, Punky Pink, Angel Face Rose palette Ironbreaker, Angel Face Rose palette Mordant Red 19, Stone, Angel Face Rose, Pale Celadon, Olympus White, Lavender Pizzazz palette Mirage, Angel Face Rose palette Maize, Mallardish, Night Shift, Iron Flint, Angel Face Rose, Parisian Cashmere, Peaceable Kingdom, Geyser Steam palette Vivid Burgundy, Limonite, Brown Yellow, Deep Daishin Yellow, Illuminating Emerald, Majestic Eggplant, Purple Brown, Night Gull Gre Fallen Rock, Perfectly Purple, Rosewood, Galenite Blue, Thorny Branch, Bonza Green, Postmodern Mauve, Softened Green, Angel Face R Ivy Garden, Wild Party, Shingle Fawn, Vivid Vermilion, Dill, Cadaverous, Mystique Violet, Ruggero Grey, Garden Flower, Dutchess Da Cartoon Violence, Machine Green, Cigarette Glow, Semi-Precious, Sailboat, Bonsai Garden, Cuppa Coffee, Angel Face Rose, April Wind Lost Summit, Faded Khaki, Antique Copper, Salmon, Malted Mint Madness, Periwinkle, Putnam Plum, Loulou, Sundried Tomato, Stamped C Persimmon Varnish, Clarified Butter, Sultan Gold, Egg Yolk Sunrise, Rural Eyes, Fruitless Fig Tree, Philippine Pink, Novelty Navy, Sabo Garden, Dirty Yellow, Flirty Rose, Fudge Truffle, Nana palette Laurel Oak, Rice Curry, Peach Butter, Lighthouse Glow, Forget-Me-Not, Magenta Violet, Limo-Scene, Japanese Bonsai, Athenian Green, Fire Island, Flickery CRT Green, King Creek Falls, Magic Moment, Billycart Blue, High Dive, Strawberry Freeze, Powdered Cocoa, Tia Pookie Bear, Greenery, Kilkenny, Cool Waters, Well Blue, Dracula Orchid, Atlantic Navy, Périgord Truffle, Grey Chateau, Just Rosey Shakshuka, Cognac, Nasty Green, Dynasty Green, Berry Smoothie, Dark Danger, Hero, Battle Cat, Mouse Catcher, Hearts of Palm palett Ripe Pear, Forest Maid, Chin-Chin Cherry, Mole, Evening Blue, Plush, Puritan Grey, Cannery Park, Desert Pebble, Angel Face Rose pa Humorous Green, Rich Gardenia, Melon, Black Mana, Chenin, Peppermint Spray, Nymph Green, Angel Face Rose, Dante Peak palette Bronze Treasure, Gold Ore, Phaser Beam, Chifle Yellow, Galleon Blue, Star of David, Legendary Lavender, Kathleen's Garden, Arctic Cadmium Red, Dechant Pear Yellow, Vibrant Honey, Soft Savvy, Fall Mood, Angel Face Rose, Meadow Glen, Frozen Pea, Honey Do, Prince Deer God, Cocoa Pecan, September Gold, I'm a Local, Chinese Orange, Blaze, Cream Gold, Experience, Lake Tahoe Turquoise, Vile Gree Indian Red, Umbra Sand, Bourbon, Swimmer, Rainstorm, Chive, Bull Kelp, Deep Walnut, Dancing Dolphin, Firm Pink, Angel Face Rose, Y Copper Brown, Antelope, Thyme and Salt, Bournonite Green, Bermuda Triangle, Tile Blue, Ruthless Empress, Galactic Civilization, Bl Rustic Hacienda, Sunblast Yellow, The Broadway, Café Noir, Hairy Brown, Quail Hollow, Vicarious Violet, Fynbos Leaf, Angel Face Ro Grouchy Badger, Grey Brown, Enshūcha Red, Rusty Nail, Clematis Green, Tap Shoe, Ravenclaw, Decadent Chocolate, Restless Sea, Sabio Flight of Fancy, Old Driftwood, Orangish Brown, Orange Danger, Mango Orange, Wild Pigeon, Drama Queen, Sunday Niqab, Delicate Viol Ebony Lips, Agate Green, Pristine Oceanic, Bastion Grey, Greenwich, Desert Dust, Angel Face Rose palette River Fountain, Niebla Azul, Angel Face Rose, Straw Yellow, Aloe Wash, Chalk Beige palette Dragon Bay, Mission Control, Brilliant Azure, Stormy Grey, Patriarch, Vantablack, Sodalite Blue, Night Folly, Scorpion Grass Blue, Neon Romance, Mario, Dangerously Red, Amber Glow, Lime Acid, Champion Blue, Denim, California Wine, Salty Dog, Fish Net Blue, Pitc Eye Of Newt, Red Bell Pepper, Fuchsite Green, Harvest Oak, Angel Face Rose palette Silken Ruby, Tuscan Mosaic, Eclectic Purple, Cliff Ridge, Alpine Air, Grassland, Angel Face Rose palette Bold Avocado, Greenish Brown, Angel Face Rose palette Monastery Mantle, Mixed Berry Jam, Angel Face Rose palette Pico Sun, Vermeer Blue, Mulberry Bush, Sonora Hills, Grey Wolf, Bailey Bells palette Mythical Orange, Blue Fire, Golden Oat Coloured palette Historic Town, Gangsters Gold, Rosemary Green, Nancy, Chocolate Truffle, Aero palette Tribal, Soft Olive, Lost Lake, Angel Face Rose palette Italian Villa, Hazed Nuts, Chestnut Chest, Stormy Strait Grey, Swedish Blue, Galenite Blue, Relaxing Blue, Angel Face Rose palette multi colors Homestead Red, Gilded Glamour, Gilded Pear, Fragrant Cloves, Sesame Street Green, Plum Blue palette Mechrite Red, Exploring Khaki, Crease, Barley Corn, Quithayran Green, Polished Leather, Roman Bath, Grand Gusto palette Number #321 Ruby Red, Courtyard Green, Nut Oil, Light Copper, Canopy, Yacht Club Blue, Âbi Blue, Lilac Violet, Sepia, Gentle Mauve, Showcase B Tree Branch, Orange Hibiscus, Beaded Blue, Mulberry Purple, Truly Taupe palette Berlin Blue, Brisket palette National Anthem, Plasticine, Shagreen, Mexicali Rose, Angel Face Rose, Salmon Run palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #fe83cc con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Angel Face Rose #fe83cc color png