Dibuat di 02/22/2023 17:00

#e49780 HEX Warna Sockeye informasi

#e49780 RGB(228, 151, 128)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(228, 151, 128)
#e49780 mengandung warna Merah 89.41%, Hijau 59.22% Dan Biru 50.2%.

Nama Warna dari #e49780 HEX kode

Sockeye Warna

Klasifikasi warna #e49780

#e49780 adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Warna dari darksalmon
Warna berlawanan untuk Sockeye – #81cde4

#e49780 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #e49780 Sockeye

hsl(14, 65%, 70%)
hsla(14, 65%, 70%, 1)
RGB(228, 151, 128)
RGBA(228, 151, 128, 1)

Palet untuk warna #e49780 Sockeye:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #e49780 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #170f0d dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fcf5f2 dari rona

Palet nuansa #e49780:
Palet warna #e49780:
Palet pelengkap #e49780:
Palet triadik #e49780:
Palet persegi #e49780:
Palet analog dari #e49780:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #e49780:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #e49780:

Warna Sockeye #e49780 digunakan dalam palet (50)

Wales Sockeye Sockeye, Distant Sky, Acini di Pepe, French Bustle, Hot Beach palette Sockeye, Sycamore Tree, Pastel Peach palette Sockeye, Dark Ivy, Pannikin, Blue Paisley, UP Forest Green, Chervil Leaves, Minty Fresh palette Martian Ironearth, Sockeye, Irish Jig, Galactic Emerald, Celine, Jet Stream, Orca White, Marzipan White palette Sockeye, Ocean Storm, Wiped Out, Blue Cuddle, Young Gecko, Lavish Lemon, Weathered Pink palette Hemoglobin Red, Persian Gold, Sockeye, CG Blue, Baked Potato, Apple II Beige, American Pink palette Sockeye, Fresh Straw, Poseidon Jr., Metal Petal, Weeping Wisteria, Hill Giant palette Bethlehem Red, Sockeye, Turtle Bay, Primal Blue, Purple Magic, Bright Indigo, Heliotrope, Sensuous Grey, Frog Green, Whiskey and W Chocolate Temptation, Dark Sand, Sockeye, Jīn Zōng Gold, Sulphur Yellow, Aqua Experience, Larimar Blue, Majestic Plum, Lunar Base, Centaur, Sockeye, Catalina Tile, NYC Taxi, Rayo de Sol, Cameroon Green, Dark Night, Calcite Grey Green, Digital, City Tower, Straw Carmen Miranda, Red Gore, Sockeye, Carol's Purr, Stinging Wasabi, Maximum Blue, Magenta Violet, Newport Indigo, Oyster Linen, Gree Emu, Burnished Copper, Sockeye, Nuclear Blast, Unreal Teal, Screen Gem, Cold Steel, Tuscan Brown, Stack, Gunmetal Beige, Fine Grei Fuzzy Wuzzy, Sockeye, Blood Orange Juice, Candy Violet, Bruised Burgundy, Burley Wood, Flexible Grey, Regency Cream, Dakota Wheat Little Red Corvette, Pottery Urn, Shaker Peg, Sockeye, Honey and Thyme, Jadeite, Little Theater, Treasure Seeker, Dark Humor, Stil Sockeye, Lucky, Vivid Lime Green, Valerian, D. Darx Blue, Forest Splendor, Purple Kite, Diorite, Blue Skies Today, Minified Blue, Pie Safe, Worsted Tan, Sockeye, Honey Glow, Sister Loganberry Frost, Devil's Advocate, Infinite Night, Sassafras, Freshwater Marsh Walnut Shell Brown, Peach Macaron, Sockeye, Golden Kingdom, Blue Yonder, Dolphin Daze, Classic Berry, Odyssey, Rain Cloud palette Bern Red, Suzume Brown, Sockeye, Autumn Leaf Brown, Gumdrop Green, Ruskin Bronze, Mangosteen, Art Nouveau Violet, Song Thrush, Voi Dry Dock, Unforgettably Gold, Peanut Brittle, Sockeye, Grape Hyacinth, Phenomenal Pink, Haitian Flower, Peacock Purple, Cloudy Des Sockeye, Mozzarella Covered Chorizo, Red Panda, Uran Mica, Bright Lime Green, Rubylicious, Red Bean, Dark Imperial Blue, Silver St Mill Creek, Antique Gold, Sockeye, Fresh Squeezed, Lime Tree, Bioluminescence, Atlantic Shoreline, Wistful Mauve, Harpoon, Stiegli Sockeye, Duck Sauce, Leopard, Rockman Blue palette Sockeye, Menacing Clouds, Black Coral, Aurora Splendor, Burning Raspberry, Quantum of Light, Elm Green, Chamois Tan, Metropolis Mo Sockeye, Trinket, Murdoch, Indigo Batik, High Profile, Rebecca Purple, Polka Dot Plum, Rapid Rock, Dutchess Dawn, Citrus Butter pa Bronze Fig, Sockeye, Sour Apple Rings, Gorgonzola Blue, Scuff Blue, Putnam Plum, Royal Hunter Green, Tree of Life, Violet Whimsy, Brazilian Brown, Sockeye, Phoenix Red, Hudson Bee, Off Green, Gilneas Grey, Pilot Blue, Ultraviolet Cryner, Soulful, Egyptian Temp Rich Biscuit, Olive Wood, Screaming Bell Metal, Date Fruit Brown, Sockeye, Faded Orange, California Girl, Orange Burst, Smitten, P Homestead, Glowing Coals, Lemon Bar, Sockeye, Caribbean Cruise, Blue Ruin palette Sockeye, Plastic Carrot, Lime Jelly, Boating Green, Blue Cloud, Altar of Heaven, Apple-A-Day, Evening Sea, Black Locust, Lilas, Co Eagle Eye, Old Ruin, Wet Pottery Clay, Sockeye, Bee Yellow, Brussels, Near Moon, Vivid Orchid, Blue Fantastic, East Side, Lap Pool Wood Garlic, Sockeye, Duck Butter, Succulent Leaves, Zephyr Green, Verdigris, Blue Sari, Astral, Trixter, Plum Savor, Dirty Leathe Golden Slumber, Sockeye, Mystic Turquoise, Blue Martina, Valley of Glaciers, Salem Blue, Dustblu, Lake Placid palette Cedar Plank Salmon, Sockeye, Pico Void, Moss Glen, Budōnezumi Grape, Cosmo Purple, Prairie House, Purpletini palette Hickory Stick, Earthy Ocher, Light Oak Brown, Sockeye, Late Afternoon, Ochre Spice, Herb Cornucopia, Well Blue, Peppercorn Rent, C Grapple, Sockeye, Subterranean River, Moonlit Ocean, Cherrywood, Olive Court, Yacht Club, Sahara Wind palette Sockeye, Glitzy Gold, Larch Bolete, Embroidered Silk, Keepsake, Snow Tiger palette Sockeye, Lime Pop, Yellow Stagshorn, Fisherman Knit palette Caramel Sauce, Sockeye, Indubitably Green, Pesto di Rucola, Hyssop, Cozy Cover palette Star and Crescent Red, Sockeye, Spear Shaft palette Love for All, Hot and Spicy, Sockeye, Coral Quartz, Livid, Blue Lust, Pigment Indigo, Anarchist palette Cameo Brown, Aged Whisky, Sockeye, Phosphor Green, Princely Violet, Bavarian Sweet Mustard, Vineyard Wine, Heavy Charcoal palette Southern Barrens Mud, Sockeye, Adonis, Blackest Brown, Mariana Trench, Āsmānī Sky, Almond Cream palette Molasses Cookie, Sockeye, Dark Blackberry, London Stones palette Sockeye, Fluorescent Orange, Burnt Maroon, Excelsior, Kangaroo Pouch, Harmonious palette Summerset, Spicy Tomato, Sockeye, Magic Melon, Classy Plum palette Chili Con Carne, Sockeye palette Untamed Red, Sockeye, Faded Orchid, Sweet Grape, Craft Brown, Dwarf Rabbit palette Iron Mountain, Rosy Sunset, Sockeye, Nīlā Blue, Bruised Bear, Jumbo palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #e49780 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
Teks besar:
Teks kecil:
Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
Teks besar:
Teks kecil:

Gambar Sockeye #e49780 warna png